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Sticky for some good herbal remedies to keep on hand?


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Spotlight Award
NW 'Burbs of Chicago
I was just wondering if some of our more knowledgeable herbal "masters" might be willing to put together a herbal guideline and we could make it a sticky.

Herbs/teas/etc .. that would be good basics to have on hand.

We all know Cayenne ..

Just read about Slippery Elm ..

What other things would be a solid base for a herbal/holistic emergency kit???

Billie Faye

Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
Billie Faye
Alfalfa Leaf helps assimilate protein, calcium and other nutrients. Contains chlorophyll. Richest land source of trace minerals. Very rich supply of Beta Carotene, Vitamins K and D. High in Calcium and contains Phosphorus, Iron, Potassium and eight essential enzymes. It is also high in fructo-oligosaccarides which fertilize healthy bacteria in the gut and neutralize bad bacteria overgrowth such as Candida.
Parsley is used as a preventive herb. High in Vitamin B and Potassium. It is said to contain a substance in which cancer cells cannot multiply. Rich in iron, chlorophyll and Vitamins A and C. Contains sodium, copper, thiamin and riboflavin, silicon, sulfur, calcium and cobalt.
Flaxseed supplies the body with essential fatty acids. Not only are flaxseeds richer in these fatty acids than fish oil, but they also taste much better. Flaxseed also promotes strong nails, bones and healthy skin.
Bee Pollen contains 35% Protein, 55% Carbohydrate, 2% Fatty Acids, 3% Minerals and Vitamins. High in B-Complex Vitamins A, C, D and E. Also contains Lecithin, Beta Carotene and Selenium. It is rich in vitamins and contains almost all known minerals, trace elements, enzymes and amino acids. It contains the essence of every plant from which bees collect pollen in combination with digestive enzymes from the bees. This combination of elements make bee pollen an excellent source of antioxidants. Bee pollen is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream and stimulates immunological responses.
Chickweed contains Vitamins A, C and some B, Flavonoids, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc. It is used for skin problems, to treat blood disorders, gout and arthritis.
DandelionLeafbenefits liver function. Contains nutritive salts, protein, and is a rich source of Vitamin A. Also high in Vitamins B, C and E. Rich in Potassium, Calcium and sodium. Contains some Phosphorus and Iron as well as Nickel, Cobalt, Tin and Copper.
Red Clover Blossoms and Leaf contain Vitamins A, C, B-Complex, calcium, Chromium, Iron and Magnesium. Ed Clover has also been used effectively as a blood purifier and antibiotic.
Red Raspberry Leaf contains Vitamins A, C, D, E, and B. It is very high in available Calcium.
Rose Hips is abundant in Vitamin C and helps combat stress.
Milk Thistle Seeds supports the liver's ability to maintain normal liver function. Milk thistle works due to its ability to inhibit the factors responsible for liver damage, coupled with the fact it stimulates production of new liver cells to replace old damaged ones. Milk thistle is also an antioxidant that is more potent than Vitamins C and E.
Barley Grassis rich in Beta Carotene, B Vitamins and Vitamin C, the minerals Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Chlorophyll, 8 essential amino acids and enzymes, including antioxidant and superoxide dismutase. In total, it contains 92 minerals and 22 vitamins.
Dill Weed is high in Calcium and soothing to digestion.
Dulse is rich in Protein. It contains 22% more than chickpeas, almonds or whole sesame seeds. Very high in Vitamins B6 and B12. Relatively low in sodium and high in Potassium. Rich in trace minerals.
Garlic Powder fights bacteria like an antibiotic. Garlic's sulfur compounds, in addition to Selenium and Vitamins A and C containing compounds, make it a potent antioxidant, protecting cell membranes and DNA from damage and disease. Garlic directly attacks bacteria and viruses and stimulates the bodies natural defenses against foreign invaders.
Ginger Powder is an absolute favorite taste of parrots. It is an excellent herb for the respiratory system as well as an effective cleansing agent for the digestive system. It contains Protein, Vitamins A, C and B Complex, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium.
Wheat grass contains to many nutrients to mention them all. It is especially high in Fiber, Protein, Chlorophyll, Beta-Carotene, Vitamin B Complex, C, E and K, most minerals and contains 18 Amino Acids. High in Fructo-Oligosaccharides.
Astragalus Powderis an immunomodulator. It contains Glycosides, Polysaccharides, Choline, Betaine, Rumatakenin, and Beta-Sitosterol. It activates the immune system, thus enhancing the body's natural ability to fight disease and protecting the body against a number of toxins.
Chili Flakes is a digestive aid. This flake acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and aids in controlling pain.
Cinnamonis a favorite taste of parrots. It is a digestive aid and recent studies have shown it may help to eliminate E. Coli in food.
Turmeric Root has five times more antioxidant power than Vitamin E. Contains curcumin and many other phytochemicals. Makes foods more digestible and possesses anti-fungal and antibacterial properties and protects the liver by detoxification and scavenging free radicals. It also breaks down fats.
Taken from: http://www.aviannaturals.com/herbmix.html

