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Graduating to a cage


Jogging around the block
New York
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How did your babies act when they finally moved to a new cage? Mine are still in a 10 gallon tank and I’ve slowly started to introduce them. They tolerate it but run back to me.

Were they able to navigate the bars? Did they cry and stay huddled in the lower third? Mine have the side blocked out so they don’t see anything but cages are fully open for everything. They will have to get used to it :) Did your birds seem anxious by the change?


Biking along the boulevard
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I've only had one six week old baby. The first day in cage he stayed in the lower 3rd. Then for a few days he had minor navigation issues. In less than a week he was a pro.

Think its all individual.

Glad your babies are progressing. H❤


Jogging around the block
New York
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Haha “minor navigation issues” I like that!

Been giving them extra reassurance that they are ready and letting them take it slow, as they are a different paces. They just don’t seem to like anything hahaha except for their food, me and their dad. In that order! I’m sure they will get used to it in the next few days.


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Vic, Australia
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If you can fit the container they are now in into the cage then you may find that helpful when the time comes to actually start caging them.

Burt was a little overwhelmed with the huge cage all to himself, he had only really just graduated to a cage and was housed with a heap of babies who would all huddle together on the floor when their feet got tired. He really seemed to have found a feeling of security in the tub/box I put in for him, he also used it some nights when his little feet needed a rest while they were building up enough strength to always perch like a big bird does, I also put in a home made platform perch which he also would go to so he could lay down and rest his feet.
Many babies really like to be graduated with the security and comfort of being able to retreat to a tub/container and some also find it very helpful to have a platform available for them too.


Jogging around the block
New York
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If you can fit the container they are now in into the cage then you may find that helpful when the time comes to actually start caging them.

Burt was a little overwhelmed with the huge cage all to himself, he had only really just graduated to a cage and was housed with a heap of babies who would all huddle together on the floor when their feet got tired. He really seemed to have found a feeling of security in the tub/box I put in for him, he also used it some nights when his little feet needed a rest while they were building up enough strength to always perch like a big bird does, I also put in a home made platform perch which he also would go to so he could lay down and rest his feet.
Many babies really like to be graduated with the security and comfort of being able to retreat to a tub/container and some also find it very helpful to have a platform available for them too.
Oh yes, I’m so glad you said that cus it mirrored my concerns. They are outgrowing their tank in the sense that it’s boring and they like to crawl to the top and just call for me. Although a week apart and hitting all milestones, Eva is just is a bit wobblier and much more needy.

They have a little container that I carry them in when they bathe so they feel comfortable with it and hop it in. I will provide that, i was thinking that would help. Perfect, thanks!! I really think they will need that. Also they are used to a wee wee pad when hanging out with us on our bed so I put a piece covering 70% so if they need a little help when they are on the floor, they have something they are familiar. They like it. I’ll switch to newspaper soon. They are on the bottom most of the time, as of now, they don’t quite understand what to do hahah so it’s better than their little feets going through. They spent 5 min today, and we will just keep on going!

I have 2 platform perches as I knew they would want to be close but tend to huddle and rush hard like babies in a clutch and I didn’t want one being pushed off. They are never aggressive to each other but they will circle and use their body to block the other one. All perches are low, and I clipped in a soft elephant (no loose threads). Everyday is more exposure.


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Vic, Australia
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I covered the bottom grate with a sheet of cardboard for Burt till he was more steady and capable on his little toes. I gave him a heap of foot toys to interact with as they are all fairly small and not overwhelming. I hung toys on the sides of the cage really low so he could access them while standing on the cardboard floor, as he got more steady I would raise them a little to encourage him to climb the bars and hang off them to play. As he got more capable and confident he ventured higher up and stayed for longer periods, I started to notice he would want to stay up higher but he needed to lay down so I fixed a platform above one half of a normal perch- he loved it.

I am not a fan of the puppy pads to be honest so I have never ever used them, not even for dogs- my biggest concern with them being used for birds is that they may be chewed.

I also put a perch a few cms off the grate so Burt could practise perching without the hassle of falling any great distance- a few cms is obviously much more to a small bird than it is to a large bird lol. I suggest you add a perch as low as you can get it to sit, your babies should practice perching and it will help them build feet muscles and also confidence on the perch.


Jogging around the block
New York
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I covered the bottom grate with a sheet of cardboard for Burt till he was more steady and capable on his little toes. I gave him a heap of foot toys to interact with as they are all fairly small and not overwhelming. I hung toys on the sides of the cage really low so he could access them while standing on the cardboard floor, as he got more steady I would raise them a little to encourage him to climb the bars and hang off them to play. As he got more capable and confident he ventured higher up and stayed for longer periods, I started to notice he would want to stay up higher but he needed to lay down so I fixed a platform above one half of a normal perch- he loved it.

I am not a fan of the puppy pads to be honest so I have never ever used them, not even for dogs- my biggest concern with them being used for birds is that they may be chewed.

I also put a perch a few cms off the grate so Burt could practise perching without the hassle of falling any great distance- a few cms is obviously much more to a small bird than it is to a large bird lol. I suggest you add a perch as low as you can get it to sit, your babies should practice perching and it will help them build feet muscles and also confidence on the perch.
Is that Burt in the picture? It’s a beautiful bird! Thanks for the advice, I will do something similar. I’m keeping them in the cage tonight in their little container, supervised in my room. Maybe they will sleep through the night, maybe they will cry for a feeding. Maybe I will have to put them back into their baby tank. But right now, I don’t hear a peep. It’s the quietest they’ve ever been. They seem fine, Wally has already explored while Eva looked on, like how could you do this to me?! She gets upset when he tries new things haha. She doesn’t see the appeal in millets and if he even goes for one, she scolds him and physical turns around and blocks him from getting it.

The puppy pads have worked for us cus they haven’t been chewing on it but I lay it down on the bed to hang out with them. Or I would be doing laundry 8x a day haha also they slide on the bed, it’s so cute. Everything is very low to the ground but I suspect they will sleep in their little container. Just happy that they were tolerant. Wally seemed to enjoy the different perches. Let’s see how the night goes …… :)


Jogging around the block
New York
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Update :
My quiet little angels didn’t make a peep…until 4AM. Must be an internal clock cus it’s always the same time. I quickly offered formula as it’s their first night in their cage although they are nestled in a small container. Just as an added measure of comfort and also not to wake up my husband. Eva was ravenous, cue the drama haha. But she almost wouldn’t let him eat. And he wouldn’t eat much too. It was the first feed that he didn’t automatically take to. Hope it’s just that he’s weaning and not feeling overwhelmed. They will continue to sleep in my room for tonight. Tomorrow, I roll the cage into their room. Goodnight birdies. Sleep until 8 please. Yeah right, I’ll be back up at 6