I've got a sweet 'keet who's been doing well through the seasons for the time I've had her, but due to the seemingly incessant storms passing through California as of late, it seems like she's never given a chance to really get warm. The windows in the room are always closed so cold air isn't making it into the cage, but obviously the house in general cools down each night. We have a heater in the hallway but it doesn't heat the room she's in very well. The cage is covered in blankets but still, the cage just isn't very warm. I tried getting a bird heater but they're only warm themselves, and she would never get close enough to it to actually feel the heat. I was considering getting a lamp with some kind of heating bulb (I was looking at an infrared since it seems it emits heat more than bright light) to give her a spot to warm up. Does anyone have any suggestions for a lamp and bulb? Or any other tips to warm her up?
Enjoy a photo of her on our way home from the vet. The light bouncing off her head looked like a cute little halo so I just had to take a picture lol

Enjoy a photo of her on our way home from the vet. The light bouncing off her head looked like a cute little halo so I just had to take a picture lol