Seriously Nutz!
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Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
It is with great pleasure that I announce the
Celebirdy for the month of November 2023
@TikiMyn 's Jóna
1. How did you acquire your bird?
We got Jóna from a breeder when he was only 6 weeks old so still needing to be hand fed. Actually the same breeder Orion the illigers macaw, who I adopted as adult, came from. I like how the breeder treats the adult birds, but the babies not so much. He sells most of them unweaned and as quickly as possible. Jóna was the last one left from the illigers and yellow collared babies he had.
2. What is your bird's name, species, age and sex?
Jóna, a male yellow collared macaw who is only 3 months old.
3. Does your bird do any special tricks?
Not yet! Unless you count rolling off object like he passed out trusting a human will catch him, because that is his specialty. As is flying around very fast aiming for your face, you better hope you put your hand up quick enough to catch him or he is hanging off your nose
4. What are some of your bird's favorite foods?
He loves green beans, peas, dried peppers and dried berries best. He starts making all kinds of happy noises while munching on them.
5. What is the funniest thing your bird has done?
though choice, as I laugh so often at all of his silly antics. I have chosen one of the first times he started playing on his back. He let himself slide down my shoulder, I caught him and he was laying on his back. I offered a finger in case he wanted to get up, he grab es it with both feet and pushed himself forward. I moved my finger after him as he was still holding on very tight and he kept pushing himself forward like some kind of weird bird snake The more I laughed the more he got into it!
6. How has your bird enriched your life?
Jóna brings me tons of joy each day. It is amazing preparing food for him as he enjoys chewing big chunks of veggie and will try anything. He is hanging of ropes and toys all the time. We spend a good amount of time playing with toys and playfully having him fly all over the place. Granted, how he will be in 5 years is still unknown. I hope as an adult he will retain his playfulness, it is absolutely amazing to watch him play. He is the most intense bird I have, wants to be part of everything whereas the others are more the type to sit on my shoulder or watch from a distance. I really love having him around and sticking his beak in everything.
7. What would you tell people who are considering this species?
Hard to say as I have only experienced a baby yellow collar. If I look at Jóna, and what I know about the closely related illigers, I think you can expect an active, curious bird with a strong personality that knows what he or she wants. I would say to be ready for a curious toddler that wants to be part of your life in a way that they decide, they like being in control. Basically be ready to adapt your life to them instead of the other way around! That is true for all parrots, but still. Also be ready to laugh it off when they push boundaries, but also stick with your rules.
8. What is the activity and noise level of your bird?
So far, activity I would say medium to high, depending on his mood. He is very busy, but some days More cuddly then playful. I am excited to see how and if that will change in the future. Noise level, so far very quiet but I see him becoming more vocal as he ages, he is practicing noises since a couple days and the few loud calls he does are increasing in loudness as he is finding his voice.
9. What are some of your bird's quirks?
Being very headstrong. Since the first day he got here, there is stuff he will not accept. Like gently cleaning his beak after a feeding. I tried letting him go about his business after a feeding and during play gently wipe his beak. No way! And when his beak is clean, I can touch it without a problem. He also rolls around a lot, that's one thing. But he will put his head on the table while he is sitting on my arm, and then roll over so he ends up on his back on the table. Thats just crazy to me.
10. If your bird talks, what is the most surprising word or sentence it has said?
He does not talk, but he whines like an offended baby when he doesn't get his way. I find it so funny, when I talk to him like 'oh no couldn't you have those buttons bird? Oh no how horrible you poor baby' it quickly changes his mind from feeling frustrated to showing off and wanting to play or get some scritches. The last few days he has added a sort of chuckle after the cries of anger making it even funnier.
11. What is your bird’s favorite treat?
A dried banana chip, followed by a sunflower seed.
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