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Advice for bleeding?


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Hi! I have posted a few times here relating to my parrotlet's health. He's been struggling with respiratory problems. I've taken him to many vets, and nobody can figure out what to do. He's been on many different medications, but nothing seems to help. He's an older bird that I have adopted. Some days are better than others with his breathing, but when his breathing gets bad, he gets really paranoid and spooked. Last night, I had a really bad scare because I put him to sleep and covered his cage. Like I always do, I guess he got spooked, and I heard a thud at the bottom of his cage. I ran over and opened it, and he was bleeding on his beak. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I was trying to examine him, but he's not the type to let you really hold him like that. He was fighting me, so I wasn't wanting to stress him. I found that the bleeding was underneath his wing. And he kept lifting his wing and biting on it. I was trying to stop the bleeding, but I didn't know what to do. I kept an eye on him, and I believe it stopped, so I put him in his cage and left it uncovered for like an hour, keeping an eye on him, and then I covered him back up and put him to sleep. I woke up this morning, and he seems okay, but I just need to know what I should do in a situation like that because that was really scary. I know I need to stop the bleeding, but I don't know how to get ahold of him, and I don't want to stress him so badly because it's breathing problems, and it was a lot of blood for how little he is. Any advice would be appreciated.


Biking along the boulevard
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Southern VA, US
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Meghan (she/her)
For small shallow bleeds, like nails (and possibly this, but it's hard to say without seeing it) corn starch is great for stopping bleeding.


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
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Ontario Canada
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I've also used flour. For bad bleeds putting so pressure help if they let you do that too