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Should i get another one?


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So I had my first cockatiel a little while ago and I absolutely love him to bits. He is so easy and I honestly can't tell you a negative thing about him. He's 5 months old. I work from home and he comes out everyday and spends time with me. When I'm unable to have him out of the cage he seems quite content in there singing and talking and plays with his toys. I however feel guilty when he's not out and wonder if he should have a play mate.

If he seems happy should I just leave him as he is and not get him a friend.
I'm afraid his personality may change if I do, he's very affectionate towards me as we bonded almost instantly.

What are peoples experiences on when they introduced another bird?

Many thanks and hope you all have a great day


Biking along the boulevard
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@Xoetix recently got a second cockatiel and could offer you some insight from her perspective.
Off hand, quite alot of people do get another bird for companionship for their other birds.
You may have to deal with fighting, jealousy, or even a bird you cannot bond with.
On the flip side, a companion bird will be nice for your current bird so they have someone to talk to, play with, and to be there for each other when you can't be.
The worst case scenario would be them having a strong bond and ignoring you. From your end, you may feel some jealousy.
That's just my opinion, and lots of others will chime in.
Good luck, whichever way you decide to go :)


Biking along the boulevard
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Meghan (she/her)
I feel like my case isn't common lol. I had my male for a little over a year or so, and decided to get a second cockatiel. I added a female. They're 100% apathetic regarding each other. They don't interact really. They'll eat or forage together, but they don't preen each other or talk to each other or anything.

I do often wonder if I'd gotten a second male instead, what would have happened.

Deleted member 57370

It sounds like you have a wonderful happy birdie!

I'm all for adding a second tho ;) I think parrot are so social and benefit from having another around even if never become best buddy. I'd get same sex tho, as Tiels are prone to excessive egg laying and with a male around I think the odds of this would go up.

Do quarantine

I've had and have bonded birds ( tho different species than tiel) it's has not affected their bond with me at all..

@Parutti has had experience with 2 boy Tiels a d volunteer with some as well


Ripping up the road
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I was always told to only get a second bird if YOU want a second bird. Not to just get a bird for your bird. There's no guarantee that the two will get along or ever want to share a cage. (You should always start with them in separate cages and also quarantine.) That said, cockatiels are pretty laid back birds and it's doubtful they would actually be aggressive towards each other. But they might not be best buds either. They would be company for each other. I have 3 cockatiels at the moment. Two are mine. One is a foster. They are all in separate cage and really are happy that way. Everyone once in awhile Scooter tries to go in Rosie's cage and Rosie has a melt down. He does not want Scooter in his cage. At all. But they do flock things together- eat at the same time, nap at the same time, etc. Prior to these three, a had a single cockatiel. I think he was very happy being a single cockatiel. Other tiels meet and become best friends. You just don't know. So, you need to be prepared for it to go either way and not be upset/disappointed that you're now taking care of two cages, etc. Thus, going back to only get a second bird if you want a second bird.

Deleted member 57370

I was always told to only get a second bird if YOU want a second bird. Not to just get a bird for your bird. There's no guarantee that the two will get along or ever want to share a cage. (You should always start with them in separate cages and also quarantine.) That said, cockatiels are pretty laid back birds and it's doubtful they would actually be aggressive towards each other. But they might not be best buds either. They would be company for each other. I have 3 cockatiels at the moment. Two are mine. One is a foster. They are all in separate cage and really are happy that way. Everyone once in awhile Scooter tries to go in Rosie's cage and Rosie has a melt down. He does not want Scooter in his cage. At all. But they do flock things together- eat at the same time, nap at the same time, etc. Prior to these three, a had a single cockatiel. I think he was very happy being a single cockatiel. Other tiels meet and become best friends. You just don't know. So, you need to be prepared for it to go either way and not be upset/disappointed that you're now taking care of two cages, etc. Thus, going back to only get a second bird if you want a second bird.
Oh definitely I forgot to add that. Only if want and will enjoy a second, have the time to devote to 2 if they don't get along


Jogging around the block
Avenue Spotlight Award
Aww your tiel sounds like a dream!!

I agree that you never know how it will work out so be prepared for needing to accommodate two separate birds at separate times just in case, but I also agree that cockatiels are usually pretty easy to add to an existing flock.

My son's partner grew up with cockatiels in their home. She's had their current tiel for 12 or 13 years now.

My current foster tiel was originally a second tiel in her childhood home, but he and the first did not get along well. He went with someone else in her family, and through a series of family health issues came to my house last year. Now when the original cockatiel visits they are really good buddies! He's actually going to go home with the kids at Christmas :( because the two have gotten along so well.

So like others have said, it's really hard to know if or when they'll get along or not.

But I also think that living as a flock doesn't have to mean everyone is best friends. I currently have a mixed flock of same-size species with VERY different personality needs, and they all get along well and do all the typical flock activities like sleep and eat at the same time.

It did take some time where I was present the whole time everyone was out together, to watch interactions and intervene when needed (when my Quaker gets too friendly haha), but now I can let everybody out in the morning and go about my regular day.

I do have to admit I love love love when the two tiels get each other whistling and start singing back and forth! It's the cutest sound!


Meeting neighbors
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Aww your tiel sounds like a dream!!

I agree that you never know how it will work out so be prepared for needing to accommodate two separate birds at separate times just in case, but I also agree that cockatiels are usually pretty easy to add to an existing flock.

My son's partner grew up with cockatiels in their home. She's had their current tiel for 12 or 13 years now.

My current foster tiel was originally a second tiel in her childhood home, but he and the first did not get along well. He went with someone else in her family, and through a series of family health issues came to my house last year. Now when the original cockatiel visits they are really good buddies! He's actually going to go home with the kids at Christmas :( because the two have gotten along so well.

