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Hlw do.ypu deal with the loss of a parrot. Mine died yesterday


Checking out the neighborhood
I'm a first time parrot owner. Bought my sweet angel of a bird 6 ish months ago. His name was Eli and he's a white capped pionus parrot. He was only 11 months old

I tamed him myself (he was parent raised). I followed every rule in the book to keep him safe

A couple weeks ago, something didn't seem right, his poop was a bit watery and I just had a feeling, but couldnt actually pin point anything
The vet appointment was supposed to be tomorrow.

yesterday I woke up and saw him at the bottom of the cage, trying to climb back up but he couldn't. He was so weak. It came out of the blue, it was so sudden. The night before he seemed fine, if a bit tired looking. He let my and boyfriend stroke him for the first time ever, i thought our bond was just getting closer

Whilst on the way to the vet he died in my partners arms

I am absolutely devastated. I've never grieved the loss of a pet before. I don't know how to handle it.

Does anyone have any advice for coping? I keep blaming myself for not seeing that something was wrong with him the night before

I just want him back


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You grieve however you need to, eventually with time you can think of all the good things rather than what just happened. Maybe when you're ready you find another feathered friend that needs all the love and attention you can provide. The good thing is he was with both of you so he felt safe and loved as he passed wich is how it should be if you are able. I'm sorry you lost him so soon, take the time you need and don't beat yourself up. Birds are masters at hiding that they are sick and sometimes it happens so fast there isn't much you can do. It sounds like you were doing everything you could :sadhug:


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They're not pets, they are part of our family.

Take care of yourself and know that it's okay to grieve.

Deleted member 57370

I'm so sorry. I have been through it, and it is never easy and it's different every time .

Parrots are so special, we have deep bonds with them .

I'm so sorry it was young guy , that always seems especially unfair and hard.

Birds hide being sick by evolution, it's a hardwired behavior. It's not that you missed anything. You did exactly right to take any symptoms at all seriously and you booked his vet appointment right away. If only they would let us know!

I hope one day you will feel ready for a wonderful parrot to share your life again.
One of the only limited tools we have , is to do weight checks every week and log . Sometimes this will help pick up health issues earlier by weight loss . As most ( not always unfortunately) will start dropping weight with health issues. If you see a 5% body mass loss you should get them checked out, and of course any symptoms regardless of weight loss , like you were going to.

Loosing our pet family is near the same to loosing friends and family. You will be all over the place , things will trigger you , there is disbelief and guilt, and what ifs . Allow yourself periods of time to be in thst , then make the effort to turn your thoughts to the good times you shared together. Your thoughts will want to circle and circle, and I think and have read , it is best to stop the circle cascade, get up down activity have something hot to drink . Process it in chunks. But don't use those thoughts to beat yourself up .

It's something I have to work at still. I'm still going to get caught up in the circle , and I try to allow some. Then I tell myself that enough, I pray , I concentrate on the good memories all the things I'm thankful about from sharing my life with them . The length of that shared life doesn't matter the pain is just as real and deep with any loss


Jogging around the block
Avenue Spotlight Award
I'm so sorry.

I've had various furry pets for decades, and had NO idea how incredible sharing our lives with parrots could be until I brought my ringneck home.

It is magical and just as real and intense than any relationship we have with people, and loss is also very real and intense.

Whatever you need, please know you are in the right place with people who understand. ❤


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I am very sorry for your loss.