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Senegal and green cheeks


Meeting neighbors
Hello all

I rescued a female Senegal parrot today (and I am so glad I did, her cage reeks of cigarette smoke and is all rusty, getting a new one asap).

I knew when I was getting her, that I am not sure that I can keep her, so I thought at least I foster her for now, and find her a very nice family If it doesn’t work out (which I told the former owner upfront).

I have two female green cheeks that are my parrots and of course aren’t going anywhere. One thing I didn’t know before I rescued this new bird, was how aggressive they can with the other parrots. I probably can’t keep her if I cannot have her in the same room with my two parrots, since she won’t be getting enough time with me in that case.

So my question is, has anyone at all been successful with having a Senegal and a green cheek in one room? Or a Senegal and a slightly smaller parrot? A side note: she is very sweet with people in general, and was housed with a male Senegal, who lived in a different cage, but they were fine being out together before. She is also on a smaller side, bigger than my two birds, but not much.

thank you everyone. I really would like to try keeping her, as she is super sweet and adorable, and I am in love, so I’m hoping for some senegal and other parrots stories with a good end, but I understand that it simply might not work out, which will be sad, but I will make 100% sure to find her a wonderful new home (of non-smokers this time).


Sprinting down the street

I have a Senegal and while I cannot say anything about his interaction with other parrots I can say it tooks him maybe 1 month to get used to my home.

At first he was really nervous, sometime agressive, for example he was yelling a lot during the day. Then after 1 month I do not know but it almost changed suddenly. He is very very calm and quiet now.

I do not know what is the effect of other parrot around a Senegal or if it just taking time for them to get used to a new place.

Anyway I know I do not answer your first question but I was just thinking eventually it could help.


Rollerblading along the road
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Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Hmm I don't off the top of my head.

The thing is, any flock has it's risks. The larger the size difference between birds, the greater the risk. The beak size is more important than the body size, too. They don't even need to mean to hurt each other to cause injury. My Hahns told my Quaker she didn't want to be preened and my Quaker had a beak scar from it still (this was like... 8 years ago?). And they were not that big of a size difference.

Another thing to consider is that greenies tend to have a Napoleon complex and don't realize how small they are.

So for me personally, I would not be comfortable leaving them unattended together.


Jogging around the block
Avenue Veteran
Female pois do have a reputation for being bird aggressive. My female Meyer's fit the bill and had no qualms antagonizing my CAG, who was always very neutral to the Meyer's. I originally let them both out at once and supervised them, but after many years of this general peace I had to let them out one at a time when the Meyer's aggression suddenly escalated. This arrangement wasn't ideal and led to each having much less out-of-cage time.

Are you asking if the Senegal and green cheeks can be out the same time? Possibly but that's a big risk, especially with three birds to keep tabs on.

The one possible advantage to this is that the Senegal is coming into your life second, so she MIGHT be able to adjust better to sharing you with the green cheeks. In my situation, the grey came second.


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I personally would not trust a sennie with any of my cheekies. I have heard too many stories gone bad even with supervision.


Walking the driveway
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new york ny
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Hello all

I rescued a female Senegal parrot today (and I am so glad I did, her cage reeks of cigarette smoke and is all rusty, getting a new one asap).

I knew when I was getting her, that I am not sure that I can keep her, so I thought at least I foster her for now, and find her a very nice family If it doesn’t work out (which I told the former owner upfront).

I have two female green cheeks that are my parrots and of course aren’t going anywhere. One thing I didn’t know before I rescued this new bird, was how aggressive they can with the other parrots. I probably can’t keep her if I cannot have her in the same room with my two parrots, since she won’t be getting enough time with me in that case.

So my question is, has anyone at all been successful with having a Senegal and a green cheek in one room? Or a Senegal and a slightly smaller parrot? A side note: she is very sweet with people in general, and was housed with a male Senegal, who lived in a different cage, but they were fine being out together before. She is also on a smaller side, bigger than my two birds, but not much.

thank you everyone. I really would like to try keeping her, as she is super sweet and adorable, and I am in love, so I’m hoping for some senegal and other parrots stories with a good end, but I understand that it simply might not work out, which will be sad, but I will make 100% sure to find her a wonderful new home (of non-smokers this time).
senegals don't like other species of bird. they attack, very jealous species. I have my mini macaw and she's constantly getting mad when he moves in his own cage lol I had to block her view of him. If next to each other even though smaller in size she will attack him if he's close by. I let them out separate occasions to avoid fighting


Meeting neighbors
Thank you everyone. I asked the same question on two FB groups devoted to Senegals, and got an overwhelming NO as a response. I decided not to let them be free in the same room, even with supervision, as I’m too scared for my two GCC. They are both excellent flyers, and the Senegal is not, which plays to my advantage in this case, but still, I just don’t feel safe leaving them in the same room, even heavily supervised.