Ripping up the road
Avenue Veteran
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Avenue Spotlight Award
Check with the vet before starting him on the supplements. He looks good in the photo. Eyes are bright and beak doesn't look like it's overgrown. When they've been very ill it takes time for them to heal. It's good that he has you to care for him.Thanks Mayor Pixie....Good to hear from you. My little Eagle is about one year old, with me, I'm assuming he is about 15 months old. He was always light as far as weight, about 70 80 grams, 60 to 65 when in December, so I'm happy about his current weight considering his condition, he is about 85 to 90 grams. He does molt, tiny little down fluffy feathers, but the actual flight feathers and bigger feathers have barely grown in the past 4 months. I'm going to add some that LIQUID LIFE SUPPORT and thistle milk drops, to see how he responds. Enclosed is a picture of him of of today. Thanks for your advise!!!