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Video Bourkes make horrible pets


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
I keep reading everywhere they are "aviary birds", that they "don't make good pets", etc.

It really makes me quite angry sometimes, especially considering these guys are the most calm and laid back parrots I've ever seen. I can't stress enough how amazing my little Citrus is.

Bourkes won't destroy your furniture, neither will they bite you, even if upset, they prefer to fly away. They won't scream next to your ear, they will instead do these little cute chirps they make.

If a super cuddly bird is what you're looking for, then maybe bourkes are not for you. But even though they're not cuddlebugs like cockatiels or cockatoos, bourkes love affection and they will love you If you respect them for what they are.

Bourkes are not known for being cuddly, yet my boy lets me pet him when he's in the mood. At first he didn't like it much, now he sometimes ends up sleepy.

I'm starting to believe every parrot tagged as "aviary bird" can make a good pet. It's just up to us to know what we want for a companion parrot.

Overall, my sweet little boy is one of the greatest things that happened to me in my life.:heart:

(VIDEO) Coki Petrone - Citrus | Facebook



Courtney Lou Hoo
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Courtney Lou Hoo
Citrus is adorable! Bourkes were on my very short list when I was considering what my first bird might be.


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
Citrus is adorable! Bourkes were on my very short list when I was considering what my first bird might be.
Thank you! They are really good "starter" birds, the best thing about them is they are very social, NEVER get wild wild, not even if you don't spend time with them, and they LOVE PEOPLE and TRAVELING. My bourke goes nuts when we get into a car, even if we're going to go to the vet.

Citrus, for some reason, loves kids, and the funny thing is I don't even have kids/younger siblings.

They really are something.:heart:


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
I am lucky enough to live in Aus so I get to see them quite often. From what I've heard they are sweet little guys. I remember someone saying that they were like giant budgies.
You really NEED to take some pictures of them. I've heard they are endangered, poor little things. :(

At least as pets they're not quite like budgies. In fact, behavioral wise they are extremely calm, and they barely play with toys, but they learn to do so. Mine has his hyper moments but after flying for a while he's a little sleepy ball again. He chews my hair and fingers sometimes but that is it, lol.

Bourkes are a dream bird for me for sure. Those australian keets are just too sweet :heart:
I feel like a bourkie will totally fit you :)


Rollerblading along the road
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Mayor of the Avenue
Sydney, Australia
They are pretty much the same size as Budgies, at least those I see around. I fell in love with the pink Bourkes. I was all set to get one to add to our Budgie aviary, when my research told me it wouldn't be a good idea keep Bourkes with Budgies. Bourkes are much calmer and likely to be bullied by the Budgies.

Your Citrus is gorgeous.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Here in Sweden they also say that it's a aviary bird for he reason that they need to fly a lot and should never be kept in a small cage.
Citrus is adorable ♥ and so lucky that you chose a bird that seems to be perfect for you. :)


Meeting neighbors
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Years ago, I almost got a Bourke as my first parrot. I must admit that I was attracted to their pink color at first, but when I did my research I fell in love with their calm personalities. But then I ended up adopting from a rescue instead.


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
They are pretty much the same size as Budgies, at least those I see around. I fell in love with the pink Bourkes. I was all set to get one to add to our Budgie aviary, when my research told me it wouldn't be a good idea keep Bourkes with Budgies. Bourkes are much calmer and likely to be bullied by the Budgies.

Your Citrus is gorgeous.
Before moving I had a 10m2 aviary with 7 budgies in it, Citrus shared the aviary daily with them with no problems, but it may have been because they weren't many and they were most of them males. Now I have six budgies and two females and just one seem to be a bit aggressive, the others couldn't care less, lol. Mines don't breed either but at first Citrus was constantly lounging at them, I assume it was because he was scared. At night he always slept at home for safety, but once he adapted he was super excited during the day to go to the aviary. They can share the same space but you just need to be careful! Sometimes at night he didn't want to come back home and they all slept together on the same tree ❤ I may have some pictures around!

