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Military Macaw staying on one perch all day and night?


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I’m not sure if this is the right sub, sorry in advance.
My wife and I adopted a 10 year old military macaw on Saturday. He’s been at the rescue since July of 2023. When he came in his chest was bald due to plucking and poor care from the previous owner. The rescue showed us a picture of before and after and he has started to regrow his feathers. Ever since we’ve carried him home he prefers to wait on the corner of the cage that is closest to us. It doesn’t matter how long we’re gone for, he either sits on his perch in the corner or hangs upside down with one foot and quivers his wings asking to be let out. When we wake up we find him clinging to the side of the cage rather than perched. I think his cage is plenty big, it is a 46x36x70ish dome top. He has a swing and could definitely benefit from a natural rope perch to get around his cage. There’s a literbox with some food and broken up walnuts buried in paper at the bottom of the cage and a couple foraging/chewing toys in his cage but he doesn’t seem interested in exploring. I’ve noticed he preens a lot while he sits on his perch and seems to be plucking here and there. I’m not sure if it is intentional or by accident. Any help would be appreciated!


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Macaws take time to settle into a new home. It will be 6 months to a year before you start to see how your new friend is really fitting in.
Give him the time he needs and let him make choices.

If you give us pictures of the cage we can better advise on your setup.


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My previous macaw was abused. It took her 6 weeks to settle down, stop ACKING, & let me start doing things with her. Each bird is different & the time it takes will be different.

My current macaw (will be age 4 in April) often hangs on the side of her cage, upside down from a hanging toy, lays on her back on the cage floor, etc.

I suggest talking to him a lot. Offer treats. Take things slow. He needs to learn he is in a safe place. Explain things as you go, like you would to a 2 year old child. Keep your word commands & explanations consistent. Ask him if he wants to get something to eat, then feed him. Sit & eat with him. If he steps up, ask him to step up/down. Play upbeat music, sing & dance, laugh. Macaws love silly. Once he settles in try to include him in daily activities. Take him on a slow walk around your home & explain things...this is the frig, sofa, chair, etc. Only pet his head, feet & beak. No fast movements. He needs to learn he is safe with you.

His cage should have perches in front of food & water dishes. Several hanging toys & some foot toys. Mine loves Kong type rubber ball dog toys, rubber dog bink toy, etc. Place a hanging toy close to his swing. You can put hanging toys on the sides of the cage & in the corners too. You can also add a perch on the door. At all times his cage needs to be his safe place.