Hi There,
Id like to share my experience with these implants with everyone. I have a native australian rainbow lorikeet named KIKI she is the most incredible, affectionate and intelligent bird iv ever seen, she sleeps under my chin, dances and sings to me and i love her more than anything in the world.
KIKI was continously laying eggs, perhaps 2 a month minimum sometimes four. I took her to see one of the number one bird specialists in australia and we started on the hormone shots ( with no success ) then he suggested the implant.
He said he had done this surgery a million times and not to worry. First attempt, seemed successful until two weeks later when she went for her checkup and it turns out there was no implant ???? he suggested it may have came out ?? i then was in shock and so sad for my baby that she did this with no success.
As i was in shock and afraid and i took her home and tried all the other options such as more green vegetables and less sugary foods, more sunlight but she simply kept laying eggs. I took her back to the same bird specialist 5 months later. He insisted on the implant again and said that this time he would implant it into the muscle and she would be fine. I went ahead with it last week. Kiki's behaviour is normal although she is whinging alot and always wants to snuggle and stay next to me.
Today i turned her on her back and moved her feathers off her stomach to find a big lump where the implant is ( its basically sticking out of her ) and there is a dried black substance around the area which appears to be dried blood ?? Im not sure whats going on but this bird is my life and i am truly devastated about this implant. its a saturday now and i cant get a hold of the bird specialist til monday. If this implant is sticking out of my lorikeet i cant imagine it in a tiny little bird

i will re-post to let everyone know what the conclusion is but if anything is wrong i am literally going to go insane!