S Sarin Rollerblading along the road Joined 10/19/09 Messages 1,986 Location Ontario Canada Real Name Nicole 11/10/09 #21 Hey!! Welcome to AA.
bubblelady Biking along the boulevard Avenue Veteran Joined 10/22/09 Messages 5,091 Location Hendersonville TN Real Name Maureen 11/10/09 #22 Glad to meet you. And Gingus (cinnamon gcc female) wants to extend a special welcom to Leila .
CeddysMum Biking along the boulevard Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Joined 10/16/09 Messages 6,988 Location Melbourne, Australia Real Name Astrid (formerly: 'featherbaby') 11/10/09 #23 Renae, great to see you and your zoo in the Avenue! I already saw the pics of your new baby, he's gorgeous!
Renae, great to see you and your zoo in the Avenue! I already saw the pics of your new baby, he's gorgeous!
itzmered Welcome to Parrotdise Super Administrator Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/27/09 Messages 25,728 Location Minnesota Real Name Chris 11/10/09 #24 Welcome to the Avenue!
rockoko Squawk and Meow! Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 39,672 Location NY Real Name Martine 11/10/09 #25 Welcome!!!
Sharpie Rollerblading along the road Avenue Veteran Joined 11/5/09 Messages 4,376 Location Now TN 11/10/09 #26 Happy to have you and your flock!
J*M*L Rollerblading along the road Joined 10/21/09 Messages 2,876 Location Austin, TX Real Name Julie 11/10/09 #27 Wow! I know who'll I'll be asking when I need tiel advice!
sophiamarini Walking the driveway Joined 11/10/09 Messages 201 Location Gold Coast, Australia Real Name Sophia 11/10/09 #28 Hi Renae!!
Thugluvgrl187 Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 20,484 Location Sunny Fl Real Name Miriam 11/10/09 #29 Hey Renae I remember you and our tiel convos. Glad you could make it!!
B Becca0406 Walking the driveway Joined 11/10/09 Messages 207 Location Phoenix, AZ, USA Real Name Rebecca 11/10/09 #30 Welcome ~ take a break every now and then from unpacking and just enjoy hangin out.
Marlene Welcome to the neighborhood! Joined 10/15/09 Messages 23,750 Location Miami Lakes, Fl. Real Name Marlene 11/10/09 #31 and to our neighbordhood! So glad you found your way. Look around, I am sure you will love it here.