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Love Bird Help


Moving in
I’m fairly new to this and I have the opportunity to possibly rescue a 6 month old Love Bird. My question is, can this bird be socialized at 6 months old? To my knowledge it has just lived in a large outdoor cage with other love birds and rarely handled so far.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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6 months old is still a young bird.
I don´t have any personal experience of a situation like that, but if you were only to bring home one bird and devote time to him/her then I would think so.

It is important to have a large cage, the biggest you can find (with adequate barspacing). I would also say not to clip the bird.
Start by having the cage in the room. Talk to the bird often, get a chair and sit by the cage. Eventually when the bird doesn´t get scared when you are near the cage, offer up some treats through the bars(millets is usually a hit).
The process is the same as anyone who brings home a bird from a store or a breeder, the difference is it could take longer for you.

It will take time and patience, don´t be misled into thinking the bird will be your friend in a few days or even a couple of weeks.

Also worth noting around 5-6 months is when birds have their first moult. It can be an uncomfortable time so might be extra grouchy. Offering up daily baths with help soothe them. You will know if the bird is moulting because there will be feathers everywhere. If the bird is a peach faced, you will know the moult has happened because the brow will be a clear line whereas young birds have a more smoked shaded brow and sometimes greyish cheeks. I´m not sure how you would be able to tell with the Eye-ring species.

Maybe you could go and see the bird and see how you feel? :)


Moving in
Thank you so much! I’ve been through the process with my cockatiel but he was 8 weeks old when I got him so it was a pretty easy transition. I just wasn’t sure with a 6 month old. There is just something about this bird that breaks my heart and I want to give it a better life. 1BF9D0CB-DE80-43BB-A8DC-DEA8CE869795.jpeg


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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S/he´s a beauty!!
I don´t know if they´ve had their first moult. I hear that in Fischeri the feathers become more vibrant after first moult, but I have never seen this with my own eyes so can´t be more specific.

If you have the time to dedicate to this bird then if you want to go for it I wish you all the luck in the world :)


Jogging around the block
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My first birds (22 years ago) were an adult pair of peach faced lovebirds. They were extremely wild. They got to where they would fly to our head or shoulder or even the sofa we were at and just sit there. The moment you would move your hand they would go on the attack though. Lovebird bites hurt, lol. They never became very tame but I was very attached to them. They were kept in a large cage and allowed out for hours everyday as we were watching tv. Point of the story is that yours may not become a cuddly bird but don't give up.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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@javi I have a similar relationship to the one you describe with my hen Aldora. She came to me (literally arrived on my doorstep) as an adult and has been with me for a couple of years now. She bites if given the chance but hasn´t bitten me in well over a year. On some occasions she will come to my hand. It´s a working progress, but she seems happy enough. She is the middle bird on my Avatar picture, her mate to the left and her two offspring to the right.

You did well considering you had a pair. They have all they need in each other making you irrelevant to them.
I´m writing this thread... and my brain is ticking over... I´m wondering if by Aldora bonding with my Jaime has hindered any progress that could have been made. I´m thinking if she was a lone bird things would be different. She doesn´t need me, she has her male to care for her. Well that is very interesting. I had never thought of that before, I don´t even know why not :laugh:

In regards to OP, the bird is still very young so hopefully it leads to a larger chance of success in creating a trusting relationship :)
