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Toys for doves

Alien J

Rollerblading along the road
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West Virginia (from Elyria, OH)
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Janet Rush Van Eyck
Hello everybody! I was wondering what, if any, types of things doves and/or pigeons like to play with. Do any of you have a single dove? I think that Noki is bored. He's also getting very fat. Noki is a wild white winged dove I'm caring for while searching for a sanctuary for him. He also has a full femoral fracture which greatly inhibits his mobility and his ability to land and perch. As a matter of fact, he can't perch at all. I just want to enrich his life as much as possible. Thanks! 1671232037420.jpg


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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My friend gives her diamond Dove pair crinkle paper strands in the bowl to throw around and a small light hanging bell toy.


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I cared for a pigeon for a while, he loved string like toys to peck and pull at. Can he walk properly? They also love foraging for food on the ground in my experience, if you have some kind of bedding/crinkle paper, you could fill a plate with it and scatter some seeds. Good luck with him!

Alien J

Rollerblading along the road
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West Virginia (from Elyria, OH)
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Janet Rush Van Eyck
My friend gives her diamond Dove pair crinkle paper strands in the bowl to throw around and a small light hanging bell toy.
I put strips of paper towels in the cage a few weeks ago and Noki does seem to like throwing them around. Especially into his water bowl.!

Some people offer a mirror toy but there is a lot of controversy on the topic. My pigeon has two and I watch for the danger signs discussed in this link: Mirrors in cages - a warning
I put a mirror in for Noki about a month ago. With TD I waited until he was about 2 yrs old. I also played games with TD using mirrors prior to putting one in his cage. Noki just seemed so incredibly lonely. We used to leave Noki outside all day with the other doves, now it's just too cold. Noki doesn't seem overly obsessed with the mirror...though it's by his food bowl which is basically where you'll always find him/her! So maybe it's the mirror! :)
Thanks for the link. I'll read it!

Can he walk properly?
No. He can't even stand properly. Here's a video.


The Peachy Inkpress
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I asked some of my bird friends for help:

"The pigeons at my job (avian vet) love to shred paper I wonder if they would like a foraging box with crinkle paper."


Jogging around the block
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Isabelle (she/her)
Was just reminded by another post that my pet pigeon also has a plushie as a toy. It is one of those small dog plushies that has a “beating heart” and is often used to ease transitions from litter mates to new homes. Doves and pigeons are very similar with some
Differences (What's the Difference Between Pigeons & Doves? -) but Im guessing a small pet safe plushie could work for a dove too.


Jogging around the block
My pigeons love to pull at long strands of grass, you could probably replicate that with some strands of something tied up :) I would be cautious hanging strings just because of the risk of them getting tangled but other materials like crinkle paper could work. They also enjoy foraging. And also pecking at interesting looking things, mine pay attention to colours, patterns, textures and such on different material, my hand reared babies have always liked pecking and looking at the letters and pictures on pieces of newspaper, you could use anything bird safe.

Alien J

Rollerblading along the road
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West Virginia (from Elyria, OH)
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Janet Rush Van Eyck
Do any of you use any plants in your pigeon/dove cages?

Doves and pigeons are very similar
It's my understanding that they are basically the same. In America we call the ones with squarer tails pigeons and the pointy tailed ones doves, but I read that in the UK they do the reverse. I don't think many people realize how many lives were saved by pigeons during wartime. Carrying messages even after being shot. I've always loved 'em and raising the Band Tailed Pigeon, Miyetti, cemented that. Miyetti was the reason I became an avid bird watcher and I am astounded at all their behaviors.

Where's the best place to buy bird safe crinkle paper?
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Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Do any of you use any plants in your pigeon/dove cages?

It's my understanding that they are basically the same. In America we call the ones with squarer tails pigeons and the pointy tailed ones doves, but I read that in the UK they do the reverse. I don't think many people realize how many lives were saved by pigeons during wartime. Carrying messages even after being shot. I've always loved 'em and raising the Band Tailed Pigeon, Miyetti, cemented that. Miyetti was the reason I became an avid bird watcher and I am astounded at all their behaviors.

Where's the best place to buy bird safe crinkle paper?
Dollar tree has plain paper shred that is safe. Just avoid anything shiny

Alien J

Rollerblading along the road
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West Virginia (from Elyria, OH)
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Janet Rush Van Eyck
I can't get over how absolutely adorable he is.
I know, right? When I found him/her I did my best NOT to bond with him/her. We knew he was out of the nest a little early (there were actually two of them).