Cayenne Pepper:
Cayenne is rich in the vitamins A, C, iron, potassium and calcium. It also contains some B complex, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur. It has an antioxident effect that in very high doses can increase the risk of some cancers but in moderate doses can help to heal other cancers.
Taken from: http://www.holisticbirds.com/pages/cayenne0801.htm

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Billie Faye

Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
Billie Faye
Bach Rescue Remedy Flower Essence, a Bach Flower Remedy Combination
flower essences - Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose and Clematis. Rescue Remedy combines these five Bach Flower Essences and can be used to help you cope with immediate everyday situations such as going to the dentist, interviews, making a complaint or wedding day nerves. It can also help in times of crisis or trauma such as bereavement, a relationship breakdown or redundancy.

Also very helpful for some traumatized animals. A few drops may be added to their water supply once or twice daily.

About the individual essences in Rescue Remedy:

  • Impatiens: For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. We've found it very fast-acting in alieviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress.
  • Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock, whether experienced recently or in the past. Teaches the ability to recover from traumas and to integrate them into the present life.
  • Cherry Plum: For those who fear losing control of their thoughts and actions and doing things they know are bad for them or which they consider wrong. Teaches trust in one's spontaneous wisdom and the courage to follow one's path.
  • Rock Rose: For situations in which one experiences panic or terror.
  • Clematis: For those who find their lives unhappy and withdraw into fantasy worlds. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life. Teaches one to establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas; may foster great creativity. Is also used to bring clarity and alertness to the present moment.


Hit the Road
Real Name
Bach Rescue Remedy Flower Essence, a Bach Flower Remedy Combination
flower essences - Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose and Clematis. Rescue Remedy combines these five Bach Flower Essences and can be used to help you cope with immediate everyday situations such as going to the dentist, interviews, making a complaint or wedding day nerves. It can also help in times of crisis or trauma such as bereavement, a relationship breakdown or redundancy.

Also very helpful for some traumatized animals. A few drops may be added to their water supply once or twice daily.

About the individual essences in Rescue Remedy:

  • Impatiens: For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. We've found it very fast-acting in alieviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress.
  • Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock, whether experienced recently or in the past. Teaches the ability to recover from traumas and to integrate them into the present life.
  • Cherry Plum: For those who fear losing control of their thoughts and actions and doing things they know are bad for them or which they consider wrong. Teaches trust in one's spontaneous wisdom and the courage to follow one's path.
  • Rock Rose: For situations in which one experiences panic or terror.
  • Clematis: For those who find their lives unhappy and withdraw into fantasy worlds. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life. Teaches one to establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas; may foster great creativity. Is also used to bring clarity and alertness to the present moment.
Note flower essences need a special dilution for birds. I have used/use flower essences for my birds and have some extra dropper bottles. The dropper bottle should be filled with water with a few drops of the essence. From that dilution you put 2-3 drops in their drinking water.
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Billie Faye

Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
Billie Faye
probably should he a part of every parrot owner's first aid arsenal. Aloe Detox is a detoxifying formula available from better health food stores. It contains double-strength Aloe Vera Gel (200:1) with pure Aloe Vera pulp and a natural herbal blend of Milk Thistle, Burdock, Dandelion, Echinacea, Green Lea, Red Clover and Blue Cohosh.. There are several brands available but the cases that I know of personally were successfully treated with a brand called "Natureade" which uses all organic ingredients and has been around since I926. At this writing, it costs less than fifteen dollars for thirty- two fluid ounces. It is recommended at the ratio of one part formula to two parts water for HUMAN consumption. Because it is non-toxic, one can adjust the amount given a parrot according to the severity of its medical condition.
Taken from: Aloe: Parrot Pharmacy In A Leaf

Billie Faye

Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
Billie Faye
[h=1]Slippery Elm - Uses and Benefits[/h]Alternative Names:
American elm,Ulmus fulva, Red elm, Moose elm, Indian elm, Rock elm, Sweet elm, Winged elm.
[h=2]Herb Description[/h]Slippery elm is a medium-sized deciduous tree native to Canada and the US,recognized by its "slippery" inner bark.The bark is deeply furrowed and brownish red. The inner bark is gathered from trees which are at least 10 years old, and is mainly powdered for therapeutic purpose. It can grow well and may reach 132 ft on moist, rich soils of lower slopes & flood plains, it may also appear on dry hillsides with limestone soils.The leaves are 10-18 cm long, pointed at the tip , doubly toothed and an oblique base with a rough texture. It flowers in late winter or early spring , in clusters of 10-20 and are tiny, green, and hairy.The fruit are tiny, flat, winged and circular, 2 cm long containing a single seed in the center.
Slippery elm contains mucilage, a long chain of polysaccharides that make a slippery substance when added with water. This mucilage is believed to ebb the digestive system. Slippery elm is also a excellent food supplement and is easy to digest, making it an good food during times of digestive discomfort & used as a gruel for infants, invalids and peoples with intestinal inflammation. Slippery elm also has astringent property, tightening the areas on which it contacts, acting an effective resistance to bacterial infection and alleviating diarrhoea.
  • Astringent.
  • Antitussive.
  • Demulcent.
  • Diuretic.
  • Emollient.
  • Expectorant.
  • Nutritive.
[h=2]Uses and Benefits[/h]Slippery elm act as a excellent food gives better results in the following:
  • Gastritis.
  • Gastric catarrh.
  • Mucous colitis.
  • Enteritis.
It has great advantage in bronchitis, bleeding from the lungs,soothing a cough ,consumption and preventing wasting.
Externally Slippery Elm makes a wonderful medical dressing , applied locally,for taking out toxins, especially those areas which are associated with boils, spots or abscesses and can assist the removal of splinters.when applied to wounds, burns and inflammation of any kind show good results .Slippery Elm will help to reduce, heal and ebb swelling and pain.used
Internally Slippery Elm can be taken to cure many different types of digestive problems, for example:Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) ,Inflammation of the gut or colic , Colitis and diverticulitis, give an instant relief to acid indigestion or 'reflux' ,ulcers anywhere in the gut (stomach & intestines), if mixed with a banana and powdered Marshmallow .In diarrhoea,Slippery Elm mixed with a banana and powdered Marshmallow give good results.

