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Green cheeck conure chlamydia


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I have a green cheeck conure of 11 months old, have her since she was 1,5 months old.
My green cheeck conure was breathing faster than normal, so i brought her to a vet. Which basically didnt do anything. Same with the second vet.

The third vet did a test,... And my parrot has chlamydia. He gave me Doxycycline (powder). Which i have to mix with her water and give it for 45 days. Its been 35 days and i dont see any improvements. She also had a swollen eye which is getting a little better but her breathing didnt change. She breathes fast and i cant hear her breath when i hold her close to my ear. When she flies, her breathing is getting faster.

I dont know what to do, i have been to 3 vets. I got the right medication now, but i dont see any improvements. And i feel so sad for her that i cant do anything for her now.


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Chlamydia can have many symptoms ( lack of appetite, weight loss, depression, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, discharge from the eyes or nares ) and Doxycycline is the recommended treatment. Usually oral or injectable for a minimum of 45 days. Water doses of the medication can be tricky as you are not always sure how much they are ingesting. I would raise your concerns to the vet that gave you the antibiotics. Maybe rerun the test and if still present ask for oral doxy.

Deleted member 57370

My phone is about to die but I'm linking my thread of flock with Chlamydia. Then I will come back later sbd add more

We ended up doing doxy water. But you absolutely must make up fresh each day.
Its rare to have yeast overgrowth on doxy. But I did have thst happen to one. So yiu might need to add nystatin.
Yes it takes a long time to clear this

Deleted member 57370

It would be great to add pictures of your gcc eyes to share on my linked thread. I shared pictures of how my quakers eyes looked. But I had lost my pictures of how my green cheeks eyes and my other quakers eyes looked with Chlamydia. And to put a picture here in your thread as well.

Does your green cheek have the bright green liquid around poops? If so please share a picture.

Extra warmth is so helpful for sick ones. A radiant heat source like the sweeter heater as found on Amazon is whst I recommend. It doesn't matter thst your hime is room temperature. Burds natural body temp is 104-110 f. For support heat its recommend 85-90f

It takes a lot of calories to be sick they burn 3x their normal basic metabolism when sick I've even seen reports of up to 5x the calories needed . So often even if they are still eating they loose weight.

Have you been weighing yours? I use a digital kitchen scale and just place my burd on it . But you can zero out a bowl with some seeds on scale then see if your burd will perch on the bowl for a weight.

A good diet is important for immune system. Especially foods rich in vitamin A like peppers, yellow orange red bell pepper or any peppers like red chilies or others. Romaine lettuce e is actually a good source, cooked sweet potatoes are excellent as is cooked pumpkin. Steamed or roasted carrots increase the A absorbed.


Jogging around the block
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It took my African ringneck a few weeks to start showing signs of improvement after he started doxycycline. I did the same thing, doxy in water - distilled water - and made it fresh every day.

I would make a note on your calendar or set an alarm for 45 days - it's longer than it seems ;)

Deleted member 57370

It took my African ringneck a few weeks to start showing signs of improvement after he started doxycycline. I did the same thing, doxy in water - distilled water - and made it fresh every day.

I would make a note on your calendar or set an alarm for 45 days - it's longer than it seems ;)
Oh yes! I forgot about distilled water! Yes best way! As minerals in regular water can bind with meds.

Yes you must make fresh each day to not loose potency !

Can you add pictures of cotton eyes to my saga thread? So helpful to have examples!

Plus didn't you have success adding baby burd formula to his food fir extra calories?


Moving in
It would be great to add pictures of your gcc eyes to share on my linked thread. I shared pictures of how my quakers eyes looked. But I had lost my pictures of how my green cheeks eyes and my other quakers eyes looked with Chlamydia. And to put a picture here in your thread as well.

Does your green cheek have the bright green liquid around poops? If so please share a picture.

Extra warmth is so helpful for sick ones. A radiant heat source like the sweeter heater as found on Amazon is whst I recommend. It doesn't matter thst your hime is room temperature. Burds natural body temp is 104-110 f. For support heat its recommend 85-90f

It takes a lot of calories to be sick they burn 3x their normal basic metabolism when sick I've even seen reports of up to 5x the calories needed . So often even if they are still eating they loose weight.

Have you been weighing yours? I use a digital kitchen scale and just place my burd on it . But you can zero out a bowl with some seeds on scale then see if your burd will perch on the bowl for a weight.

A good diet is important for immune system. Especially foods rich in vitamin A like peppers, yellow orange red bell pepper or any peppers like red chilies or others. Romaine lettuce e is actually a good source, cooked sweet potatoes are excellent as is cooked pumpkin. Steamed or roasted carrots increase the A absorbed.
Hey, i can send a picture of my ggc's eye tomorrow because it is sleep time here in Belgium. Is it ok to upload the picture here, bcs i dont see where to do it in your thread.

Yes, my gcc has bright green liquid around poops, i'll also take a picture of that tmrw.

We do provide the bird extra warmth now. We also weight the parrot in the morning (always been around 76g-78g).
And we feed her roudybush pellets, and ofc some fruits and vegetables.


Moving in
Oh yes! I forgot about distilled water! Yes best way! As minerals in regular water can bind with meds.

Yes you must make fresh each day to not loose potency !

Can you add pictures of cotton eyes to my saga thread? So helpful to have examples!

