K Kelly Moving in Joined 10/16/09 Messages 7 10/16/09 #1 Hi I'm Kelly, live in cold Ohio with a TAG and a Sun Conure and a black lab/dalmation mix dog who is 15 1/2 years old.
Hi I'm Kelly, live in cold Ohio with a TAG and a Sun Conure and a black lab/dalmation mix dog who is 15 1/2 years old.
Cynthia & Percy cockatoo mania Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avian Angel Joined 10/16/09 Messages 1,000,000 Location USA bound Real Name cynthia 10/16/09 #2 welcome I am glad you joined and made it over here
Gen120 Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 23,333 Location Memphis, TN Real Name Victoria :) 10/16/09 #3 Kelly, I am SO glad to see you back! I really missed you a lot!
Robin Rollerblading along the road Avenue Veteran Joined 10/16/09 Messages 2,153 Location MD Real Name Robin 10/16/09 #4
calibird California Bird Nerds Vendor Avenue Veteran Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 6,850 Location Palmdale, California Real Name Ann 10/16/09 #5 Welcome Ann Calibird
Birdlover Avian Addiction! Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/14/09 Messages 14,765 10/17/09 #6 Sure have missed you too Kelly.
Alex Take a stroll down the Avenue! Joined 10/14/09 Messages 3,104 Location Oregon 10/17/09 #7 Kelly, sure glad to see you here with us
Kristy Welcome to the Avenue! Joined 10/14/09 Messages 7,822 10/17/09 #8 Kelly, welcome!! I hope we get to hear about Skittles and Peanut again. Any trips to any schools lately?
Kelly, welcome!! I hope we get to hear about Skittles and Peanut again. Any trips to any schools lately?
waterfaller1 Ripping up the road Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 26,782 Real Name carole 10/17/09 #9 Welcome
Anne & Gang Riding the Skies Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Avian Angel Joined 10/16/09 Messages 1,000,000 Location Caledon, Ontario, Canada Real Name Anne 10/17/09 #10
Angelicarboreals Rollerblading along the road Avenue Veteran Joined 10/16/09 Messages 4,716 Location Tulsa, Oklahoma Real Name Angela 10/17/09 #11 Welcome aboard!
N Nikki Hit the Road Joined 10/16/09 Messages 10,927 Location South Florida Real Name Nikki 10/17/09 #12 Kelly!
Billie Faye Biking along the boulevard Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 7,076 Location NC Real Name Billie Faye 10/17/09 #13 Kelly!
Birdiemarie Feather Snuggler Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/14/09 Messages 42,502 Location Ohio Real Name Marie 10/18/09 #14 It's great you came over to AA, Kelly! Attachments parrotP.jpg 53.8 KB Views: 11
birdlady Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 15,562 Location NJ Real Name Leslie 10/18/09 #15 Welcome Kelly!
Patricia Jogging around the block Joined 10/16/09 Messages 614 Location Winnipeg,Mb,Canada Real Name Patricia Lippai 10/18/09 #16 Welcome
ortegah Biking along the boulevard Avenue Veteran Joined 10/16/09 Messages 6,941 Real Name Heather Ortega 10/18/09 #17 Howdy
Thugluvgrl187 Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 20,484 Location Sunny Fl Real Name Miriam 11/20/09 #18 Hello and Welcome to the Avenue!! So glad you joined