Moving in
Hey all!
My husband and I have been trying to bond with our new Bourke for the past few weeks! He is a little over 3 months old, and is very fidgety when he's out of the cage. We can get him to step up fairly well, but when he's on our hand or shoulder, he can't wait to fly away from us.
He seems to be a bit fearful of us perhaps, and just always tries to get away when he's out for social time...
As far as his health and diet go, he eats and drinks very well, loves the toys in his cage, loves to sing throughout the day...everything there is fine! We're just bummed that we doesn't really have an interest in us. We've tried treats when he's out on our hands to encourage him to stay there, but that just lasts as long as the treat lasts.
So, fellow grasskeet folks: any tips on things we can try to do to form an actual bond with our little guy and get him to like us? We'd love him to be able to sit with us for more than a minute or two at a time!!
My husband and I have been trying to bond with our new Bourke for the past few weeks! He is a little over 3 months old, and is very fidgety when he's out of the cage. We can get him to step up fairly well, but when he's on our hand or shoulder, he can't wait to fly away from us.
He seems to be a bit fearful of us perhaps, and just always tries to get away when he's out for social time...
As far as his health and diet go, he eats and drinks very well, loves the toys in his cage, loves to sing throughout the day...everything there is fine! We're just bummed that we doesn't really have an interest in us. We've tried treats when he's out on our hands to encourage him to stay there, but that just lasts as long as the treat lasts.
So, fellow grasskeet folks: any tips on things we can try to do to form an actual bond with our little guy and get him to like us? We'd love him to be able to sit with us for more than a minute or two at a time!!