Lady Jane Ripping up the road Avenue Veteran Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 8/25/12 Messages 26,746 Location Maryland Real Name Dianne 7/7/23 #1 Thank you staff for your birthday wishes today. Somehow the numbers keep on climbing. I am proud of every wrinkle as my sister used to say.
Thank you staff for your birthday wishes today. Somehow the numbers keep on climbing. I am proud of every wrinkle as my sister used to say.
Mizzely Lil Monsters Bird Toys Super Moderator Vendor Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Avenue Concierge Joined 8/9/11 Messages 41,024 Location Northern Mitten Michigan Real Name Shawna [she/her] 7/7/23 #2 Sorry I'm late - Happy Birthday
Kassiani Biking along the boulevard Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 9/12/20 Messages 7,007 Location Southeastern U.S. 7/7/23 #3 Happy Birthday!
Lady Jane Ripping up the road Avenue Veteran Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 8/25/12 Messages 26,746 Location Maryland Real Name Dianne 7/7/23 #4 You are not late. Thanks.
April Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 3/21/10 Messages 24,770 7/7/23 #5 Happy birthday! Hope you've had a wonderful day.
Greylady1966 Rollerblading along the road Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 3/6/19 Messages 2,743 Location midwest Real Name Carol 7/7/23 #6 Happy birthday!
Mockinbirdiva Cruising the avenue Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 11/20/09 Messages 11,404 Location South Carolina Real Name Andrea 7/7/23 #7 Happy Birthday Diane!!! I hope you had a glorious day!
owlsthetic Jogging around the block Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 7/14/22 Messages 883 Location BC Canada 7/7/23 #8 Happy Birthday!
GreenThing Jogging around the block Joined 5/24/21 Messages 733 Location South Florida Real Name Kat 7/7/23 #9 Happy birthday! Hope it was an enjoyable one!
Sarahmoluccan Biking along the boulevard Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 7/3/16 Messages 8,536 Location Ontario Canada Real Name Sarah 7/7/23 #10 Happy Birthday
Khizz Rollerblading along the road Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 3/31/19 Messages 4,495 7/8/23 #11 Happy birthday!
Shezbug ASK ME FOR PICTURES OF MY MACAW! Super Moderator Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 4/28/18 Messages 26,806 Location Vic, Australia Real Name Shez 7/8/23 #12 Happy Birthday Hope you’ve had a lovely birthday xoxo
expressmailtome Ripping up the road Administrator Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 4/15/10 Messages 50,514 Real Name Matthew 7/8/23 #14 Happy Belated Birthday!
macawpower58 Flying along the Avenue Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Avian Angel Shutterbugs' Best Joined 8/25/11 Messages 1,000,000 Location Pennsylvania 7/8/23 #15 Happy Birthday Dianne!
Lady Jane Ripping up the road Avenue Veteran Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 8/25/12 Messages 26,746 Location Maryland Real Name Dianne 7/8/23 #16 Thanks to my bird friends here. The day was really eventful and lots of fun. I was really tired last night. Not used to all the activity.
Thanks to my bird friends here. The day was really eventful and lots of fun. I was really tired last night. Not used to all the activity.
Clueless Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Avenue Concierge Joined 11/3/12 Messages 24,495 7/8/23 #17 I missed it! Happy belated birthday!
FeatheredM Rollerblading along the road Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 5/14/21 Messages 2,817 Real Name Monique 7/8/23 #18 Happy birthday!!
zoo mom Ripping up the road Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 3/9/11 Messages 57,968 Location Indiana Real Name Elaine 7/8/23 #19 Happy belated birthday.
iamwhoiam Ripping up the road Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 4/16/12 Messages 28,337 Location the zoo 7/8/23 #20 Happy Birthday to you!