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To bird, or not to bird.. that is the question! :)


Meeting neighbors
Hello all!

New here (though I've been a lurker for a while!).

About me, I love birds and come from a long line of bird lovers. It started with my Great Grandma (moms side) who had a pet chicken. They adored each other. When she died, they found her beloved chicken, it died the day she was buried.

When I was born my Nonno (dads father) wanted to name me Lina..after his mom.my dad hated the name and refused (a no no for us) and my grandfather stopped talking to him, even though he lived with us. My mom bought him a budgie (he too was a bird lover) and he named it Lina. They were bffs until little Lina died.

At I think around 9 we got a Lilac Crowned amazon. It was love at first sight. He adored me and I adored him. My mom and him.. not so much. I had him up until my bf. Everyone knew about my bird. He was the first love of my life. My parents didn't approve of my bf, and kicked me out. I told them I would be back for my bird on Monday... I went back, and my mom sold him that weekend. I was beyond devastated. I looked for him and after a year tracked him down.. the new owner (the 2nd.. as the first didn't last long with him) said he "bonded" with her 10 year old daughter. She was also trying to breed him.. and refused. I was 30 and had him for over 20 odd years. I was devastated all over again.

Missing my bird, I quickly found another Red Headed Amazon. He was a rehome that wasn't working out. Her African Greys hated him. I took him in an instant. He was amazing the first 6 months when things started to turn.. he bonded with my husband. He did begin to attack me.. I got a bird behaviorist. Talked to the avian vet. It got to where I couldn't even change his bedding without almost getting my eye taken out. He screamed all day long until my husband came home.. still worked on him though now I had a 10 month old and another one on the way. I wasnt giving up on him. Then he stopped eating when my husband went away. My husband went away at least 2 weeks of the months. It was becoming a problem. By year 4 the avian vet suggest we try to rehome him.. we got him overweight and he had begun to lose, a lot. There was no underlying conditions.. he missed the hubs and with 2 small kids, and his aggression.. she was worried. I was heart broken all over again.

So my kids are older now. A 6 and 7 year old.. active, boys. We have an Australian Shepherd, love her.. but it isnt the same. I am a stay at home mom.. and I really miss having a companion. People don't get it, but the love from a bird, (as unstable as it is at times lol) is very different from the love of a dog.

But I am scared of losing my heart again. I want another Amazon. There is no other bird like them. They are LOUD, they are.. well.. moody, but they are hilarious. My kids know not to stick fingers in, but my little guy LOVES birds and I know would want to engage and help care for one.. my lilac crowned loved kids, the louder the better.. but I don't know how my kids would take a bird that may not take to them. So I am wondering if now is the time for another Amazon, or start with another feather friend.. and one day when the stars align, maybe then adopt a rehomed Amazon?

I have been around my aunts cockatoo (that pluked until it almost died as it was bonded to my uncle who worked late.. it hated everyone else) I dont love them, and don't want one. The self mutation really turned me off.

I have known many African greys.. I may be wrong, I find them very skittish and not good with fast moving, loud little ones.. at all. They seem a little sensitive, and not... "silly " like an amazon.

So I was thinking.. should I get a cockatiel? I know, it is supposedly a "starter" bird.. but maybe thats for a good reason. I know it won't be as funny as an amazon, but they seem more.. "stable" or not as "moody" which may be a great addition with the boys.

It is such a hard decision. When we got our dog, I actually had another one picked (a beautiful merle) and they spotted her and fell. She is a wonderful, sweet dog.. but they have zero interest in her. Well my oldest runs around with her.. but honestly, she is my husbands baby. So I keep struggling.. because all birds are a HUGE commitment, and live a really long time.. so I am juggling if I should go with my first love (an amazon) or go with something new but a better "family fit" until the kids are older and we can add. I did see a sweet cockatiel that is a total sweetie pie.. but I am torn. So torn.

Any help, or ideas would be soooo greatly appreciated.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Cockatiels are amazing, wonderful, underrated birds. I'd have a cockatiel before a cockatoo, Amazon, or grey any day. The only downside is if you have any allergies or asthma, their dust (and cockatoos, and greys) can exacerbate it.


