I really think you need to leave my name out of it. Yes you didn't mention mine, but I'm not stupid. You can ask several people that have posted in this thread that have contacted me privately and I have helped them out the best way that I can. I am not the one that put the store section into Moderation. In fact, I'm the ONLY one that is approving the posts because I don't think its right that it is in moderation. I have not banned members because of complaints with the store and I have proof to back that up. Yes I had to ban one person, but that one person also knows I did it and why and she and I do still talk. I'm not upset with you, all I wanted to do was to clear my name...and all I ask is that if you are going to throw accusations around involving me, then please know if they are fact or fiction.
Shiloh I'm sorry to have hijacked your thread but I felt I needed to come and defend myself.
Its great to have you over here too!