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Chicken Roll Call!


Meeting neighbors
North Carolina
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Barred Plymouth Rocks:
[Left to Right] Cuddles and Tiny 20201222_121001.jpg
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Wattles 20201222_120714.jpg
Cinnamon Queens:
Fluff 20201222_120746.jpg 20201222_120748.jpg
Of Course....The Buff Orps:
Puffball 20201222_115558.jpg
20201222_115917.jpg 20201222_120153.jpg 20201222_115357.jpg 20201222_115517.jpg


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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Call me AB
OMG! How have I never seen these chickens before?? They look like they are out of Dr. Seuss :o:
Silkies are quite popular pet chickens because they can be very friendly and everyone loves their fluff :xflove:
I started another thread with more pictures. titled Eggbert and Cicada ;)


Moving in
New Jersey, USA
Love seeing all the silkies here! Everybody here has some gorgeous birds! Here are some of mine plus some experimental project colors. :D
These are some of my breeders - The parents of my experimentals. :)

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I have two color pens. The first pen (above) is for my whites, blacks, paint, and project colors. They give me some grays too, but with a lot of leakage (undesirable) so I just rehome all of them. :D
This is my second color pen. It consists of a partridge rooster over a gray hen and partridge hen. The gray is partridge with the silver gene, and the partridge is well..partridge but has the gold gene instead. The gray hen and partridge rooster can actually make sex links with the hens being gray and the roosters being partridge, but I'm told there is some error. :) The gray hen and partridge rooster are both pretty young, but I will still be able to use them this Spring. :D

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Here are some of the projects.

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I have 3 buffs, 1 blue, and 1 black of these type. They are commonly referred to as showgirl silkies, but the standard calls them naked neck silkies. :D The first picture of my blue, and the other of one of the buffs. I believe both are girls. So hard to tell with silkies as it usually takes 14-16 weeks! :D

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Menagerie Mama

Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
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Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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Call me AB
Love seeing all the silkies here! Everybody here has some gorgeous birds! Here are some of mine plus some experimental project colors. :D
These are some of my breeders - The parents of my experimentals. :)

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I have two color pens. The first pen (above) is for my whites, blacks, paint, and project colors. They give me some grays too, but with a lot of leakage (undesirable) so I just rehome all of them. :D
This is my second color pen. It consists of a partridge rooster over a gray hen and partridge hen. The gray is partridge with the silver gene, and the partridge is well..partridge but has the gold gene instead. The gray hen and partridge rooster can actually make sex links with the hens being gray and the roosters being partridge, but I'm told there is some error. :) The gray hen and partridge rooster are both pretty young, but I will still be able to use them this Spring. :D

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Here are some of the projects.

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I have 3 buffs, 1 blue, and 1 black of these type. They are commonly referred to as showgirl silkies, but the standard calls them naked neck silkies. :D The first picture of my blue, and the other of one of the buffs. I believe both are girls. So hard to tell with silkies as it usually takes 14-16 weeks! :D

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Finally! Someone else with showgirls! Do you not find them oddly adorable?


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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Call me AB
Okay, if that gorgeous Golden Laced Wyandotte is Victoria, then His Handsomness needs to be Albert!

(...sorry I’m so late to this party)
She isn't a wyandotte. I no longer have the barnies.


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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Call me AB
She is so cute! Is she a satin? :loveshower:
Chicky is a cross chicken, I can only guess what she is.
Her father is Henry who I believe is a Sizzle (silkie cross frizzle), with even possible polish. Her mother was a buff Sussex.
So she's a smooth frizzle cross.


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
Call me AB
Chicky is a cross chicken, I can only guess what she is.
Her father is Henry who I believe is a Sizzle (silkie cross frizzle), with even possible polish. Her mother was a buff Sussex.
So she's a smooth frizzle cross.
Never mind me. Apparently sizzles are satins...


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
Call me AB
Awwwww. Every time I see a picture of her I love her more. And I remember how weirdly green your grass is. Eve in summer ours isn't like that! How old is she now?
She is sooo sweet! The grass isn't quite that green anymore, and it's only our lawn that's like that. She is about 13 weeks now.