Meeting neighbors
Cockatiels are amazing, wonderful, underrated birds. I'd have a cockatiel before a cockatoo, Amazon, or grey any day. The only downside is if you have any allergies or asthma, their dust (and cockatoos, and greys) can exacerbate it.
Thanks for the reply. That is a good point. My little guy has severe allergies to cats, and needs steroids when around them. We had allergy tests and cats were the only issue... I wonder if birds would be on the test? Our home is fairly large.. over 6500 square feet, pretty open rooms, with two new air purifiers hooked up when we moved in 6 months ago.. maybe it would help out with a dusty friend :)


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Perhaps, but I would hate to fall in love with a bird and have to rehome them because of allergies when other birds are less likely to cause a reaction.

Small conures (Pyrrhura family, green cheeks are an example) don't know they are small and are fun parrots that usually do well with families. They also don't have the ear splitting scream of their larger cousins, the Aratingas ( Sun conure as an example).


Meeting neighbors
Yes, that is exactly what I want to avoid as well. Not just because it is devastating for me, birds are often rehomed and it hurts them as well. On top of the fact giving away animals isnt exactly a quality i want to instill in my kids. I will maybe have a word with the peadiatrician.

I have only been around 3 green cheek conures so not an expert at all. They seem funny, and cute.. but I found them harder to "read".. if that is the right word. With my amazon, it was pretty clear when he was in a mood. And his moods were linked to the season. (Or person, he would take a run at my mom any chance he got). If it rained he would literally sit facing the corner of the wall and would clack at anyone who went by lol. My cousin had a couple, the one would lean in to be picked up and bam.. on your finger, no warning, no actual reason a bite. Granted it wasn't close to the bite of a larger bird.. but it still hurt!

Noise isn't an issue, at all.. and I know all birds are different and that I will be bit by a bird at some time. but are conures er.. a little more.. nippy, more often? (Which goes back to my children taking part in caring for the bird and interacting.. respectfully of course) And can you tell when they are in a mood, or is it like my cousins where they will just one second go for a little finger candy? They seem like they have personally though, so I wont rule anything out. :)


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Northern Mitten Michigan
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Shawna [she/her]
All of the families have their own languages and some are easier to read than others. I also think that people find that they are able to read some better than others. A lot of it is experience. I started with a quaker and green cheek conure, so when I brought home a Hahns Macaw (macaws supposedly easy to read) I was lost for a while as I learned her body language. When I got my Jardine's (Poicephalus family) I had the same experience. It takes time to learn their language :)


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
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All of the families have their own languages and some are easier to read than others. I also think that people find that they are able to read some better than others. A lot of it is experience. I started with a quaker and green cheek conure, so when I brought home a Hahns Macaw (macaws supposedly easy to read) I was lost for a while as I learned her body language. When I got my Jardine's (Poicephalus family) I had the same experience. It takes time to learn their language :)
You still have your Hahns? Oh, how I love one to have! Your Jardin is also very beautiful, bdw.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Northern Mitten Michigan
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Shawna [she/her]
You still have your Hahns? Oh, how I love one to have! Your Jardin is also very beautiful, bdw.
Sadly I do not. She was my heart bird but she is no longer with us. I only have the Jardine's


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Strolling the yard
I am sorry to hear what happened to your Amazon. It was cruel from your parents to sell your 20 years companion. I do agree that a green cheek conure is a good choice. They are really underrated birds; Smart, passionate, and not loud. They bond very well if you get a young hand-fed bird.

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Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Northern Mitten Michigan
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Shawna [she/her]
Birds do not need to be young or hand fed in order to bond ;) My best bird friends have been over 10 years old when I got them :)


Strolling the yard
Hello all!

New here (though I've been a lurker for a while!).

About me, I love birds and come from a long line of bird lovers. It started with my Great Grandma (moms side) who had a pet chicken. They adored each other. When she died, they found her beloved chicken, it died the day she was buried.

When I was born my Nonno (dads father) wanted to name me Lina..after his mom.my dad hated the name and refused (a no no for us) and my grandfather stopped talking to him, even though he lived with us. My mom bought him a budgie (he too was a bird lover) and he named it Lina. They were bffs until little Lina died.

At I think around 9 we got a Lilac Crowned amazon. It was love at first sight. He adored me and I adored him. My mom and him.. not so much. I had him up until my bf. Everyone knew about my bird. He was the first love of my life. My parents didn't approve of my bf, and kicked me out. I told them I would be back for my bird on Monday... I went back, and my mom sold him that weekend. I was beyond devastated. I looked for him and after a year tracked him down.. the new owner (the 2nd.. as the first didn't last long with him) said he "bonded" with her 10 year old daughter. She was also trying to breed him.. and refused. I was 30 and had him for over 20 odd years. I was devastated all over again.

