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I wasn't sure which section to post this in but I need advice. Alba (my tiel) has had two big vet visits and bills in the past 3 months. I spent around 1,400 in total and she seems to keep having issues come up. She's only 5 and I feel like she has a respiratory issue, and after $800 of testing and treatment she had a reaction to one of the meds which is used for respiratory issues so they had me take her off of them but now she's sneezing and her nose sounds congested again after she got better for a while and I feel like it's my fault because she jumped in my paint (non-toxic) and I gave her a bath and she got a bit of water in her nose. She also broke a blood feather a few days ago and hasn't bled since. I can't afford the vet and although i am over 18 I still live with my mom and she is saying i can't take her anymore. I have so much anxiety consistently about losing her. She is my life, I love her so much and she keeps me going, whenever she has any issue it feels like my world is crumbling. I think about it every second and i'm constantly filled with anxiety to the point where it causes me physical issues like constant stomach pains and breathing problems. I can't cope with the idea of losing her, but I know she's so delicate and anything could happen. This might not be the right place to discuss this but has any other owner struggled this way? How do you overcome it? I just fear one day something will be out of my control. Deep down I know I should have never gotten a bird, but I was young before, and now I can't handle the idea of being away from her. Even a few hours at work away from her causes me extreme stressed and I'm meant to leave the country for a month next year to visit family. I feel like if something were to happen to her I could not handle it, I can't go to therapy at the moment.


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Vic, Australia
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Rollerblading along the road
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I appreciate you telling your story here. How are you today? Updates?


Cruising the avenue
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Hell, NV
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I got my first cockatiel when I was 13.... she lived to be 21. We had some bumps along the way... including her gulping down cooking oil! :banghead: This was back before I had a vet... I lived in a tiny town, less than 100 residents.... only 1/4 mile long. The next biggest city was 30 miles away... and back then, I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as "bird vets". All I could do was to keep her warm, hydrated and fed whatever she was willing to eat until she cleared the oil from her system.... plus baths!

She was a feisty little bird... and I miss her. :sorrow:

I now live in the area of said city... and have found vets that see birds.... but honestly, I feel like they are so incompetent.... :sigh:

If you're in the USA, you can look into Care Credit to help pay for vet fees. I had to have established credit before I could get a Care Credit card... but it's possible that things could have changed over the years.

If nothing else, I would at least recommend having alcohol free milk thistle in your arsenal. It can help to detoxify the liver, which in turn may help gets birds over being sick.

Another option would be gut enzymes/probiotics for parrots. I couldn't tell you the best ones... but I have seen Soil Based Organics (SBO) probiotics or a bark one (larch arabinogalactan) come highly recommended for other species. I can't tell you that they would be beneficial for parrots, but then, there may not be as much research on gut biome for parrots to begin with....

And none of these should EVER take the place of seeing an avian vet if/when possible.


Biking along the boulevard
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I had to deal with avian Chlamydia in my whole flock of 7 at the same time because I took in an escaped budgie who was attacked by a cat at the time we were trying to catch it.. because I had to treat from cat bite to his face , and near starvation when In 2 weeks he had recovered and gain backed weight and was so feisty....I let him out of quarantine early.....he started some sneezing later that same day ..shortly all my birds were sick . I came so very close to loosing one , and 2 others were also very sick, the rest more mild.

everyone who is a regular here has heard me speak on this many times , I'm fairly certain I have real PTSD from this . But maybe it also helps some folks , because avian Chlamydia is actually a pretty common cause of respiratory infection, tho by no means the only one.

It's a weird bacteria, and many birds can be carrier,silent shedders , or break with it when stressed from something else because it's been hidden ( in liver most common hiding spot) Also it's not able to be cultured, require a blood test but false negatives are common. The thing is , only doxycycline will get rid of it , and because of how it goes dormant and hides , it takes 45 days of doxycycline to clear. And a relapse is common requiring a second round of 45 days of doxy. Because it's a real stinker, it can respond a little to other antibiotics, but because those aren't affective then worsens again. It is completely treatable tho! The antibiotic doxycycline is cheap, mostly done by making up and, and providing as their sole medicated water source. Well tolerated by the birds.
it actually took 3 rounds for me to clear my flock . If I didn't understand this and trust my veterinarian, it would seem like they were just getting sick over and over again. My birds are fully recovered and living happy lives.

this might be something you could discuss with your veterinarian. After spending so much money and being such a dedicated owner . They might be willing to give the doxy a try , if they felt it's in the realm of possibility.

your bird has provided a lot of love and support to you. While the anxiety is aweful, you might very well be suffering it anyway only with a different focus. It is something you are going to have to find a way or help with to lessen. Some anxiety comes with love. At least myself and many other here have confessed times of this.

This isn't said to cure you, fix you, or diminish what you are going through in any way . But a tool I use , and see mentioned so many times..get up and move , go for a walk outside, when able , when you are stuck in this mental loop. Be conscious of the smells, the sounds , the feel of the air , look, look for as many shades of color as possible, notice something different, even the same walk you will notice something new that has always been there.

I'm dealing with greif, and some other stressors. In reading tips of dealing with greif , the same as above was mentioned as a tool. Giving yourself a certain amount of time to be in those swirling thoughts, then making the effort to stop and give yourself a break , an effort to redirect your focus. It's not as easy as saying it .

These are just tools that can help , maybe if only a little. Even when you are able to receive more personalized help from a professional, it's likely something they would share in addition to possible medication or therapy.

Yoga is also so good at centering our mind in our body . I had no idea , until I did. At a extremely stressful time in my career , when mass layoffs were happening, people who id worked with ten years or longer would walk in be layed off and gone ... anyway a coworker convinced a few of us to all join this yoga class. It was an intense hot yoga class !!! Don't remember what it's called. Our instructor talked about how we all live in our head , or like a bubble outside of our body , how yoga would help us be more centered and connected back into our bodies. For me it sure did ! And for my coworkers too! It was so much help to us. One time we did this certain position and the instructor talked about how we store " energy/emotion/ trauma???" In parts of our bodies, or one side is all hitched up .. anyway all sorts of stuff. By the end of the 3 weeks I was a believer , I never slept so well it has so much flexibility returning to my body .

Ok after written that, I'm making an effort to get yoga back into my life !

Much warmth to you . You aren't alone


Meeting neighbors
Real Name
I got my first cockatiel when I was 13.... she lived to be 21. We had some bumps along the way... including her gulping down cooking oil! :banghead: This was back before I had a vet... I lived in a tiny town, less than 100 residents.... only 1/4 mile long. The next biggest city was 30 miles away... and back then, I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as "bird vets". All I could do was to keep her warm, hydrated and fed whatever she was willing to eat until she cleared the oil from her system.... plus baths!

She was a feisty little bird... and I miss her. :sorrow:

I now live in the area of said city... and have found vets that see birds.... but honestly, I feel like they are so incompetent.... :sigh:

If you're in the USA, you can look into Care Credit to help pay for vet fees. I had to have established credit before I could get a Care Credit card... but it's possible that things could have changed over the years.

If nothing else, I would at least recommend having alcohol free milk thistle in your arsenal. It can help to detoxify the liver, which in turn may help gets birds over being sick.

Another option would be gut enzymes/probiotics for parrots. I couldn't tell you the best ones... but I have seen Soil Based Organics (SBO) probiotics or a bark one (larch arabinogalactan) come highly recommended for other species. I can't tell you that they would be beneficial for parrots, but then, there may not be as much research on gut biome for parrots to begin with....

And none of these should EVER take the place of seeing an avian vet if/when possible.
I really really appreciate your response, it eased my anxiety a lot to know this. I constantly fear I'm not caring for her good enough, I got her when I was 14 I believe and I turn 20 soon, and these past couple of months have definitely been rough. I found a sweet little vet office in another area and they were super kind and even offered advice before telling me to come in. The previous one I went to made me come in as if it was an emergency then charged me more simply for taking on look at her, and she still wasn't feeling better
I actually signed up for nationwide bird insurance, hopefully the vet I transferred her to takes this. I'm so sorry for the loss of your little one! I'm glad she had such a caring owner!:) clearly she was well loved to live so long. Take care!


Meeting neighbors
Real Name
I had to deal with avian Chlamydia in my whole flock of 7 at the same time because I took in an escaped budgie who was attacked by a cat at the time we were trying to catch it.. because I had to treat from cat bite to his face , and near starvation when In 2 weeks he had recovered and gain backed weight and was so feisty....I let him out of quarantine early.....he started some sneezing later that same day ..shortly all my birds were sick . I came so very close to loosing one , and 2 others were also very sick, the rest more mild.

everyone who is a regular here has heard me speak on this many times , I'm fairly certain I have real PTSD from this . But maybe it also helps some folks , because avian Chlamydia is actually a pretty common cause of respiratory infection, tho by no means the only one.

