Seriously Nutz!
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Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
It is with great pleasure that I announce the
Celebirdy for the month of July 2022
@BananaBird 's Tango
1. How did you acquire your bird?
I bought her at a pet store, she just looked like she wanted to come home with me.
2. What is your bird's name, species, age and sex?
Female budgie named Tango! I don't know her exact age, but I got her in February 2021 and she was pretty young.
3. Does your bird do any special tricks?
Her favorite trick is to spin! Sometimes when she wants treats she just starts spinning.
4. What are some of your bird's favorite foods?
She loves sprouts, quinoa, and most grains/seeds.
5. What is the funniest thing your bird has done?
I can't think of any one thing right now, but when she's excited she starts bouncing and hopping across the top of her cage.
6. How has your bird enriched your life?
She's definitely made it louder! It just makes me so happy when she is happy or excited, I love watching her trying new foods, playing with toys, and then when she just wants to hang out it's so cute.
7. What would you tell people who are considering this species?
That they can be hard to tame, and are flightier birds a lot of the time, so you have to be very patient with them.
8. What is the activity and noise level of your bird?
She can really get loud if she wants to, but a lot of the time she talks quietly to herself and me. As for her activity level, it really depends on the day, sometimes she'll fly round and round and throw her toys everywhere, and sometimes she just wants to nap and preen.
9. What are some of your bird's quirks?
If you give her millet she will not let go. Ever. I don't know if that's unusual for budgies though.
10. If your bird talks, what is the most surprising word or sentence it has said?
She doesn't talk, but one time I thought I heard her copy my brother whistling.
11. What is your bird’s favorite treat?
Definitely millet!
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