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How loud is TOO loud?

DJ Mystina

Jogging around the block
Lawrence, Ma
Real Name
Hi again everyone :) Just a quick question for future references. If you haven't noticed by my username I am a DJ, meaning I am always around loud music. Whether it be in the club when I am spinning behind the booth, or in my living room creating mixes, I always have music on. I don't want to hurt my bird, so how loud is too loud? Will it even effect my bird or will it be just fine? For example, if I bring my bird to the club with me (I won't do that, it's just an example) would that be too loud?

Thanks in advance ^_^
Mystina :)


Rollerblading along the road
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Hi Mystina,
Too loud is louder than the parrot has evolved to cope with. That would be standard jungle noises and the screech of an angry parrot partner just inches away.
Since your hearing is very likely already altered by exposure to loud music, you need an objective reference in decibels.
Even then that would not be much good, as length of exposure is also a factor.

My gut feeling is to limit the birds exposure to loud music



Sprinting down the street
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Yes the high volume at a club would absolutely be too loud. That kind of intensity would be too much.

I personally LOVE music, the louder and more base the better, I like to be engulfed in it and not able to hear anything else! I have a small radio on in every room in my house.
And now Milo loves music!! He "sings" along with it and me, and loves to dance with me when I turn it on and clean house.
I like it loud. My big awesome loud speakers are in our bedroom (silly story lol) so if Im in the kitchen I have to compensate by turning it up even louder to hear it.
I cant have him in the actual room where the speakers are when I have it that loud though.
I learned right away how high I can go by his body language. I can tell how loud is too loud because he shakes his head and rubs his ears. Thats how I learned how loud is too loud for him. I started at low levels and went up a little at a time. I couldnt really give you a number on the dial as all systems are different.
I would suggest keeping your FID in the other room when your spinning and whatnot at home.

My Disclaimer....All within reasonable limits of course. I would never have had him in where the speakers are at those volume levels, even without the "testing" to see how loud we could go.

DJ Mystina

Jogging around the block
Lawrence, Ma
Real Name
Yes the high volume at a club would absolutely be too loud. That kind of intensity would be too much.

I personally LOVE music, the louder and more base the better, I like to be engulfed in it and not able to hear anything else! I have a small radio on in every room in my house.
And now Milo loves music!! He "sings" along with it and me, and loves to dance with me when I turn it on and clean house.
I like it loud. My big awesome loud speakers are in our bedroom (silly story lol) so if Im in the kitchen I have to compensate by turning it up even louder to hear it.
I cant have him in the actual room where the speakers are when I have it that loud though.
I learned right away how high I can go by his body language. I can tell how loud is too loud because he shakes his head and rubs his ears. Thats how I learned how loud is too loud for him. I started at low levels and went up a little at a time. I couldnt really give you a number on the dial as all systems are different.
I would suggest keeping your FID in the other room when your spinning and whatnot at home.

My Disclaimer....All within reasonable limits of course. I would never have had him in where the speakers are at those volume levels, even without the "testing" to see how loud we could go.
Thanks hun :) I'll make sure to keep my baby in a different room then and pay close attention to the body language. ^_^ Thanks again!