Maxie and the EVIL GIARDIA
Once upon a time there was a Mommy grieving for her beloved pearl tiel Fritzie. She wasn't sure about giving her heart again and put off finding another tiel. Then one day she was in a chain store and saw me--- I was pretty but also very shy , although I was awfully good at stepping up. Mom didn't know it at the time but just like the tiel before I really wasn't healthy.
The first months with Mom I didn't like toys, but I ate well and loved to sit all day on her shoulder preening. Mom had taken me to the vet and she had given me a clean bill of health, although my parront talked about how I screamed when I preened. Mom thought maybe I just wasn't too smart and pulled too hard or too rough. The silly vet didn't know that I was infected with those mean parasites.
Time went on and once I loved a misting and twice I played with a toy bucket. But Mom had a bad feeling and several months after my first vet visit she made an appoinment for me with new doctors.
Just before the scheduled date I got really ill. Mom rushed me in and that started over 6 months of trying to save my life. These doctors were brighter and even though they looked at my poop, it wasn't until the third try that they saw the nasty criters that were killing me. Now, some mornings Mom got up at 430am, in order to give me the yuccky meds. I fought but never bit as Mom restrained me for the meds and for the salve under my wings. Cause I had started to tear into my skin.
After 6 months I was non -vocal, had tics, and was down to 73 grams from 97. Mom said we had to stop cause all the medicines and handling were killing me. The vets agreed. But Mom while she was just trying to keep me calm, kept calling a bunch of avian doctors, and looking online for help. She finally found a holistic aid(not a cure) and after careful deliberation gave it to me. Somehow for a short time it was a miracle. I felt better and put back on all the weight I had lost.
But one thing did happen. Somewhere I remember loving Mom and coming out to sit with her. But I can't think the way I used to , and I'm now terrified when anyone comes by my cage. I struggle and run , hurting my damaged underwings. For a year, I still tore my skin, and I think I saw something liquid run down Mom's face whenever I had a bloody beak. But then a year ago, I did get better. I only scream once in a while, and I don't itch as much.
Mom says I can't ever be with the other birds. But Poppa put me in another room, where I can see across at a really cute boy tiel. Sometimes we even talk to each other. As long as everything gets put back in the same spot in my cage , I'm fine- and I get lots of treats----I still love my millet. I sometimes get confused, and don't know where I'm going but then I remember.
And in the deep part of my heart and brain , I remember the early good times with Mom.
Once upon a time there was a Mommy grieving for her beloved pearl tiel Fritzie. She wasn't sure about giving her heart again and put off finding another tiel. Then one day she was in a chain store and saw me--- I was pretty but also very shy , although I was awfully good at stepping up. Mom didn't know it at the time but just like the tiel before I really wasn't healthy.
The first months with Mom I didn't like toys, but I ate well and loved to sit all day on her shoulder preening. Mom had taken me to the vet and she had given me a clean bill of health, although my parront talked about how I screamed when I preened. Mom thought maybe I just wasn't too smart and pulled too hard or too rough. The silly vet didn't know that I was infected with those mean parasites.
Time went on and once I loved a misting and twice I played with a toy bucket. But Mom had a bad feeling and several months after my first vet visit she made an appoinment for me with new doctors.
Just before the scheduled date I got really ill. Mom rushed me in and that started over 6 months of trying to save my life. These doctors were brighter and even though they looked at my poop, it wasn't until the third try that they saw the nasty criters that were killing me. Now, some mornings Mom got up at 430am, in order to give me the yuccky meds. I fought but never bit as Mom restrained me for the meds and for the salve under my wings. Cause I had started to tear into my skin.
After 6 months I was non -vocal, had tics, and was down to 73 grams from 97. Mom said we had to stop cause all the medicines and handling were killing me. The vets agreed. But Mom while she was just trying to keep me calm, kept calling a bunch of avian doctors, and looking online for help. She finally found a holistic aid(not a cure) and after careful deliberation gave it to me. Somehow for a short time it was a miracle. I felt better and put back on all the weight I had lost.
But one thing did happen. Somewhere I remember loving Mom and coming out to sit with her. But I can't think the way I used to , and I'm now terrified when anyone comes by my cage. I struggle and run , hurting my damaged underwings. For a year, I still tore my skin, and I think I saw something liquid run down Mom's face whenever I had a bloody beak. But then a year ago, I did get better. I only scream once in a while, and I don't itch as much.
Mom says I can't ever be with the other birds. But Poppa put me in another room, where I can see across at a really cute boy tiel. Sometimes we even talk to each other. As long as everything gets put back in the same spot in my cage , I'm fine- and I get lots of treats----I still love my millet. I sometimes get confused, and don't know where I'm going but then I remember.
And in the deep part of my heart and brain , I remember the early good times with Mom.