There's a huge white winged dove population here so I just moved them from the driveway to the grass assuming their parents would take care of them. A while later I went to check and one had passed and the other one wasn't very lively. Upon further examination we saw that the top half of it's left leg was just a mass of bloody puss. I honestly didn't think it would survive the infection. We treated it with topical antibiotic. We kept it outside and I fed him Kaytee Exact baby bird formula. Later other doves would actually come and feed him through the bars of the cage. I took this through the screen door.
I made great effort not to bond with Noki as I fully intended to release him when the infection was gone. As it healed, though, we realized how broken he/she was. If I had known the extent of his/her injuries, I probably would have had him euthanized. We talked to the Avian vet I take TD to and she said that was all we could do. Noki will obviously not be able to be released. She said Noki's probably not in pain anymore from the injuries. I talked to the wildlife rehab center in Albuquerque, but they were overrun with animals hurt during the Black Fire and said they would just put him down. Now I wish I would have bonded with him more when he was first with us. Now it's going to take some time to gain the trust. He's just this week started making the White Winged Dove signature coo-coo!


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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I know, right? When I found him/her I did my best NOT to bond with him/her. We knew he was out of the nest a little early (there were actually two of them).

View attachment 419443

There's a huge white winged dove population here so I just moved them from the driveway to the grass assuming their parents would take care of them. A while later I went to check and one had passed and the other one wasn't very lively. Upon further examination we saw that the top half of it's left leg was just a mass of bloody puss. I honestly didn't think it would survive the infection. We treated it with topical antibiotic. We kept it outside and I fed him Kaytee Exact baby bird formula. Later other doves would actually come and feed him through the bars of the cage. I took this through the screen door.
View attachment 419444
I made great effort not to bond with Noki as I fully intended to release him when the infection was gone. As it healed, though, we realized how broken he/she was. If I had known the extent of his/her injuries, I probably would have had him euthanized. We talked to the Avian vet I take TD to and she said that was all we could do. Noki will obviously not be able to be released. She said Noki's probably not in pain anymore from the injuries. I talked to the wildlife rehab center in Albuquerque, but they were overrun with animals hurt during the Black Fire and said they would just put him down. Now I wish I would have bonded with him more when he was first with us. Now it's going to take some time to gain the trust. He's just this week started making the White Winged Dove signature coo-coo!
He's so lucky to have you caring for him,I'm confident that with a bit more one on one time he will easily bond with you.


Jogging around the block
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Isabelle (she/her)
What a beautiful dove and a lovely story. I love that doves fed him through the cage. My first rescue pigeon was very seriously injured when I adopted him and despite the care of an excellent avian vet and the support of volunteers from Palomacy, he died and I was distraught. My current pigeon was also found as a fledgling without parents and brought to a wildlife rehab center that could not keep her. I struggled with the whole bonding issue because it seems so unfair to the pigeon to have them bond with a human but my contact at Palomacy explained to me that a pigeon who was not taught to survive in the wild by adult pigeons really has no choice but to become a kept pigeon and since this one was a baby we decided she would be an indoor pigeon. It took 6 months of daily interaction for her to trust me and I had to be taught not to overly defer to her fear of my hands and to go ahead and pick her up, place her pigeon pants on so she could roam the house and fly freely in the house. Now she has started to fly to me and rest on my shoulder. It seems to me that you’re doing an amazing job of healing and caring for this dove. I hope you have many years together. Here is a photo of her with her plushie when she first came home in May. And also some of her in pigeon pants (which I thought were absolutely ridiculous…until I realized their benefit lol!) 19143C4D-C249-46EF-8AFF-64965CD9AFBC.jpeg 54662DA3-510E-41BF-91A0-69D0AC97DACF.jpeg BB2147EA-3A96-4FA2-B8AD-CF0A7AA0A9A2.jpeg 4654DF28-E2F9-4ADB-A122-462773E86CF0.jpeg

