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Brrrrr and UV lights too


Meeting neighbors
Hi all! 1- I wanted to ask if UV light was necessary indoors for Tulsi? She doesn’t get a lot of direct sunlight and I can’t change that right now because it’s getting cooler here. Which leads me to my next question- does she need a heat lamp for any reason? i turned my heat on last night to 73* just for her because i don’t normally turn on the heat unless it hits the 40s outside (im in FL). The humidity was super low this morning becoming of it I think. Anyway- just curious since I’m not sure the best thing to do for her coming into these months. I know it’s not going to get COLD COLD like north of me (out of FL) but….?

Deleted member 57370

It's so cold herei. Florida! We dipped below freezing!!!!
I use the sweeter heater ,radiant heat panel ,on my birds cafe right now !


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Just keep in mind that when looking at the outside temp, unless your birds are in an outdoor aviary, it will be warmer indoors for them.
Where I live never dips below 5C (41F), so I don't bother with any heating for the birds, they're indoors and the house is fine for them, warmed by evening sunshine. My previous place was like a cave, little sunshine, so I would turn on an oil radiator just to raise the temp a little.


Meeting neighbors
Just keep in mind that when looking at the outside temp, unless your birds are in an outdoor aviary, it will be warmer indoors for them.
Where I live never dips below 5C (41F), so I don't bother with any heating for the birds, they're indoors and the house is fine for them, warmed by evening sunshine. My previous place was like a cave, little sunshine, so I would turn on an oil radiator just to raise the temp a little.
Oh, fantastic, thank you so much!


Meeting neighbors
What about UV lights in general? Sometimes I read they’re good for their feathers and health if they don’t get outside much. I can arrange to take her smaller house outside during the summer month for a little bit each day- I did that this year- the last 2mo but I didn’t put her direct in the sun. I just have a rope outside for her and we sit out there for a while but she doesn’t really get direct sunlight

Deleted member 57370

We had ice this morning!

I don't have thoughs on uv light sorry


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Sometimes I read they’re good for their feathers and health if they don’t get outside much
A vitamin D3 supplement can help in that department during winter months :)
And if you get many grey days, a nice bright lamp in the corner of the room can help keep the schedule intact.

Deleted member 57370

Quick temp drops are hard on birds.
And in Florida, most of our windows let in the chill, at least mine do big time! I've checked it can be 5 degrees cooler by my window then thermostat.

So going from 80f to 30-40sf in one day , that to much! Even if your home stayed in the 50s it's to much of a drop. .

I don't like my birds personally to go below 68f. So I use the radiant heat


Meeting neighbors
Quick temp drops are hard on birds.
And in Florida, most of our windows let in the chill, at least mine do big time! I've checked it can be 5 degrees cooler by my window then thermostat.

So going from 80f to 30-40sf in one day , that to much! Even if your home stayed in the 50s it's to much of a drop. .

I don't like my birds personally to go below 68f. So I use the radiant heat
Now that you mention it, her house is by our French doors. There’s no direct breeze or anything because the French doors exit onto a large covered porch but still, it may be chillier there than someplace else because it’s so shaded. I do have dark curtains on the doors and her house gets covered nightly. Hmmm some things to think about, thank you. Maybe I’ll have to start by moving her house altogether to the other side of the room.

Mark & Da Boyz

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I keep my place warm enough for Team Green and myself to not freeze, I live in Tampa so if it gets much below 50 people start freezing to death without their heavy coats, Never had. Problem hear or when we were in Ohio for that matter.

I do use full spectrum lights and just replaced the bulb this week. I was told to replace them every year or better 6 months has they quit putting out the full spectrum lighting as they age. You can see my setup in the photo, being a bit frugal, read cheap , I made this from clamp on desk lamps I got at Staples, the I clamp to a piece of wood screwed to the back of the cage. I use compact spiral full spectrum bulbs and have run this setup for years.

I'll post a photo later of the setup as I don't have one on my phone, sorry.

Mark & Da Boyz

Rollerblading along the road
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Tampa, Fl
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And these are the bulbs I use.got them from Amazon...imagine that! :laughing6:

The Bulbs.jpg


Meeting neighbors
I keep my place warm enough for Team Green and myself to not freeze, I live in Tampa so if it gets much below 50 people start freezing to death without their heavy coats, Never had. Problem hear or when we were in Ohio for that matter.

I do use full spectrum lights and just replaced the bulb this week. I was told to replace them every year or better 6 months has they quit putting out the full spectrum lighting as they age. You can see my setup in the photo, being a bit frugal, read cheap , I made this from clamp on desk lamps I got at Staples, the I clamp to a piece of wood screwed to the back of the cage. I use compact spiral full spectrum bulbs and have run this setup for years.

I'll post a photo later of the setup as I don't have one on my phone, sorry.
it’s true, it’s true about being below 50*!! Thank you for the pictures, that helps a lot showing how you set it up!


Meeting neighbors
Quick temp drops are hard on birds.
And in Florida, most of our windows let in the chill, at least mine do big time! I've checked it can be 5 degrees cooler by my window then thermostat.

So going from 80f to 30-40sf in one day , that to much! Even if your home stayed in the 50s it's to much of a drop. .

I don't like my birds personally to go below 68f. So I use the radiant heat
What type of radiant heat? A bulb?


Meeting neighbors
A vitamin D3 supplement can help in that department during winter months :)
And if you get many grey days, a nice bright lamp in the corner of the room can help keep the schedule intact.
Zara, do you happen to have a suggestion on a vitD supplement?


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Reino de España
Zara, do you happen to have a suggestion on a vitD supplement?
I really don't know which are good vs bad ones. I have a calcium and D3 supplement that I was given by my vet for my hen who would be depleted after laying eggs. The brand is Nekton, and I think quite a few people use that brand - they have a few different varieties of vitamins and supplements.