Missing my bird, I quickly found another Red Headed Amazon. He was a rehome that wasn't working out. Her African Greys hated him. I took him in an instant. He was amazing the first 6 months when things started to turn.. he bonded with my husband. He did begin to attack me.. I got a bird behaviorist. Talked to the avian vet. It got to where I couldn't even change his bedding without almost getting my eye taken out. He screamed all day long until my husband came home.. still worked on him though now I had a 10 month old and another one on the way. I wasnt giving up on him. Then he stopped eating when my husband went away. My husband went away at least 2 weeks of the months. It was becoming a problem. By year 4 the avian vet suggest we try to rehome him.. we got him overweight and he had begun to lose, a lot. There was no underlying conditions.. he missed the hubs and with 2 small kids, and his aggression.. she was worried. I was heart broken all over again.

So my kids are older now. A 6 and 7 year old.. active, boys. We have an Australian Shepherd, love her.. but it isnt the same. I am a stay at home mom.. and I really miss having a companion. People don't get it, but the love from a bird, (as unstable as it is at times lol) is very different from the love of a dog.

But I am scared of losing my heart again. I want another Amazon. There is no other bird like them. They are LOUD, they are.. well.. moody, but they are hilarious. My kids know not to stick fingers in, but my little guy LOVES birds and I know would want to engage and help care for one.. my lilac crowned loved kids, the louder the better.. but I don't know how my kids would take a bird that may not take to them. So I am wondering if now is the time for another Amazon, or start with another feather friend.. and one day when the stars align, maybe then adopt a rehomed Amazon?

I have been around my aunts cockatoo (that pluked until it almost died as it was bonded to my uncle who worked late.. it hated everyone else) I dont love them, and don't want one. The self mutation really turned me off.

I have known many African greys.. I may be wrong, I find them very skittish and not good with fast moving, loud little ones.. at all. They seem a little sensitive, and not... "silly " like an amazon.

So I was thinking.. should I get a cockatiel? I know, it is supposedly a "starter" bird.. but maybe thats for a good reason. I know it won't be as funny as an amazon, but they seem more.. "stable" or not as "moody" which may be a great addition with the boys.

It is such a hard decision. When we got our dog, I actually had another one picked (a beautiful merle) and they spotted her and fell. She is a wonderful, sweet dog.. but they have zero interest in her. Well my oldest runs around with her.. but honestly, she is my husbands baby. So I keep struggling.. because all birds are a HUGE commitment, and live a really long time.. so I am juggling if I should go with my first love (an amazon) or go with something new but a better "family fit" until the kids are older and we can add. I did see a sweet cockatiel that is a total sweetie pie.. but I am torn. So torn.

Any help, or ideas would be soooo greatly appreciated.
if you have the cage set up and everything needed for a cockatiel !!! if you are ready for the responsibility, have experience with birds, I think you're totally ready !! Be kind to yourself, you got this !!! Cockatiels are very sweet !! The only downsides I can think of are how much dust and dander they accumulate :pinklol2: ! I've heard they are prone to night frights as well, I would check the cockatiel forums here for better info!! @Sparkles! @Sunni Tiel Tagging these two since they own tiels' !! Best of luck to you:heart:


Meeting neighbors
Thanks all. Birdview, your birds are beautiful. :heart:

It was def hard to lose him. I remember so many people commented it was "just a bird".. but I truly loved him.

I will look at a conure. Right now we are in lockdown, but maybe when it is lifted I will go into a rescue and see what they are like uoclose and personal :) my cousin is a huge animal lover, but also a single mom working 2 jobs.. so maybe with 3 kids and 4 dogs.. the birds were not getting enough human interaction.

I do plan to oneday have another Amazon someday, I can't imagine never having another one. And I have written many bird rescues here, hoping to one day be reunited with my boy.. it is a long shot, but hope springs eternal with me lol. Would a conure and an amazon get along? Obviously, not in the same cage..


Strolling the yard
Thanks all. Birdview, your birds are beautiful. :heart:

It was def hard to lose him. I remember so many people commented it was "just a bird".. but I truly loved him.

I will look at a conure. Right now we are in lockdown, but maybe when it is lifted I will go into a rescue and see what they are like uoclose and personal :) my cousin is a huge animal lover, but also a single mom working 2 jobs.. so maybe with 3 kids and 4 dogs.. the birds were not getting enough human interaction.

