I got Jak when she was four-five months and terrified, high up in an enclosure in one of Petco's old, loud bird rooms. She was heavily clipped and would fall to the floor when she'd run away from you. When we got her home, she wouldn't play with any of her toys and in a month or so she started molting, so she needed extra help from us with the pinfeathers. Whenever we would leave her sight, she'd call out with contact calls like how dare you leave me where are you!? She would also accept scritches from us. Jak does not like children.
I got her a bird. Koi was still weaning with the other chicks in the hot box. She didn't even have both eyes open yet. I spent time with this girl for a month or so and then brought her home for Jak. She and I would play and I could flip her over in my hand and poke her belly and she'd step up on demand for anything. But the longer she was allowed to bond with Jak, the less friendly she's gotten with me over the last two years. She bites. The only time I get her to step up is if I have another one of the birds on my hand already and she'll come step on me because she's jealous. She has also told Jak that we will not be giving Jak scritches anymore. I give them a gesture that they're going in the cage and I start to put Idris and Jak away and Koi does not need any help I CAN DO IT MYSELF and puts herself back into the cage. She also told Jak it is still ok to hate children, but I gotcha covered. My baby bird is a baby butt. She still plays Gimme Kissy with me and when we do the belly pokes, it's my finger through the cage bars and her saying back POOOOKE.
Idris came along a year or so after and has been a dream. She'll be turning 3 in February, and as the third bird out, is not bonded to Jak or Koi. Koi will even chase her. If Koi is busy, she will snuggle and groom Jak, but she has no bird of her own. So she really loves bf and I and will even hang out with strangers. She was a few months old when I acquired her. She loves to fly to the kitchen when I'm busy and just hang out on my shoulder, watching everything going on. She loves people. I wonder if that will change.
So I have my shy one, my independent managerial bird, and my easy peasy lemon squeezy. The dynamics have been interesting.