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Blue Topaz, baby


Sprinting down the street
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I adopted another bird today. She’s in rough shape, scared. I need to work on her diet. She’s mirror obsessed. I’ve had her for less than an hour. I am her third or fourth home. So I’m concerned with her overall condition and want to get her basics figured out.


Sprinting down the street
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Bleu Baby. She’s in rough shape and needs some help. I’ve got her on the same diet as the rest of my birds, but what else can I do? Yes she’s in a good size cage. She has toys, extra perches, and a hidey hole. My concern is diet.



Sprinting down the street
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I know she was purchased in El Paso Texas. I know her basic history as the person who gave her to me answered all the questions she could. I’d still like advice on diet needs.


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What is she eating and what was she eating? I usually let a new bird eat its old food until it settles in and then make dietary changes.


Sprinting down the street
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Sunflower seeds, cockatiels diet. It’s not something I see for monk parakeets advertised. I see a lot of nut blend pellets advertised and I like being species specific. She tried some carrot today from the chop bowl. I want to get her eating right. I know she shared a diet with an Electus. Very different species.


Sprinting down the street
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Brief update on Blue Baby. She’s a talker, I’ve been helping her with some pin feathers, she’s a helicopter bird but I think with some time she might settle down. I’ve noticed my lovebirds aren’t excited to see her. My ring neck is trying to be friendly. Yes, I have her in quarantine but they can hear, see, and talk to each other. She’s not ‘birding’ very well. She does have limited speech, so I’m wondering if she was sexed properly. It doesn’t matter if she’s male or female regardless, but we’ll see in the future. Her diet is improving. I need some advice on toys for her?


Sprinting down the street
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Blue is terrified of me. And she flies into dangerous spots. Like Celes and Jade combined, but I’m considering what to do. With my other birds I clipped to reduce dangerous flight, but Blue needs that escape I feel. She’s 9 months, so deciding is troubling. Any suggestions?


Jogging around the block
Avenue Spotlight Award
The monk/Quaker parakeets I've met have been super smart and make super strong social connections. If she's only 9 months old and has already been through 3 or 4 homes, she might take a while to trust you since she's been through some major emotional trauma. Maybe try just letting her be and just sit nearby talking to her or reading something out loud. Two weeks is pretty early for a scared rehome/rehome/rehome bird to settle in.

I would offer her old food mixed with new food until you are absolutely sure she's eating the new food just as much. And also offer lots of veggies! If she's used to eating veggies that's awesome!

My first parrot was scared of me and was underweight. There was no way I was going to be able to weigh him to make sure he was eating enough, so I weighed his food before and after he ate. This wouldn't work as well if she scatters crumbs but for mine most stayed in the bowl.

My Quaker came to me clipped but was still very young so he didn't struggle too much not being able to keep up with the others. I don't clip mine - he's a very good flier now. I definitely had to rethink some corners of the room and have put up curtains/cheap shower curtains on command hooks or tension rods so that he can't get into spaces I don't want him to, without me needing to pick him up or catch him. I probably would wait to see how Blue does over the next few months without clipping her - if she's not clipped now, doing so might make her even more hesitant.

Do you ever eat meals with your birds? This has worked for me with foster birds and even my independent guy gets suckered in to family dinner! I make a salad with all bird safe food, then make little salad plates with pellets and seed added, and put one or two near the birds that don't fly over. Then one or two on the table by me. Then eat! :) Every single time my visiting cockatiels come try something new, and my Quaker tries to steal my whole salad :) My solo guy even comes closer and checks out everything on his plate.

In my little mixed flock it's been a surprisingly easy way to reinforce happy flock dynamics.

My Quaker loves sola, balsa, paper straws, tearing lettuce leaves, throwing noisy balls. Sola and balsa toys are usually a good bet from reading here on the forum :)

Congratulations on little Blue! Hopefully with some patience she'll start coming around for you :)


Sprinting down the street
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Thank you so Much for responding. I’m working slowly with her. Thankfully I have some experience with birds like Blue. My heart broke when I heard her story. I’m going to be converting her to pellets come next spring but want to give her a few months to adjust to my household. I’ll look into those toys you mentioned. Should I offer a hut or something so she can hide? I’d like her to feel ‘safe’ the most right now.

I forgot to add that she has begun nibbling on proso. Not just sunflowers.

Alien J

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Janet Rush Van Eyck
Sunflower seeds, cockatiels diet. It’s not something I see for monk parakeets advertised. I see a lot of nut blend pellets advertised and I like being species specific. She tried some carrot today from the chop bowl. I want to get her eating right. I know she shared a diet with an Electus. Very different species.
It's been a year and the only veggie I can get Oscar to eat is sugar snap peas! I have gotten him started on Roudybush Crumbles though! And he loves senior Nutri-Berries.

The monk/Quaker parakeets I've met have been super smart and make super strong social connections. If she's only 9 months old and has already been through 3 or 4 homes, she might take a while to trust you since she's been through some major emotional trauma. Maybe try just letting her be and just sit nearby talking to her or reading something out loud. Two weeks is pretty early for a scared rehome/rehome/rehome bird to settle in.

Do you ever eat meals with your birds? This has worked for me with foster birds and even my independent guy gets suckered in to family dinner! I make a salad with all bird safe food, then make little salad plates with pellets and seed added, and put one or two near the birds that don't fly over. Then one or two on the table by me. Then eat! :) Every single time my visiting cockatiels come try something new, and my Quaker tries to steal my whole salad :) My solo guy even comes closer and checks out everything on his plate.

I agree that it's going to take more time. I've had Oscar for over a year and he just stepped up for the first time! Of course, he's 22. Like you, @Phocyn , I was Oscar's 4th or 5th owner in as many months!

I have found with every bird I've had, the eating with them is an excellent way to bond. I call it the eating game. You have to glance up at them while you're eating but look back down at your food as soon as they catch your eye. It's a game of everybody and everybirdy pretending they're not watching each other while knowing they all are! Then there's the food races! Pretty self explanatory! Fun times!