Slippery Elm is a great food for debilitated states, and as a baby food due to it nutritive property. It can also be beneficial for urinary infections for example cystitis .Traditionally, It is also reported to reduce chest pain, lung and bronchial conditions .It has been used orally to reduce irritation or ulceration of the stomach and intestines. Topically or locally, Slippery Elm has been taken for toothaches, cold sores, burns, abcesses, boils, ulcers, and other skin problems.Inner bark is a strong and durable fibre, can be used for bow strings,woven mats, ropes, jewellery, clothing, snowshoe bindings, and even some musical instruments.
[h=2]Side Effects[/h]Using slippery elm is not recommended for pregnant women & breast-feeding a baby.
Touching slippery elm products or breathing elm tree pollen may lead to allergic reactions in persons who are sensitive to them.
Some allergic reaction has been reported with the use of topical slippery elm like Itching or hives,swelling on face or hand, swelling or tingling in mouth or throat, tightness in chest, trouble breathing, or rash.
  • Recommended Dose :
Take 2 to 4 gm three times per day in 500mg capsules.
  • Powdered bark:
1:8 as decoction, 4-16ml
  • Liquid Extract:
1:1 in 60% alcohol, 5ml take 3 times per day
  • Tea:
Pour 1 cup of hot water over 1 teaspoonful of Slippery Elm powder.Take 3 times in a day.
  • Paste:
Mix the powder herb with water to form a paste to apply on a wound or a burn.
[h=2]Drug Interactions[/h]Slippery elm contains mucilage, a long chain of sugars can interfere with the absorption of other medicines within the gut if they are used at the same time .Consult to doctor at an alternate time to consuming slippery elm bark.
Taken from:Slippery Elmt - Uses and Side Effects of Slippery Elm

Liquid form:Mix with small amount of water or orange juice, 2 drops per tsp of water. If you don't know how to hand feed or give meds, take a dropper and put each drop on the birds tongue.
Powder form: 1:4 ratio of slippery elm. 1 tsp slippery elm mixed with 4 tsp water.


Ripping up the road
Avenue Veteran
Avenue Spotlight Award
Pacific Northwest
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Where would I be able to get the following: Aloe vera detox, slippery elm, ginger powder, garlic powder, Tumeric root and milk thistle seeds. And maybe some alfalfa leaf.? Thanks a bunch in advance.


Hit the Road
Real Name
Where would I be able to get the following: Aloe vera detox, slippery elm, ginger powder, garlic powder, Tumeric root and milk thistle seeds. And maybe some alfalfa leaf.? Thanks a bunch in advance.
Mercedez a health food store should have most of this, as well as Walmart of the slippery elm and garlic and ginger powder. Also this website
Bulk Herbs from Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such looks pretty cool for buying herbs.

Chantilly Lace

Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
South Florida
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I have cayenne, slippery elm, rescue remedy, grapeseed (or grapefruit seed can't remember which was for birds) oil extract. I also have in my first aid kit: quick stop, vet wrap, tweezers, scissors, hand feeding formula, syringes, heating pad, antiseptic from my vet, metacam, baby food. I am sure I am missing some stuff, but that is the gist of it!


Feather Snuggler
Celebirdy of the Month
Avenue Spotlight Award
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There was mention of Tea Tree Oil as a remedy for birds...however, after consulting with Billiefaye to make sure previous research was still up to date, Tea Tree Oil is TOXIC to birds (Thanks BF):

~ This is a Quicky "Note to Bird Owners: *Tea Tree Essential has caused paralysis in birds when the dosage administered was too high. As safe doses have not been established, it's best not to use this essential oil around your birds. Taken from: Essential Oils and CO2 Descriptions & Precautions

~ Under 'TOXIC' for Parrots: http://www.plannedparrothood.com/plants.html

~ Tea Tree Oil - Safety Alert:
Also, if you have to use it for yourself make sure to wash it off thoroughly before you let your birds on you. If they tongue your skin or walk on you and then preen they may ingest some.
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Jogging around the block
What about cilantro? it can be used to absorb heavy metals out of the body

and celery seeds can help with pain and kidney support.

and rosemary is good for molting and immunity strength


Moving in
Columbus, Ohio
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Lily Kunning
Herbalist and bird lover here.

Yarrow is a great alternative to Qwik Stop (no cauterizing, but stops excess bleeding and bonus! It's antimicrobial, so wounds can be packed with it to prevent infection AND stop bleeding. Just have it powdered on hand.)

When using Milk Thistle Seeds, be sure and grind them before giving them- do not buy powder, it is probably all oxidized and useless. It can help regenerate the liver. When rehabbing birds that have been abused/neglected and not given a proper diet, I add this as a regular item into their food.

PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EOs on parrots. They are too concentrated, too corrosive, cannot be ingested, and should not be applied without a carrier oil (and oils and feathers do not mix). Sadly, a lot of MLM companies spread lots of unsafe info about their use all over the internet.