Anyone else notice similar things about their nanday conures?
- Scout is not near as loud as I had feared. Her screams are predictable. They occur when I come home from work and she wants out NOW, when it is close to dinnertime and she is tired of waiting for me to get her, when she wants a napkin to chew on or she dropped her napkin (when out on her dinner cage (she loves napkins)), and if there is someone new in the house or something scares her. Otherwise, I will not hear a peep from her for hours.
- Scout LOVES to chew on soft things. She is in love with my shirts. She absolutely must have them. She does not damage them. I tuck a piece of shirt into her cage before I leave for work. She gets so excited you would think I just gave her the lotto winning numbers! She also loves napkins.
- Scout is extremely sweet and affectionate. She is constantly nuzzling me, giving me "kisses," etc. She is much sweeter than my maroon belly conure and caique.
-Scout makes the funniest cutest noises. She has a whole repertoire of sounds, completely different than my other two birds.
- Scout moves much slower than my other birds. She moves more deliberately. I dont know if this is because she was kept in a small cage before I got her or because it is how her species are.
When I first got Scout almost two years ago, I was surprised at how different she is than my other birds.