GG. Enjoy the small things Mayor of the Avenue Joined 10/17/09 Messages 28,652 Location gulf coast, alabama Real Name GG 11/9/09 #22 Welcome, glad you are here!
Thugluvgrl187 Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 20,484 Location Sunny Fl Real Name Miriam 11/9/09 #23 Hello and welcome to the Avenue.
Trice Sprinting down the street Joined 10/19/09 Messages 338 Location SC Real Name Trice 11/9/09 #24 Welcome to Avian Avenue!
calibird California Bird Nerds Vendor Avenue Veteran Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 6,850 Location Palmdale, California Real Name Ann 11/9/09 #25 Welcome to The Avenue. So glad you found us.
itzmered Welcome to Parrotdise Super Administrator Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/27/09 Messages 25,730 Location Minnesota Real Name Chris 11/9/09 #26 Welcome to the Avenue!
rockoko Squawk and Meow! Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 39,672 Location NY Real Name Martine 11/9/09 #27 Hi Jan, welcome!!!
allison Biking along the boulevard Avenue Veteran Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/19/09 Messages 9,630 Location California Real Name Allison 11/10/09 #28 Hey Jan, glad you joined.
Danita Ripping up the road Super Administrator Chief Beak Vendor Avenue Veteran Mayor of the Avenue Joined 10/16/09 Messages 35,238 Location Canada Real Name Danita 11/11/09 #29 Welcome to the Avenue Jan
Janie Jogging around the block Joined 10/16/09 Messages 830 Location St. Louis Real Name Jane 11/11/09 #30 Welcome Jan! Look forward to getting to know you Glad you are here.
ncGreyBirdLady They call Me crazy like its a bad thing! Administrator Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/15/09 Messages 11,676 Location Feathered Funny Farm USA Real Name Bonnie 11/13/09 #31 Sorry I'm so Late
Saemma Ripping up the road Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 11/7/09 Messages 27,187 11/13/09 #32 Hi Jan! Glad to see you here.
birdmom1 Meeting neighbors Joined 11/11/09 Messages 23 Real Name Carol Sokalski 11/13/09 #33 I'm new too! Glad you are here with us! Attachments weltothegroup.gif 99.6 KB Views: 15
Sharpie Rollerblading along the road Avenue Veteran Joined 11/5/09 Messages 4,376 Location Now TN 11/13/09 #34 Welcome to the Ave!