N Nikki Hit the Road Joined 10/16/09 Messages 10,927 Location South Florida Real Name Nikki 10/28/09 #21 to the Ave!
Thugluvgrl187 Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 20,484 Location Sunny Fl Real Name Miriam 10/28/09 #22 Hello and welcome to the Avenue!
Welshanne Ripping up the road Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Avian Angel Joined 10/16/09 Messages 1,000,000 Location Pembrokeshire. South Wales, Britain. Real Name Ann Burdett 10/28/09 #23 Welcome to the Avenue!
Anne & Gang Riding the Skies Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Avian Angel Joined 10/16/09 Messages 1,000,000 Location Caledon, Ontario, Canada Real Name Anne 10/28/09 #24 welcome aboard!!!!