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Do you tell your birds


Biking along the boulevard
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About upcoming events?
For example last year when hubby and I were getting ready to go on holiday, I told Frankie and Miss Dolly everyday leading up to it about a week in advance they were going to another house for a few days, but mummy and daddy will be back to get you.
If Frankie has to get his nails done, which is my current situation, I start telling him about a week in advance. "Oh Frankie you have to go to the doctors to get your nails done, and they are going to be so nice. Then mummy can hold you". That seems to get him perked up. Two days before we go, I will bring his carrier in, so he can see it. On the day, he will just go right in it when I tell him we have to go. He's such a champ about it. I just get stressed when we're in the car and he starts "honking". He doesn't travel well, poor guy.
Once there, he's fine and after the trim he's all anxious to get back home.
Overall, I find telling them in advance of plans makes it easier at the time. Does anyone else do this? Or do I just talk to my babies too much? ;)


Cruising the avenue
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Aww such a good boy Frankie I always tell them stuff especially if it’s a work day


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
I do tell Ripley he's going to have to go to the vet for a beak trim if he doesn't get chewing when his beak gets long! Maybe it's not a coincidence after all that that I've had to cancel beak trim appointments lol


Biking along the boulevard
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Wales, United Kingdom
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I do tell Ripley he's going to have to go to the vet for a beak trim if he doesn't get chewing when his beak gets long! Maybe it's not a coincidence after all that that I've had to cancel beak trim appointments lol
If only I could teach Frankie to bite his nails lol


Rollerblading along the road
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I tell the conure what today holds and what is going on this week. As he belongs to my daughter who works out of town, we always have a countdown until she gets back home (usually on the weekends). He seems to understand what I am saying and often will be spicy the day before she gets home (like I don't need you, Mom will give me lots of cuddles tomorrow kind of attitude). I especially tell him when I will return and where I am going.


Rollerblading along the road
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JaJaBinks (previous B&G Macaw) loved Halloween so much I couldn't tell her in advance or she'd head to the front door & wait. Other things I could tell her in advance.

I had to go for surgery. I told JaJaBinks to be a good bird while I was away & that I'd be back. Step daughter came & stayed, but was instructed not to let any of the birds out. I was away for a couple days. When I got home I let her out of her cage. She stood on her cage door & then she leaned toward me & said "JaJaBinks good bird". I almost fell over!


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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I tell Secret all the time when I'm leaving.

(Hubby probably thinks he's married to a goof)


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Avenue Spotlight Award
I always talk to my birds. To other people I probably sound crazy, lol.
I tell them when I'm leaving and when I'll be back, I tell them I'm leaving plenty of food for the day so they'll be fine. If I leave for a longer time I tell them someone is going to come and take care of them and that she's really nice and will take good care of them.
But I also tell them whenever I'm doing anything in their cage, like cleaning, setting up new toys, giving them their bath, filling up food, etc.
I think hearing me talking to them in a calm voice helps reassure them that everything is okay.


Ripping up the road
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I always explain to my birds what's going on. My cockatiel Sunny loved going on trips. One morning I told him, we're going to see grandma and grandpa today. I don't even remember why our plans changed, but we ended up not going. All that morning, Sunny kept flying to the kitchen. I would take him back to the living room and he'd go back to the kitchen. (To go to the car, we left through the back door in the kitchen.) Finally, I realized he was going to the kitchen because he thought we were going to my parents' house and didn't want to be left behind. When I explained to him that we were staying home, he quit flying to the kitchen. Seriously. I really think they understand way more that we sometimes give them credit for.


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My birds know all the upcoming plans and many secrets too lol.


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I talk to mine as if they were people. No baby talk, though. IME, animals, especially parrots, understand much more than we'd think. Heck, I talk to the dog, too. She understands much less than my flock does. And since Mom is snowbirding in Florida, I find myself talking to them more.


