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Amber in Dallas Fort Worth

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Checking out the neighborhood
I'm posting this on my fiancee's behalf as well as my own and my daughter's. We started our family 6 months ago and I as well as my daughter are, for lack of better words, not "bird folks". My fiancee has had his quaker parrot, Amber, for 5-6 years. After a lot of back and forth, give and take, suggestions on how to cooperate, we decided what is best for the Amber is to rehome her. We have busy schedules as most people do and she needs more love and attention than we can offer. Apparently, wherever she was before Graham adopted her was not so good. She has a feather-plucking issue. That is a nervous or anxious habit, I'm told. I have tried to warm up to her but she bites everyone even Graham (fiancee). My daughter (7) and I cannot get near her. She is alone all day sometimes for 10+ hours and at night we're entertaining a new puppy, gone to gymnastics, doing homework etc. Several holiday parties and little girl sleepovers have probably increased her frustration with us, as she is moved around to accommodate guests from out of town etc. Unfortunately, the story is that my fiancee had a difficult time with a busy schedule before; however, was able as a bachelor to give her attention. Now, with us and school and work, this is not possible.

She is really sweet. She says "hook-up" for food, "Pretty birdie", "Amber", and she sings the theme to Andy Griffin, for those of you who remember that show. We assume Amber is 15-20 years old. (She stopped laying eggs 2 years ago).

To someone who is a bird-lover as well as wanted to commit to giving her love and affection, she would make a swell companion. She is older, a little neurotic---perhaps???, but a character. She says her name all kinds of ways to let you know she's really wanting your attention or just to say hi.

Anyhow, our dilemna is not unusual, I'm sure. We would just like to see her find someone(s) who can give her a nice home. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Jill and Graham


Rollerblading along the road
Austin, TX
Real Name
I hope you find her a wonderful home. :hug8: I'm sure you've already posted on Craigslist?


Checking out the neighborhood
We're in the mid-cities, Watauga area to be precise. I haven't posted on Craigs List in hopes that I find a true bird lover that could help us out, she has been a great bird and we want to find her a very good home... Craigs list is our plan B if we can't find a new owner otherwise.

Thanks for your interest, I will pay closer attention to this thread. If you know anyone that might help please also feel free to email me at



Riley's mom

Rollerblading along the road
Holiday, Florida
Real Name
I know exactly where you are. We are from Irving. I still have family there, and there was talk about either them coming out here, or us going back there. If you would like, I can see what I can do about one of them getting her from you and getting her out here to me. She will fit in nicely with my crew.


Checking out the neighborhood
I know exactly where you are. We are from Irving. I still have family there, and there was talk about either them coming out here, or us going back there. If you would like, I can see what I can do about one of them getting her from you and getting her out here to me. She will fit in nicely with my crew.
Thank you, I may contact you if it gets to that point. For now I am going to keep trying to find someone local. She is prone to stressing out easy and I am not sure she would do well on a long road trip. For now I am going to keep looking here in the DFW area, I have posted her on a few different forums.

Please, if you know anyone in North Texas that would be a good fit let me know.

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