I'm here to tell you guys about Bernard- my little Linnie. Bernard is going to be 1 years old this Feb.
He's had a rough first year of life.
About 3 months ago, Bernard got his foot stuck in a quick link. His leg band slipped over his foot cutting off the circulation. We fought a hard battle, but he ended up losing his foot. He's managed to adapt REALLY well. He hobbles around, he hangs from the top of his cage, he manages amazingly well!
I'm so proud of him for overcoming his disability. He never acted differently. He managed on his own! I was amazed at how wonderfully he overcame his challenges.
Just today, Bernard has faced another challenge. His other Linnie friends (including the Linnie that he was bonded to, named Gus) really beat him up. They plucked the back of his head. And really hurt his wing. When I found him he was all fluffed up, weak, and bleeding. I was terrified for him. Thank god the second I called my vet he told me to get there as soon as I can. He cleaned Bernard's wing and gave him medications. Bernard again shocked me. When we got home and I put him in his hospital cage, he was back to happy Bernard.
It's about 6 hours after the accident and he's sitting wrapped up in a towel on the chaise with me, chirping and cuddling. I love him to pieces. He's amazing. I'm hoping to convince him that I'm a better thing to bond to than those bully friends of his. I hope I can fill that void for him... and I hope my little guy has no more challenges in his little life.
Here's a pic of him when he had his foot and one after the bandage was taken off after his surgery
He's had a rough first year of life.
About 3 months ago, Bernard got his foot stuck in a quick link. His leg band slipped over his foot cutting off the circulation. We fought a hard battle, but he ended up losing his foot. He's managed to adapt REALLY well. He hobbles around, he hangs from the top of his cage, he manages amazingly well!
I'm so proud of him for overcoming his disability. He never acted differently. He managed on his own! I was amazed at how wonderfully he overcame his challenges.
Just today, Bernard has faced another challenge. His other Linnie friends (including the Linnie that he was bonded to, named Gus) really beat him up. They plucked the back of his head. And really hurt his wing. When I found him he was all fluffed up, weak, and bleeding. I was terrified for him. Thank god the second I called my vet he told me to get there as soon as I can. He cleaned Bernard's wing and gave him medications. Bernard again shocked me. When we got home and I put him in his hospital cage, he was back to happy Bernard.
It's about 6 hours after the accident and he's sitting wrapped up in a towel on the chaise with me, chirping and cuddling. I love him to pieces. He's amazing. I'm hoping to convince him that I'm a better thing to bond to than those bully friends of his. I hope I can fill that void for him... and I hope my little guy has no more challenges in his little life.
Here's a pic of him when he had his foot and one after the bandage was taken off after his surgery
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