Biking along the boulevard
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Wales, United Kingdom
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It's so refreshing to hear all your stories and I have to agree. They are more intelligent than we give them credit for.
@Toy , I wish I had been here when you had JaJaBinks. I would have loved to see all your posts about him. He sounds like he was an amazing companion to you.
My two would have been terrified of the Halloween costumes lol.


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Spotlight Award
Always telling Valkyrie good night and good morning. I also tell her when she’s getting nails done (this weekend) and if I’m going somewhere lol


Rollerblading along the road
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Syracuse, New York USA
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I always explain to Ralph if anything out of the ordinary will be happening within the next few days. Whenever I go out anywhere, I explain where I'm going, why I'm going and when I expect to be back. And I give him instructions not to answer the phone and to tell anyone who comes to the door to go away and come back later. :D I'm seldom gone for more than a few hours and usually return about when I told Ralph I would. Anyone who isn't a parrot person probably thinks I've lost my mind but I think Ralph understands what I tell him.


Rollerblading along the road
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It's so refreshing to hear all your stories and I have to agree. They are more intelligent than we give them credit for.
@Toy , I wish I had been here when you had JaJaBinks. I would have loved to see all your posts about him. He sounds like he was an amazing companion to you.
My two would have been terrified of the Halloween costumes lol.
A bit about JaJaBinks.....

JaJaBinks was female. I got her at age 2yrs & 1 week old. I drove 45 minutes thru freezing rain to see her. The owners had gotten her at 5 months of age. They couldn't handle her at all. She was kept in a tiny homemade cage made from plastic coated garden wire. No toys. Only fed cheap Walmart brand wild bird seed & peanuts. They kept her in the dark 24/7 so she'd be quiet. She was filthy, never had a bath. Her wing & back feathers curled up, as she was so dirty. Her nails were at least 2 inches long. The owner (lady) tried to get her out of the junky cage so I could see her. She made it to the top & kept lunging at her. Owner back handed her. I knew right then she wouldn't spend one more day in that place. She ended up on the floor. The owner grabbed her & shoved her at me. I held my arm out & she grabbed on with those long nails. I turned & headed out of the room & down the hall to their living room. I laid her on her back on my lap & she just cooed. Owner was shocked. I paid for her. I also insisted the husband put her cage in my car. I didn't want another bird to end up in it. It was tossed in the trash when I got home. One the way home I promised her she'd never be in the dark again. Having no cage for her I had to order one. It took 6 weeks to arrive. So we put a perch in a wire dog crate. During the day she was on a play gym. As soon as I got home with her I took her to the tub. I scrubbed her twice with parrot shampoo. The dirt poured off her. Her golden yellow feathers were lemon yellow. I assume due to lack of proper diet, as they turned golden later on. During her bath he slashed my palm open a good 2.5 inches with her long nails. After her bath I clipped her long nails. I sat her on a table perch & she actually held each foot up & just let me clip her nails. Next she was placed on a play gym & I gave her some veggies, fruit, seed mix, nuts. She went crazy. She feared being touched. To her it meant being shoved into a tiny cage & in the dark. Fast forward 6 weeks when her cage finally arrived. She watched me assemble it, add the perches & toys. Then she got to explore it. The next day we moved things around took up all the papers & plastic we had on the floor & moved her cage in front of a window over looking our back yard. She was in heaven. During the 6 weeks wait for her cage she learned to trust me & would allow me to do pretty much anything to her. I could put my fingers in her beak, file her beak, clip her nails, preen her, roll her on her back, etc.. She was a fast learner, had a ton of curiosity & was super silly. She would climb off her cage & come looking for me. Due to being abused she would only let me touch her. She sat at the table & ate with us. She'd look at food & ask if it was good. I say I don't know try it. She'd take a bite. If she liked it she'd say UMMMM GOOD. If not then she'd shake her head & say ewwww. She'd do that with her nuts, seed mix, veggies, etc., too. As she'd walk around she'd say "huh, huh, what?", so I always knew where she was. She loved going for rides in the truck, going to the Harley club, back yard, front porch. She'd yell HELLO to cars & anyone walking by. I taught her to wave her wing & say bye-bye. She'd help decorate the Christmas tree by yanking on the branches, open gifts, etc. Halloween she'd yell/scream at the kids & then laugh when they'd get scared. Kids still ask to see her today. Many took pics of her. They'd come visit in spring & summer when the birds were in the aviary. I gave her almost 20 good years before kidney disease took her. She gave us many years of laughs & good times. She was an amazing companion.


