Jogging around the block
I love asian culture, art, food, architecture. Asia is for sure on my bucket list, particularly Hong Kong. I was looking at pictures, and I came across a site discussing bird walking. They love thier birds so much they walk them every morning. They feel a bird cooped up indoors all day will not sing and be a happy bird. There are even restaurants which have hooks for hanging your bird at your table while you eat. Bird friendly restaurant! Im sure if you opened one in the US you would be considered a loon. Thats ok, Im very fond of loons.
I also found they have a giant park, with a giant aviary, and another park dedicated to people who want to take their birdees to.
Below is the link to the park where people walk their birds...
Yuen Po Street Bird Garden, Hong Kong -
Here is the link to the park with a giant aviary...
Yuen Po Street Bird Garden, Hong Kong -
Hope the links work. I wish our culture embraced birds so well. I then would not be known as the crazy bird girl. But its ok
I also found they have a giant park, with a giant aviary, and another park dedicated to people who want to take their birdees to.
Below is the link to the park where people walk their birds...
Yuen Po Street Bird Garden, Hong Kong -
Here is the link to the park with a giant aviary...
Yuen Po Street Bird Garden, Hong Kong -
Hope the links work. I wish our culture embraced birds so well. I then would not be known as the crazy bird girl. But its ok