Teckechick Ask me for a photo of my bird, I have to post one! Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Avenue Concierge Joined 9/5/16 Messages 4,250 Location Illinois Real Name Dawn 12/14/22 #1 Thought you would all get a few laughs out of this! “ What Mom I’m just chilling like you do”
April Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 3/21/10 Messages 24,771 12/14/22 #2 Oooh! She's so precious
Teckechick Ask me for a photo of my bird, I have to post one! Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Avenue Concierge Joined 9/5/16 Messages 4,250 Location Illinois Real Name Dawn 12/15/22 #3 April said: Oooh! She's so precious Click to expand... She is the sweetest of our kitties for sure.
Peachfaced The Peachy Inkpress JOLLY-PATROLLY Super Moderator Vendor Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 11/17/09 Messages 11,804 Location FL Real Name Sadie 12/17/22 #4 That look she's giving you in the last photo is absolutely killing me. "Do you mind?" Cats turning from a solid to a liquid at room temperature is one of my favorite things.
That look she's giving you in the last photo is absolutely killing me. "Do you mind?" Cats turning from a solid to a liquid at room temperature is one of my favorite things.
FeatheredM Rollerblading along the road Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 5/14/21 Messages 2,817 Real Name Monique 12/17/22 #5 Such funny expressions Reminds me of a cat we had, looks just like him!
Mockinbirdiva Cruising the avenue Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 11/20/09 Messages 11,404 Location South Carolina Real Name Andrea 12/17/22 #6 The purrfect accessory for your sofa!
Kassiani Biking along the boulevard Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 9/12/20 Messages 7,007 Location Southeastern U.S. 12/18/22 #7 That is one happy, relaxed kitty!