Years ago, I almost got a Bourke as my first parrot. I must admit that I was attracted to their pink color at first, but when I did my research I fell in love with their calm personalities. But then I ended up adopting from a rescue instead.
Adopting is always good! We don't have rescues here so I can't volunteer or adopt. But if we did I'd totally adopt instead of buying!


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Mayor of the Avenue
Sydney, Australia
It does tend to be the female budgies that can be the trouble makers. No all, but enough that I won't risk it. We had an unintentional breeding event in our budgie aviary we were finding dead babies on the aviary floor and an injured mother budgie - we didn't know why. It took us a while to figure out we had a rouge killer hen (that's how my AV described it). He told me to go home and look for anither female with even a few spots of blood around her face. Having said that, the only aviary baby we saved is a girl (named Lucky)!- and a very gentle girl at that. She lives inside now, sharing a cage with a disabled male budgie (Footsie).

So I think it depends on the female budgies personality, and now having seen first hand what one can do if they want to, I won't include a Bourke in my own aviary.

I think I could house a Bourke with Lucky, but I don't want to muck around with the dynamics between Lucky and Footsie, so that's out.

I love Pink Bourke's though. Such pretty birds.


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Mayor of the Avenue
Sydney, Australia
Adopting is always good! We don't have rescues here so I can't volunteer or adopt. But if we did I'd totally adopt instead of buying!
its harder to adopt here for sure - but there is the Parrot Rescue Centre Home - Caring for Pet Parrots in Australia in QLD. They co-ordinate adoptions & rescues nationally. Not all birds can be adopted across state lines - it depends upon a few things, including the wishes of the person who is giving up the bird. If they are against shipping for example, then it won't happen.

I live in Sydney and my Sun Conure's adoption was co-ordinated through them. After that, I was on their waiting list for more than 2 years for another Sun Conure or Jenday available for NSW adoption. I gave up waiting a few months past and bought a baby Jenday.

You can also support the work of the Rescue by buying parrot food and toys through the rescue.

It's a shame there is nowhere (that I know of) where we can volunteer to work at a rescue here in Aus, unless you live near the one in QLD. You can volunteer to foster a bird waiting for its forever home though.


Ripping up the road
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Erie PA
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Bob Weisman
Such a handsome guy!

I see quite a few Bourkes here at the local pet shops...always wondered about them..


Cruising the avenue
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I miss the chirps of bourkes! :) Unfortunately, I had to put my girl to sleep a few months back.

I *CAN* say I've been bitten by a bourke before! ;) New environment, new people, they're going to be scared! Got a family of three, and two of them bit me! And it hurts! LOL After settling in though, they never bit after that, which I found quite interesting and odd. Other than that, I completely agree! :)

Someday, I'll get more bourkes! :)


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
I miss the chirps of bourkes! :) Unfortunately, I had to put my girl to sleep a few months back.

I *CAN* say I've been bitten by a bourke before! ;) New environment, new people, they're going to be scared! Got a family of three, and two of them bit me! And it hurts! LOL After settling in though, they never bit after that, which I found quite interesting and odd. Other than that, I completely agree! :)

Someday, I'll get more bourkes! :)
Lol. What did you do to get bitten by a bourke! D: I've had to grab my boy to give him meds the first week I got him and I've never been bit. Those bourkes didn't know they were bourkes! Lol.


Rollerblading along the road
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So adorable.


Cruising the avenue
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Hell, NV
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It was when I first got them. An elderly couple decided to retire and travel the USA. Since they couldn't find a pet sitter, they decided to rehome their flock instead. They had two large flight cages (if you're lucky, you'll find them on Craigslist... or sometimes in an old movie! ;) ) with four birds. A turquoisine parakeet was in one, and a family of three bourkes in the other. Due to the size of the cages, I could not transport them in the cages. Instead, they were moved in travel cages. I think I was bit back then, after setting up their cages in my home and having to transfer them from the transport cages back to their flights. It was either that time, or the time after when I moved and had to, yet again, move the bourkes in transport cages.