Alien J

Rollerblading along the road
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West Virginia (from Elyria, OH)
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Janet Rush Van Eyck
What a beautiful dove and a lovely story. I love that doves fed him through the cage. My first rescue pigeon was very seriously injured when I adopted him and despite the care of an excellent avian vet and the support of volunteers from Palomacy, he died and I was distraught. My current pigeon was also found as a fledgling without parents and brought to a wildlife rehab center that could not keep her. I struggled with the whole bonding issue because it seems so unfair to the pigeon to have them bond with a human but my contact at Palomacy explained to me that a pigeon who was not taught to survive in the wild by adult pigeons really has no choice but to become a kept pigeon and since this one was a baby we decided she would be an indoor pigeon. It took 6 months of daily interaction for her to trust me and I had to be taught not to overly defer to her fear of my hands and to go ahead and pick her up, place her pigeon pants on so she could roam the house and fly freely in the house. Now she has started to fly to me and rest on my shoulder. It seems to me that you’re doing an amazing job of healing and caring for this dove. I hope you have many years together. Here is a photo of her with her plushie when she first came home in May. And also some of her in pigeon pants (which I thought were absolutely ridiculous…until I realized their benefit lol!) View attachment 419450 View attachment 419451 View attachment 419452 View attachment 419453
She's adorable. The problem with keeping Noki is that it's against the Migratory Bird Act. I could technically be fined thousands of dollars for having this dove in my possession. I'm not overly worried about it here. I am aware of the content of the Bird Act, but I'm also confident in the intent of the Bird Act. The problem is really that we are in an RV park, and we're not planning on staying. If we were to get checked at a State border crossing they would confiscate Noki.

Getting any out of cage time with either TD or Noki is hard. I also have two dogs and a fiance in the RV. Not much room. With the freezing temps we're experiencing now, I can't expect the dogs to stay outside while I take birds out.

But, we'll figure it out. If I can't find a place for him we'll just take him with us. We'll hide him in the bedroom when we cross borders and keep our fingers crossed!

I love the poop pants! That's another issue with Noki. He cannot clean his vent area bcuz of the way his leg is. I need to get him to let me bathe it!
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Jogging around the block
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Isabelle (she/her)
She's adorable. The problem with keeping Noki is that it's against the Migratory Bird Act. I could technically be fined thousands of dollars for having this dove in my possession. I'm not overly worried about it here. I am aware of the content of the Bird Act, but I'm also confident in the intent of the Bird Act. The problem is really that we are in an RV park, and we're not planning on staying. If we were to get checked at a State border crossing they would confiscate Noki.

Getting any out of cage time with either TD or Noki is hard. I also have two dogs and a fiance in the RV. Not much room. With the freezing temps we're experiencing now, I can't expect the dogs to stay outside while I take birds out.

But, we'll figure it out. If I can't find a place for him we'll just take him with us. We'll hide him in the bedroom when we cross borders and keep our fingers crossed!

I love the poop pants! That's another issue with Noki. He cannot clean his vent area bcuz of the way his leg is. I need to get him to let me bathe it!
Seems like you’re doing beautifully with the circumstances you have! I wonder if having a certificate of health from a vet and perhaps a note stating the bird is injured would help in the unlikely case you get “caught”. May also be worth reaching out to Palomacy to see if they have any volunteers in NM (in my experience they have a national network). I also have two dogs and a husband and I dream of having an RV (to travel as I homeschool our two little ones) but I get that this makes sharing space during winter season more complicated. Again it seems like you’re doing a great job managing it and your birds are lucky to have you.

Pat H

Rollerblading along the road
Apple River, IL
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I put strips of paper towels in the cage a few weeks ago and Noki does seem to like throwing them around. Especially into his water bowl.!

I put a mirror in for Noki about a month ago. With TD I waited until he was about 2 yrs old. I also played games with TD using mirrors prior to putting one in his cage. Noki just seemed so incredibly lonely. We used to leave Noki outside all day with the other doves, now it's just too cold. Noki doesn't seem overly obsessed with the mirror...though it's by his food bowl which is basically where you'll always find him/her! So maybe it's the mirror! :)
Thanks for the link. I'll read it!

No. He can't even stand properly. Here's a video.
We were blessed w/ our precious baby Mourning Dove about 7yr ago when nest destroyed.. she was the about the size of a quarter. Can't find any 'special' treats for her, tho think she does eat some of the dry meal worms we give her. Sure wish we could enhance her diet. Never see her playing w/ any toys, etc. Afraid of flickering flashlights [shadows?]. Loves to cuddle, scratch under her wings. I enjoy the 'coo-off'... [ie, back and forth cooing].