Cruising the avenue
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A bit about JaJaBinks.....

JaJaBinks was female. I got her at age 2yrs & 1 week old. I drove 45 minutes thru freezing rain to see her. The owners had gotten her at 5 months of age. They couldn't handle her at all. She was kept in a tiny homemade cage made from plastic coated garden wire. No toys. Only fed cheap Walmart brand wild bird seed & peanuts. They kept her in the dark 24/7 so she'd be quiet. She was filthy, never had a bath. Her wing & back feathers curled up, as she was so dirty. Her nails were at least 2 inches long. The owner (lady) tried to get her out of the junky cage so I could see her. She made it to the top & kept lunging at her. Owner back handed her. I knew right then she wouldn't spend one more day in that place. She ended up on the floor. The owner grabbed her & shoved her at me. I held my arm out & she grabbed on with those long nails. I turned & headed out of the room & down the hall to their living room. I laid her on her back on my lap & she just cooed. Owner was shocked. I paid for her. I also insisted the husband put her cage in my car. I didn't want another bird to end up in it. It was tossed in the trash when I got home. One the way home I promised her she'd never be in the dark again. Having no cage for her I had to order one. It took 6 weeks to arrive. So we put a perch in a wire dog crate. During the day she was on a play gym. As soon as I got home with her I took her to the tub. I scrubbed her twice with parrot shampoo. The dirt poured off her. Her golden yellow feathers were lemon yellow. I assume due to lack of proper diet, as they turned golden later on. During her bath he slashed my palm open a good 2.5 inches with her long nails. After her bath I clipped her long nails. I sat her on a table perch & she actually held each foot up & just let me clip her nails. Next she was placed on a play gym & I gave her some veggies, fruit, seed mix, nuts. She went crazy. She feared being touched. To her it meant being shoved into a tiny cage & in the dark. Fast forward 6 weeks when her cage finally arrived. She watched me assemble it, add the perches & toys. Then she got to explore it. The next day we moved things around took up all the papers & plastic we had on the floor & moved her cage in front of a window over looking our back yard. She was in heaven. During the 6 weeks wait for her cage she learned to trust me & would allow me to do pretty much anything to her. I could put my fingers in her beak, file her beak, clip her nails, preen her, roll her on her back, etc.. She was a fast learner, had a ton of curiosity & was super silly. She would climb off her cage & come looking for me. Due to being abused she would only let me touch her. She sat at the table & ate with us. She'd look at food & ask if it was good. I say I don't know try it. She'd take a bite. If she liked it she'd say UMMMM GOOD. If not then she'd shake her head & say ewwww. She'd do that with her nuts, seed mix, veggies, etc., too. As she'd walk around she'd say "huh, huh, what?", so I always knew where she was. She loved going for rides in the truck, going to the Harley club, back yard, front porch. She'd yell HELLO to cars & anyone walking by. I taught her to wave her wing & say bye-bye. She'd help decorate the Christmas tree by yanking on the branches, open gifts, etc. Halloween she'd yell/scream at the kids & then laugh when they'd get scared. Kids still ask to see her today. Many took pics of her. They'd come visit in spring & summer when the birds were in the aviary. I gave her almost 20 good years before kidney disease took her. She gave us many years of laughs & good times. She was an amazing companion.
Honestly this made me cry how can anyone keep an animal like that
How did you keep your cool when she backed handed her
I am so so so glad you found her I absolutely love that straight away she sensed you were her angel to save her


Biking along the boulevard
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Wales, United Kingdom
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What a heartbreaking story with a happy ending. I cringed as I read about how the previous owners treated her... and in front of you!!! Omg I bet you wanted to give HER a backhand, or worse. How appalling!!!
I'm so glad you got her out of there and she got to live her best life with you. xx :sadhug2:


Cruising the avenue
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What a heartbreaking story with a happy ending. I cringed as I read about how the previous owners treated her... and in front of you!!! Omg I bet you wanted to give HER a backhand, or worse. How appalling!!!
I'm so glad you got her out of there and she got to live her best life with you. xx :sadhug2:
Honestly I thought same


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Avenue Spotlight Award
A bit about JaJaBinks.....

