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how to deal with unexpected egg?


Checking out the neighborhood
Hello all! I’m a new bird mom with a 9 month old lovebird and a 9 month old quaker. Recently I found my lovebird has a weight gain from 47g to 51g. And several signs show that she might have eggs on the way. She doesn’t have mate bird. I don’t know what to do now.

These weeks we have been trying hard to prevent her from sexual behaviors. But We let her fly freely around the apartment, so she always keep nesting in every possible place with every possible material in the room. We keep removing the nest and close the room. But it seems not working . The eggs are coming.

Now what should I do? Should I give her a nice warm place to lay egg safely? Or I should keep creating a non-confort environment to prevent more eggs?

I heard some said that lovebirds usually will lay 4-6 eggs. Anything I can do to stop the cycle?

I’ll be really grateful for your advice and help.
Thank you.


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The priority is to be sure she is getting enough nutrition, especially calcium, right now. Does she eat pellets? If she does and eats seed also, reduce seed intake and up the pellets. If you have a supplement, now is the time to give it (it´s a good idea to speak with your vet if you´re unsure about supplements). You can offer calcium rich vegetables.

When I see the egg, like the actual egg shape not just swelling or largeness, I give paper to shred and my girls usually make little nests on the cage floor. Eggs take 24-48 hours to be created and laid so once you see the egg shape, it will be coming super soon.

4-6 is average, my girls first clutches were 2. Don´t be alarmed if you see a small smear of blood on the eggs. Your bird may also have larger droppings around laying.

The key is to observe your bird while she lays, remain calm, and if you feel something is wrong, get her to the vet. Things to watch out for; lethargy, loss of balance, loss of appetite, vomiting.


Checking out the neighborhood
Welcome to the Avenue :)

The priority is to be sure she is getting enough nutrition, especially calcium, right now. Does she eat pellets? If she does and eats seed also, reduce seed intake and up the pellets. If you have a supplement, now is the time to give it (it´s a good idea to speak with your vet if you´re unsure about supplements). You can offer calcium rich vegetables.

When I see the egg, like the actual egg shape not just swelling or largeness, I give paper to shred and my girls usually make little nests on the cage floor. Eggs take 24-48 hours to be created and laid so once you see the egg shape, it will be coming super soon.

4-6 is average, my girls first clutches were 2. Don´t be alarmed if you see a small smear of blood on the eggs. Your bird may also have larger droppings around laying.

The key is to observe your bird while she lays, remain calm, and if you feel something is wrong, get her to the vet. Things to watch out for; lethargy, loss of balance, loss of appetite, vomiting.
Thank you! She’s eating harrison’s pellets and some nuts. I bought some calcium supplements yesterday. She doesn’t like vegetables but I’ll try my best.

Right now she is very active, jumping and climbing and flying. I’ll watch her everyday. Watch the actual egg shape. Thank you!

Hope she is strong enough, no egg binding problem.

Thank you again!


Checking out the neighborhood
Today she is very busy with nesting. She took a bath, very active, looks fine.

But these days, I find her not sleep well at night. We have a camera on her cage. We check the camera and could often see her awake, preening and moving her body. Usually She would just sleep with her head back in the feather. But these days not. Does anyone know why she doesn’t sleep tight?