Hello, I have just started my education. I have fostered African Greys and many years ago had Parakeets and Cockatiels. My goal is to have an outside aviary approximately 12 feet by 12 feet in a protected area of my yard. I like all birds but want to do this the right way from the beginning and make as few mistakes as possible. I'm starting with a clean slate! Ideally, I would like an area that creates plenty of room and happy birds. I would also like to create an area that supports nesting if my birds choose to participate. Breeding birds to sell is not my goal but watching the process is amazing. I have been researching Paroletts, Linnies, and smaller parrotts. So, I have a lot of questions. Everything from what is the best material to use in the bottom of the aviary, where to buy a pair of birds from a great breeder, and can birds be safely shipped? I am currently looking at rescue sites also. I appreciate anyone who has the time to guide me along. Oh, and I live in southern Oregon and by the ocean, hence the "protected area" in my yard. Thanks to everyone in advance who can help me. Karyn