Meeting neighbors
Meet my lovely, sweet girls...Violet, Rose, and Poppy (Buff Orpingtons) :swoon: View attachment 373728 View attachment 373729
I love buff orpingtons! My beloved late orpington, Buffy the Egg Layer (named after Buffy the Vampire Slayer- young me thought it was hilarious for some reason) was one of the sweetest chickens I've ever had, although she wasn't that bright. She was a very enthusiastic bug hunter, but whenever we gave them mealworm treats she'd ignore them and aggressively peck the rocks next to them. :lol:Your girls are adorable and look just like her!


Jogging around the block
Virginia, USA
Real Name
I love buff orpingtons! My beloved late orpington, Buffy the Egg Layer (named after Buffy the Vampire Slayer- young me thought it was hilarious for some reason) was one of the sweetest chickens I've ever had, although she wasn't that bright. She was a very enthusiastic bug hunter, but whenever we gave them mealworm treats she'd ignore them and aggressively peck the rocks next to them. :lol:Your girls are adorable and look just like her!
Awwww, that sounds adorable! I've watched part of Buffy The Vamp Slayer, too!


Strolling the yard
Real Name
Here are my chickies. We used to have quite a few more, but the past few years have been tough ones, predator-wise. It's a real balance between keeping them safe (in a coop) and keeping them happy (free ranging). Here's who's toughed it out:


The two gray hens on the left (Veggie Bite and Poppy) and the white/buff hen on the lower perch (Tofu) are all four-year-old Easter Eggers. The black hen is Patty (a black sex-link hen), who is also four. The other white/buff hen (Sylvie), on the right, is two years old, I think. She was hatched and raised by a broody -- I think she's EE x EE. The buff girl in the middle is Spike, who is Buff Orpington x Pip -- she hatched here last summer.

Pip is our rooster, also two years old. He's Buff Orpington x EE. He was also incubated and raised by a broody, but he was actually an assisted hatch. We had a couple of summers where chicks would start to hatch and then die, so I helped a few of them hatch (and they went on to be perfectly healthy). He had been incubated by one hen (Iris) who then took care of him until she was caught and killed when he was only a few weeks old. He was so sad on his own, so I tried putting him and our last Buff Orpinton hen (Aster) together in a separate pen. I felt confident that she wouldn't hurt him, but I was REALLY surprised when I went into the barn the next morning and she was tidbitting for him and letting him sit underneath her! She had raised chicks in the past but absolutely wasn't broody when I put them together. I've always said her little chicken brain was like, "Guess I forgot I hatched an egg. Well, come along then, son."

Our Buff Orpingtons were our oldest hens. Aster was our last one, and I was heartbroken when the bobcat killed her. They're such a sweet, dopey breed. Broody as all get out. I'm curious to see if Spike goes broody this spring/summer, as she's 3/4 BO. (I think she's actually 3/4 Aster, as I suspect Aster was Pip's genetic mother as well as his adoptive one.)

Our current flock is actually probably the size we should have, in terms of how many eggs we can get through during peak laying season. I'm not going to grow the flock this year. I'm really torn about how to keep them safe and happy. They refuse to go outside in the snow, so they've been in their coop all winter long and have just come out the past few days for the first time since last autumn. They're very happy chickies and love being outside, living their best chicken lives.


Rollerblading along the road
The Bird World
They refuse to go outside in the snow, so they've been in their coop all winter long and have just come out the past few days for the first time since last autumn.
Same with mine, I feel bad that they haven’t gotten to be outside :(
Here are my chickies. We used to have quite a few more, but the past few years have been tough ones, predator-wise. It's a real balance between keeping them safe (in a coop) and keeping them happy (free ranging).
I have the same problem... not sure what predators you have but in my yard there are foxes and hawks. Also the occasional eagle. I’ve lost one chicken to a fox. During warmer weather I can go outside to supervise them, which works because a fox or hawk wouldn't come near me. During colder weather I tell my younger siblings to go play outside and keep an eye on the hens. It’s not like they care whether they freeze :rofl: