Parsley came out of a breeding situation to us with her "mate" Sage....NEVER to breed again...I tried to find out how old she is but her band doesn't have the year just a MA and a number...
Anyway, the story was her beak/toes were bitten off by her parents while in the nest...have no other info..she couldn't feed her the owner was taking them and feeding....
Parsley is so sweet...and VERY COURIOUS! Loves to check out everything when she comes out...She LOVES to tare/shread paper! She is nuts and really does great!
Anyway, the story was her beak/toes were bitten off by her parents while in the nest...have no other info..she couldn't feed her the owner was taking them and feeding....
Parsley is so sweet...and VERY COURIOUS! Loves to check out everything when she comes out...She LOVES to tare/shread paper! She is nuts and really does great!