Hi Carol. Your Fannie is darling.Hi Christine and welcome!
As a new cape owner I will look forward to your advise and expertise! So far my cape Fannie is just awesome butImsure I will have some questions for you along the way. Love the pic of Pica and I'd love to see more. Tell me about them.
Yes, I do still have Taji! He is just a cute as ever.Hi I remember reading about the little cockatiel that was dropped on your doorstep. Do you still have him? I'm glad your here, I enjoyed reading your posts before.
Hi Pat, Alex and Billie Faye!!!
Titanis, my user name on TP was Montage. I was pretty active there until about a year ago. I had to take some time off from posting on forums and such.
I plan to be an active member here on Avian Avenue.
I can already tell that this is going to be an awesome forum!