JaJaBinks was female. I got her at age 2yrs & 1 week old. I drove 45 minutes thru freezing rain to see her. The owners had gotten her at 5 months of age. They couldn't handle her at all. She was kept in a tiny homemade cage made from plastic coated garden wire. No toys. Only fed cheap Walmart brand wild bird seed & peanuts. They kept her in the dark 24/7 so she'd be quiet. She was filthy, never had a bath. Her wing & back feathers curled up, as she was so dirty. Her nails were at least 2 inches long. The owner (lady) tried to get her out of the junky cage so I could see her. She made it to the top & kept lunging at her. Owner back handed her. I knew right then she wouldn't spend one more day in that place. She ended up on the floor. The owner grabbed her & shoved her at me. I held my arm out & she grabbed on with those long nails. I turned & headed out of the room & down the hall to their living room. I laid her on her back on my lap & she just cooed. Owner was shocked. I paid for her. I also insisted the husband put her cage in my car. I didn't want another bird to end up in it. It was tossed in the trash when I got home. One the way home I promised her she'd never be in the dark again. Having no cage for her I had to order one. It took 6 weeks to arrive. So we put a perch in a wire dog crate. During the day she was on a play gym. As soon as I got home with her I took her to the tub. I scrubbed her twice with parrot shampoo. The dirt poured off her. Her golden yellow feathers were lemon yellow. I assume due to lack of proper diet, as they turned golden later on. During her bath he slashed my palm open a good 2.5 inches with her long nails. After her bath I clipped her long nails. I sat her on a table perch & she actually held each foot up & just let me clip her nails. Next she was placed on a play gym & I gave her some veggies, fruit, seed mix, nuts. She went crazy. She feared being touched. To her it meant being shoved into a tiny cage & in the dark. Fast forward 6 weeks when her cage finally arrived. She watched me assemble it, add the perches & toys. Then she got to explore it. The next day we moved things around took up all the papers & plastic we had on the floor & moved her cage in front of a window over looking our back yard. She was in heaven. During the 6 weeks wait for her cage she learned to trust me & would allow me to do pretty much anything to her. I could put my fingers in her beak, file her beak, clip her nails, preen her, roll her on her back, etc.. She was a fast learner, had a ton of curiosity & was super silly. She would climb off her cage & come looking for me. Due to being abused she would only let me touch her. She sat at the table & ate with us. She'd look at food & ask if it was good. I say I don't know try it. She'd take a bite. If she liked it she'd say UMMMM GOOD. If not then she'd shake her head & say ewwww. She'd do that with her nuts, seed mix, veggies, etc., too. As she'd walk around she'd say "huh, huh, what?", so I always knew where she was. She loved going for rides in the truck, going to the Harley club, back yard, front porch. She'd yell HELLO to cars & anyone walking by. I taught her to wave her wing & say bye-bye. She'd help decorate the Christmas tree by yanking on the branches, open gifts, etc. Halloween she'd yell/scream at the kids & then laugh when they'd get scared. Kids still ask to see her today. Many took pics of her. They'd come visit in spring & summer when the birds were in the aviary. I gave her almost 20 good years before kidney disease took her. She gave us many years of laughs & good times. She was an amazing companion.
Absolutely horrible how she was treated. I will never understand how people can just be so cruel to their animals. I don't know if I could have stayed as calm as you in that situation.
But I'm so glad you found her and could give her such a happy life!