Plus didn't you have success adding baby burd formula to his food fir extra calories?
thanks for your tips


Moving in
Hey, i can send a picture of my ggc's eye tomorrow because it is sleep time here in Belgium. Is it ok to upload the picture here, bcs i dont see where to do it in your thread.

Yes, my gcc has bright green liquid around poops, i'll also take a picture of that tmrw.

We do provide the bird extra warmth now. We also weight the parrot in the morning (always been around 76g-78g).
And we feed her roudybush pellets, and ofc some fruits and vegetables.
It would be great to add pictures of your gcc eyes to share on my linked thread. I shared pictures of how my quakers eyes looked. But I had lost my pictures of how my green cheeks eyes and my other quakers eyes looked with Chlamydia. And to put a picture here in your thread as well.

Does your green cheek have the bright green liquid around poops? If so please share a picture.

Extra warmth is so helpful for sick ones. A radiant heat source like the sweeter heater as found on Amazon is whst I recommend. It doesn't matter thst your hime is room temperature. Burds natural body temp is 104-110 f. For support heat its recommend 85-90f

It takes a lot of calories to be sick they burn 3x their normal basic metabolism when sick I've even seen reports of up to 5x the calories needed . So often even if they are still eating they loose weight.

Have you been weighing yours? I use a digital kitchen scale and just place my burd on it . But you can zero out a bowl with some seeds on scale then see if your burd will perch on the bowl for a weight.

A good diet is important for immune system. Especially foods rich in vitamin A like peppers, yellow orange red bell pepper or any peppers like red chilies or others. Romaine lettuce e is actually a good source, cooked sweet potatoes are excellent as is cooked pumpkin. Steamed or roasted carrots increase the A absorbed.
never mind i found the place for the pictures

Deleted member 57370

Sure you can put here. And to add to other thread I linked just post a reply in thread and add pictures.

Great you are feeding a good diet.

Its so easys for them to relapse at first with this Infection. You must clean like never before. Advised to not use vacuum, abd toss vacuum filters and change home filters. You made need to toss soft perches and toys. Until over Infection.

If there are any other burds in the home they must all be treated at the same time even if no signs of being sick. So if you do have other nurds then start treatment of all and consider a do over that this is day one of treatment so you need a full.45 days for all


Moving in
Sure you can put here. And to add to other thread I linked just post a reply in thread and add pictures.

Great you are feeding a good diet.

Its so easys for them to relapse at first with this Infection. You must clean like never before. Advised to not use vacuum, abd toss vacuum filters and change home filters. You made need to toss soft perches and toys. Until over Infection.

If there are any other burds in the home they must all be treated at the same time even if no signs of being sick. So if you do have other nurds then start treatment of all and consider a do over that this is day one of treatment so you need a full.45 days for all
i only have 1 bird.

But i have another question, is it bad if i give the doxy for more than 45 days ? (and i give her daily fresh water ofc)

Deleted member 57370

just to be sure we are talking samr thing. The only water offered is the doxycline water. No other water offered. And yiu mix up.the doxycline fresh each day in distilled water or Reverse osmosis water.

I had to do extended treatment. But this is best discussed with your veterinarian.
If she is having trouble breathing, its possible she has a secondary fungal infection. Which would take additional medication like nystatin while still continuing the doxycline water. You veterinarian needs to be in the loop.


Moving in
Sure you can put here. And to add to other thread I linked just post a reply in thread and add pictures.

Great you are feeding a good diet.

Its so easys for them to relapse at first with this Infection. You must clean like never before. Advised to not use vacuum, abd toss vacuum filters and change home filters. You made need to toss soft perches and toys. Until over Infection.

If there are any other burds in the home they must all be treated at the same time even if no signs of being sick. So if you do have other nurds then start treatment of all and consider a do over that this is day one of treatment so you need a full.45 days for all
This is a picture of her eye. is isnt that swollen anymore. but it gets wet sometimes.

She is molting right now. but around that eye there isnt thats much feathers aswell.



Moving in

So I'm done with the treatment of doxycycline. My gcc is way more active than before. But I can still hear her breath if I hold her close to my ear. She still breathes fast we think. So I mailed our vet, and explained what I just said. And he recommened us to treat her with nystatine for around 5 days ( 3 drops in the morning and 3 in the evening).

But idk if this is the right treatment for her, this is recommended to use after doxycycline as it can cause other problems.

But is this the right medication ? Im worried about her breathing and the soft wheezing sound she makes when breathing. She is active and happy so thats better.


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Meghan (she/her)
If you’re concerned about the accuracy of the recommended treatment, you can definitely get a second opinion. It usually opens another option for treatment if there is one, just to get fresh eyes on the situation.

Deleted member 57370

its a safe medicine well tolerated. Used to treat yest over growth ..which can happen after long term antibiotics...same in people

I've had to treewat mine with it following antibiotics.

Im glad to hear she is improving!!! Maybe this will be the last hurdle


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So I have no problem with giving the medicine. But Im just concerned about the breathing. thats it

She still breaths kinda fast. Especially when she flies for a bit.

Does this medicine do something with the breathing of parrot or just not ?

Deleted member 57370

the medicine will hopefully help with breathing if she has a secondary yeast/fungal issue. But it takes time to work.
I keep sick burds a little quieter. If flying is causing breathing issues from exertion, then limit or font allow flying till she has recovered.