How long as she been in that cage though ? She won’t chose to sleep in a cage or a perch until she knows that’s her environment sorry if I am wrong but it sounds you have let her have the whole room and she chose her sleep spot rather than let her get use to cage as her sleep spot if that makes any sense
a friend of mine came around and I quick answered door leaving birds in bird room just before it was there bedtime it was dark by time my friend left half hour later and the birds were in their cages right cages well part from indie who was in pico cage (where she would prefer to be with pico) but what I am trying to say is they know that’s their cages by me training them to go home I say it everything they go in and they get a treat
you have to train her to know that’s her cage her safe place find her own sleep spot in that cage if that’s what you want to do
but if you are happy having her out free that’s ok but as
@Lady Jane said night frights are a real thing and being out in all that space she could really hurt herself that’s only thing I would be scared off too and her chewing something she shouldn’t light fixing etc