So like others have said, it's really hard to know if or when they'll get along or not.

But I also think that living as a flock doesn't have to mean everyone is best friends. I currently have a mixed flock of same-size species with VERY different personality needs, and they all get along well and do all the typical flock activities like sleep and eat at the same time.

It did take some time where I was present the whole time everyone was out together, to watch interactions and intervene when needed (when my Quaker gets too friendly haha), but now I can let everybody out in the morning and go about my regular day.

I do have to admit I love love love when the two tiels get each other whistling and start singing back and forth! It's the cutest sound!
Honestly. He really is a dream. Maybe I've gotten lucky but I couldn't have imagined ever owning one would be so amazing. I spent months researching prior to finding a good breeder so was prepared for most things but he is a breeze to look after and be around. He just cuddles up to me, kisses me, preens me, he's only 5 months and he is so clever, he picks everything up and talks really clear and sings loads of songs. It's like he's a little angel sent from above. A bit dramatic I know but I didn't think it was possible to love him so much haha. I've always been a dog person but now I couldn't imagine my life without him. If he's happy I won't make any decisions now and wait for him to mature. Maybe I was making excuses because I want another one deep down haha


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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@Xoetix recently got a second cockatiel and could offer you some insight from her perspective.
@Alien J also recently brought home another cockatiel :)

I have lovebirds but I brought home my second bird when the first was about a year and a half old, and they were ok with each other but didn't bond.

sb sigmund

Strolling the yard

So I had my first cockatiel a little while ago and I absolutely love him to bits. He is so easy and I honestly can't tell you a negative thing about him. He's 5 months old. I work from home and he comes out everyday and spends time with me. When I'm unable to have him out of the cage he seems quite content in there singing and talking and plays with his toys. I however feel guilty when he's not out and wonder if he should have a play mate.

If he seems happy should I just leave him as he is and not get him a friend.
I'm afraid his personality may change if I do, he's very affectionate towards me as we bonded almost instantly.

What are peoples experiences on when they introduced another bird?

Many thanks and hope you all have a great day
I got a second to be a friend for the first and she never cared for him. You never know what type of dynamic you’ll get!

Alien J

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Janet Rush Van Eyck
I got TD (Terry Dactyl ), my cockatiel, when he was 19 days old. He came from an abusive situation (hard to believe someone would abuse a nestling, huh). I was a full time RV'er when I got TD and he was my first domestic bird (the only bird experience I had was raising a wild Band Tailed Pigeon). Anyways, my fiance, our two dogs and TD spent the night 6 years traveling the U.S. I always promised TD that someday I'd get him a friend, like you it's probably bcuz deep down I wanted another one!

Fast forward to this past Spring. My fiance and I boight a house. We went from living in under 200 sq ft to over 1500! My first thought was "Now I can get TD a friend" and the hunt was on!

Fast forward to today... I now have a 12 year old Quaker Parrot that I took in on September 5th. Right after taking Oscar (the Quaker) I found out about Athena. Athena is a 5 and 1/2 year old male cockatiel that needed a new home. Just what I was looking for as a friend to TD.

I got Athena (they were told he was a female that's why the name, though I've renamed him AthenaDon). Drove 500 miles round trip to get him! He's been in quarantine for the past 30 days. He and TD have been "talking" to each other, though they are in separate rooms. Today AthenaDon's quarantine is over. I'll be posting updates on how it goes with the two cockatiels. Fingers crossed that they like each other! I'm getting a little tired having to do 3 separate "out of cage" times, so I'm really looking forward to them having playtime together!

Your baby sounds like the perfect companion bird! I just think I really wanted another one!


Rollerblading along the road
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In this book I have, "Cockatiels for Dummies" it said you can get a pet for your cockatiel, a canary. I thought it was strange, but I dunno?

Alien J

Rollerblading along the road
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West Virginia (from Elyria, OH)
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Janet Rush Van Eyck
In this book I have, "Cockatiels for Dummies" it said you can get a pet for your cockatiel, a canary. I thought it was strange, but I dunno?
I recently read that same thing somewhere on line when I was searching for a friend for TD. So I researched the canary thing. Mostly I found information that did not agree with getting a cockatiel a canary as a BFF!


Rollerblading along the road
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Heather Gerbyshak
My Quaker and Conure always enjoyed watching the canaries and finches. It was like bird TV. But not the jealousy of another parrot competing for time.


Sprinting down the street
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I kept my first tiel as a single bird her whole life, but a few months after getting my rescue I decided to get another. Will let you know how the introduction goes!

I think there's no reason to rush since your bird is a baby still. You can think about it and get to know your current one first. Then, when it's time to get a second one you have a better sense of what sort of personality he has and what sort of personalities he will get along with.


Jogging around the block
Avenue Veteran
I would just let him mellow and wait for him to reach sexual maturity - there’s some aggression that comes with the adolescent phase, especially in males. Since you work from home and he’s good at entertaining himself, I don’t think loneliness is a concern.

If you do get another bird, get a second cage. They might eventually want to be roommates, but they’ll be happiest if they decide to share space on their own terms. Just leave the cages open as much as you can and let them decide.


Walking the driveway
Avenue Spotlight Award
I can only speak as a single cockatiel owner. But Valkyrie will soon be 2 years old in a few months and I feel she (he) has a similar temperament to your fella. Valkyrie’s temperament didn’t change at all after growing up aside from being a little moody around hormone season. But I still get all the kisses and snuggles I did when he was a baby.

They’ve also never seemed to be lonely from what I can tell. But I wouldn’t recommend getting any pet as companion for an existing one only.

Generally I’d say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it lol