This is the bottom line with this issue. Taking the information in both of those articles at face value, I would agree with their conclusions, Stainless is the way to go. However, here's the Flaw.
They are both talking about Galvanized hardware, not electroplated. Neither article even mentions electroplated. The first article even stated that Zinc has a dull finish. That is Galvanized. Electroplated is shiny.
9 of the last 10 years, I have sold my Play Gyms and toys strictly wholesale to Bird and Pet stores. In many cases, while waiting for the owner to pick out their order, I would browse the store looking at toys, etc. NOT ONCE, IN 9 YEARS, DID I EVER SEE ANY TOYS, CHAINS, QUICK LINKS, ETC. ETC. THAT WERE GALVANIZED, NEVER ONCE. To talk about Galvanized as being what your bird has on the toys, chains, etc. makes the premise of these articles wrong, therefore making the conclusions wrong. If the only choice were Galvanized or Stainless, I would agree that Stainless is the way to go. Galvanized has chunks and pieces of Zinc that could be ingested. Electroplated does not. If you read the article about, I clearly show Pictures of the difference.
So what happens with these articles. Your Vet, perhaps not being familiar with the issue, does an internet search and finds these two articles. Not being a hardware person, they read the articles and conclude that stainless is the way to go. Someone needs to correct these articles, and I guess that's me.
Once again, this is a bigger issue than just the Zinc thing. Once you buy into the ANY ZINC IS BAD mindset, your bird is in trouble. The selection, price and availability of stainless items to make his or her life tolerable is limited at best. And, as is common in most cases, your parrot once again is the loser.
You are now in a position of being educated regarding this issue. For some of you, you perhaps read what is here, but don't want to be confused with the facts. However, for most of you, I hope you will take this info, and use your best judgment.
From a personal note, I want to thank all of you who e-mailed me support for having the guts to stand up for what I believe. Some even order my gyms because they read the info, and understand where I'm coming from. It's people like you, and your lucky birds, that are the reason I'm in business. Thanks.