I do plan to oneday have another Amazon someday, I can't imagine never having another one. And I have written many bird rescues here, hoping to one day be reunited with my boy.. it is a long shot, but hope springs eternal with me lol. Would a conure and an amazon get along? Obviously, not in the same cage..
conures are amazing!!!! Maybe im just biased :lol:


Meeting neighbors
if you have the cage set up and everything needed for a cockatiel !!! if you are ready for the responsibility, have experience with birds, I think you're totally ready !! Be kind to yourself, you got this !!! Cockatiels are very sweet !! The only downsides I can think of are how much dust and dander they accumulate :pinklol2: ! I've heard they are prone to night frights as well, I would check the cockatiel forums here for better info!! @Sparkles! @Sunni Tiel Tagging these two since they own tiels' !! Best of luck to you:heart:


I don't have the cage yet, as I was going back and forth as to what birds to get :). My husbands business is near Parrotdise Perch and they have many in stock, and all kinds of toys, perches, stands etc..so it won't be a biggie to get one in a snap (I hope!).

EDIT: BIRD not Birds.. maybe my autocorrect knows something I don't lol


Strolling the yard

I don't have the cage yet, as I was going back and forth as to what birds to get :). My husbands business is near Parrotdise Perch and they have many in stock, and all kinds of toys, perches, stands etc..so it won't be a biggie to get one in a snap (I hope!).

EDIT: BIRD not Birds.. maybe my autocorrect knows something I don't lol
ooo good luck !! so exciting !! :hehepink:


Cruising the avenue
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This is gonna be a surprise, to those who know me and my stock answers:

You want an Amazon. Your heart wants an Amazon. Get the Amazon. If you tell us your location we can help you find a rescue nearby.


Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Welcome to the Avenue!

Over the many years, there are only a few species I can count that I have not rescued or fostered. I almost truly feel like I can say that I’ve pretty much had them all. I made the decision to halt all things birds when I needed to really focus on trying to conceive and become a mom-

Fast forward. When my son was about 5ish, I felt the feathered pull again. So I began to push feelers out, and was going to open my home back up once again to a bird in need. A chairwoman of a rescue well known in my area was ecstatic that I was “back in the game” so to speak, but fell horribly flat to learn I was now mom to a small child. That rescue has a rule of no kids with large birds, simply because they’ve experienced too many accidents even with highly responsible people in good situations.

And I wholeheartedly agree with them. There is an element of danger present with large birds and small children. I am firmly in the camp of “every bird can bite and scratch” but if it should happen I truly would rather a child get the wrong end of a small bird than a large one.

That being said...

My son is now nearly 13. (Yes, dear lord the teen years. Pray for us.) We have an absolute crotchety crab butt of a cockatiel that my son dearly loves, Mr. Winston Churchill. Two peas in a pod, those two! I honestly can’t tell you which stubborn male is more grouchy when they don’t get enough sleep. And they both stink and look rough if they don’t shower frequently. Thank heavens for shower perches, at least I can shove them both in there to bathe at the same time.

But, if I am honest, Churchill is not my heart bird. I love him, sure. He’s got amazing personality. He’s full of charm. And while he’s going to grumble and crab at you the whole entire time, there’s nothing he won’t do for us. Everyone in the family equally gets grumped at, even as he walks across the floor to step up to you. But that fat cheeked gray bird is happiest being with a young teenaged boy, in a room that sometimes smells like feet and gym bag after team practice. And that’s okay.

Birds have the right to choose their flock and special friends. Churchill never started out as my son’s bird. He was meant to be mine. To fill the feathery hole I had in my heart from the time before I was a mom. But things don’t always go the way we want them to.
Sometimes it’s enough to just have a sweet bird in your house. And our little prime minister is just that- simply a good hearted little fart, who may not be *my* heart bird, but is jovial (albeit cranky) addition none the less.

So I happily order toys and food. And clean. And often enough, tell that feathered bulldog to get off that brandy decanter that he flew to on the bar...with a smile on my face.


Biking along the boulevard
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I also think if you want an Amazon, get an Amazon.
There are some Amazons that I wouldn't especially trust with younger kids around like YNA, YHA, BFA males (the "Hot three")
But there are many Amazons that I think would work just fine. You are very experienced with Amazons and know their body language.
Lilac crowned and Orange wing come to mind right away as some I'd check into.
All birds can bite, even cockatiels and conures. Sure, a bigger beak can hurt more but Amazon body language is very clear and they don't try to trick you.
A kid can learn and be safe.