It's a weird bacteria, and many birds can be carrier,silent shedders , or break with it when stressed from something else because it's been hidden ( in liver most common hiding spot) Also it's not able to be cultured, require a blood test but false negatives are common. The thing is , only doxycycline will get rid of it , and because of how it goes dormant and hides , it takes 45 days of doxycycline to clear. And a relapse is common requiring a second round of 45 days of doxy. Because it's a real stinker, it can respond a little to other antibiotics, but because those aren't affective then worsens again. It is completely treatable tho! The antibiotic doxycycline is cheap, mostly done by making up and, and providing as their sole medicated water source. Well tolerated by the birds.
it actually took 3 rounds for me to clear my flock . If I didn't understand this and trust my veterinarian, it would seem like they were just getting sick over and over again. My birds are fully recovered and living happy lives.

this might be something you could discuss with your veterinarian. After spending so much money and being such a dedicated owner . They might be willing to give the doxy a try , if they felt it's in the realm of possibility.

your bird has provided a lot of love and support to you. While the anxiety is aweful, you might very well be suffering it anyway only with a different focus. It is something you are going to have to find a way or help with to lessen. Some anxiety comes with love. At least myself and many other here have confessed times of this.

This isn't said to cure you, fix you, or diminish what you are going through in any way . But a tool I use , and see mentioned so many times..get up and move , go for a walk outside, when able , when you are stuck in this mental loop. Be conscious of the smells, the sounds , the feel of the air , look, look for as many shades of color as possible, notice something different, even the same walk you will notice something new that has always been there.

I'm dealing with greif, and some other stressors. In reading tips of dealing with greif , the same as above was mentioned as a tool. Giving yourself a certain amount of time to be in those swirling thoughts, then making the effort to stop and give yourself a break , an effort to redirect your focus. It's not as easy as saying it .

These are just tools that can help , maybe if only a little. Even when you are able to receive more personalized help from a professional, it's likely something they would share in addition to possible medication or therapy.

Yoga is also so good at centering our mind in our body . I had no idea , until I did. At a extremely stressful time in my career , when mass layoffs were happening, people who id worked with ten years or longer would walk in be layed off and gone ... anyway a coworker convinced a few of us to all join this yoga class. It was an intense hot yoga class !!! Don't remember what it's called. Our instructor talked about how we all live in our head , or like a bubble outside of our body , how yoga would help us be more centered and connected back into our bodies. For me it sure did ! And for my coworkers too! It was so much help to us. One time we did this certain position and the instructor talked about how we store " energy/emotion/ trauma???" In parts of our bodies, or one side is all hitched up .. anyway all sorts of stuff. By the end of the 3 weeks I was a believer , I never slept so well it has so much flexibility returning to my body .

Ok after written that, I'm making an effort to get yoga back into my life !

Much warmth to you . You aren't alone
Ahh this response made me emotional in a good way! :,) I really appreciate your effort and time you took into sharing this. I truly do believe in PTSD from things like this. They aren't just our birds, they're our children in a sense! I barely make much but I'd spend my entire savings just to make sure Alba is safe and happy. I am almost 20 however my mom is still a bit strict on how I spend things (Rightfully so I completely understand her point of view, but when it comes to Alba I simply cannot listen)
I can't believe how much you went through with your whole flock truly a dedicated owner and props to you! I hope you're healing well with them and that your suggestions are helping you as well! I noticed that when I go out and I'm working it helps clear my mind. I will definitely try yoga :) Again I truly appreciate the response, it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone and that maybe she isn't as doomed as I lead myself to believe haha
I do think I could change the way I do things with her sometimes, she sleeps in my room with me and I feel like my movements wake her so I'm looking to get her another cage to have in another room so she can sleep better there

Also! I actually did give her doxy, but she threw it up so I took her back and they told me to take her off of it, but I'm not sure if it was the right call as it now might have made her issues worse but she seems to be doing okay
edit: she also tested negative for chlamydia luckily!


Meeting neighbors
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I appreciate you telling your story here. How are you today? Updates?
Thank you so much for asking! She seems to be doing okay, but she's yawning a lot and she seemed cold, I called the vet and explained and they gave me some suggestions to try for a bit and if she doesnt seem better I'd bring her in
I'm still having a bit of anxiety but it lessened! Hope you're well:)