Honestly olive drove my husband mad with her scream but remi doesn’t scream just says hello hello remi it’s getting so much clearer it’s indie honestly in a morning she on it like a car bonnet and her pitch level highI feel like for a lot of people, pitch matters more than volume. Like for me, conures make my teeth rattle, but some people are totally fine with it - like @Emma&pico, who can't do cockatiels, but I find my tiel to be perfectly finebut she also has a conure, so... Lol.
I don't have a galah (want one desperately though!), but I do have a sulpher crested too, and she's very loud volume-wise, but not high pitched. I did have quakers before, and they were LOUD, and also a medium high pitch.
I have had quakers and they don't have an off switch lol.I honestly think louder depends on your personally loud boundaries for example I can’t stand cockatiels noises I went to pet shop Friday 3 gcc 1Quakers budgies 3 cockatiels and they noise that got to me was the cockatiels the Quaker was being noisy but it’s not the same to my ears as cockatiels
my lovebird indie is the loudest out of my three birds she so so much louder than my gcc but I think it’s pitch over volume
my advice is to watch videos of both on utube put your phone or tv high volume and see which you can tolerate better
Quakers are so loud! Had them before, no off switch.I feel like for a lot of people, pitch matters more than volume. Like for me, conures make my teeth rattle, but some people are totally fine with it - like @Emma&pico, who can't do cockatiels, but I find my tiel to be perfectly finebut she also has a conure, so... Lol.
I don't have a galah (want one desperately though!), but I do have a sulpher crested too, and she's very loud volume-wise, but not high pitched. I did have quakers before, and they were LOUD, and also a medium high pitch.
I've done that with rescues and breeders I have had quakers. Cage is big enough for am amazonI’m gonna suggest you find a rescue, breeder or bird store/sanctuary to visit. It’s really best to hear the birds in real life and decide from there which is more or less tolerable for you.
I also think you might be best to find out what species will be safe to house in the cage you have (pretty sure you shared a pic of a cage for a much smaller bird) already that you want to use.
Sorry- Maybe I am mixing you up with another member... My memory has the cage you pictured as being what is usually used for housing budgies, tiels, small conures etc.I've done that with rescues and breeders I have had quakers. Cage is big enough for am amazon