I have been being trained by my two conures for about 4-5 years now. I let one of them pair-bond, unwittingly, but it has still happened. I have always tried to let them decide what they wanted to do, which I don’t know if that is a mistake. I didn’t recognize their cavity seeking behaviors as that. I have let both Max & Gus ride on my shoulders probably to all of our detriment. Max now will intermittently have these fits where he doesn’t want to step down from my shoulder and bites hard. He’s like a feathered vice grip when he doesn’t want to dismount my shoulder. I was searching around the AA site and found some good information on why one shouldn’t pair-bond with their bird and the significance of cavity seeking. Well, it’s already happened. The cow is out of the barn. I would like to have a healthy and supportive relationship with my birbs....I really do love them. I’ve target trained and played with them, but I have also let them remain with me while I was working. Neither of them will stay on theirs cage tops/play gyms any more. I need training. Can I undo this? Is it too late? I’m on my first day of trying to identify to my antecedent behaviors, but I confess I’m a little nervous to even let them out today. This morning, I ate my breakfast in front of their cages and chatted with them. They both wanted out to attach themselves to me. I feel very inadequate to appropriately care for them and this causes me a deep sadness and pain.