A few weeks ago I realized that my two ringneck doves Harmony and Freebird had two babies. I usually am really good about pulling their eggs and putting in fake ones, but I didn't see them in there as they were sitting on her little haystack where she always hangs out. Anyway, they are doing great and I just brought them into the house and into their own cage on Sunday. Right now, I am calling them Allegro and Adagio. One of them is going to go to a very close friend of mine who is a really talented multi species animal trainer and one of the most caring and compassionate animal people I know. I am SO excited about this as I have been trying to get her into birds for a long time. She is an extraordinary trainer so I am very excited that one of these babies is going to go live with her. She will get hers in another week or two. The other one will stay here. Here are a couple of pictures from a few weeks ago: