Luckily, she wasn't in her harness when it happened! She was in her outdoor cage.
I wanted her to enjoy the fresh air & sun, being that we live in MN that only comes a few months of the year. So I set up a cage out on the deck for her and her very FIRST day in this new cage, I was sitting just inside the house. Her cage was up against the patio door, and the door was open w/ screendoor shut. I heard this LOUD wing flapping, and knew that her little wings didn't sound like that. So I peaked out the door, and this big Pereguin Falcon was attached to the outside of her cage, and she was clinging to her rope perch in the center of the cage!
I quick RAN up to the door and started screaming at the Falcon and banging on the glass as hard as I could, but he didn't even care. He just kept trying to stick his beak through the bars, so I started looking for something to 'sho' him away with, and all I could find was a big, red candel. By the time I turn around, he's wedged himself inbetween the glass door and the cage, so when I whipped open the screen door; he lost his footing and flew to the rail of the deck. I ran at him with the candel in tow (Sorry, I didn't know what else to do! My baby was under attack!) and I ran at him, and then he finally flew into the tree.
I grab Sparx in a vice grip and bring her indoors, and the little shat comes BACK! He flies back down to her cage, lands on the side, notices that she's no longer there, and flew away! For days after that, I saw that Falcon flying over our house and sitting in the trees, waiting!
Sparx had her annual vet checkup a few days later, and I talked to my vet about it, and she said that the Falcon would be STALKING my house for the next couple of WEEKS!
That crazy bird! So I sold her outdoor cage and I don't bring her out on her harness like I used to. =/ Hopefully next summer, things will have calmed down and I'll be able to bring her outdoors. But I'll ALWAYS be nervous, which sucks. Because she'll pick up on that and not have a good time.