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Adding an Amazon-thoughts/help?


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So after researching I’ve found my way to this point. I have large bird experience and love how Amazons are fairly easy to read when looking for the signs. That said I’ve come to a point where I’ve found different ones available and I’m doing all I can think meet them all.

I know all birds are individuals and that’s top priority, but I have a few questions:

My list:
-Mealy(found one, but age is questionable to my eyes, but I totally can be wrong in my thoughts)

-BFA male(yes I know they’re a hot list bird), this one is 8 months old and has a great disposition. That said I know hormones can change this. I was told this one has never done any bluffing and was told that’s a very good thing? Is that possible and is that a good thing? I’ve also heard “Chaco” type is typically nicer and honestly don’t know anyone with them other than what I read on “the golden cockatoo’s description”

-Mexican Red Head
-BFA(Chaco type)

I’m very excited and would love to hear thoughts from those that actually own these, not from people who have read things. Any help with breeders that are great would also be wonderful. My best experiences have been from actual breeders vs middle men. I’m open to a middle men. Handling a potential to be more than a one person bird is important, I do understand that can happen with any bird with the right socialization and I’m more than prepared to do that.

Thank you!


Ripping up the road
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My experience with Amazons is limited- just volunteering with a rescue. But my suggestion is to always go for an adult if possible. Their personality is set so you kind of know what you're getting and you're going to by-pass that hormonal puberty stage. And, there are so many out there in need of a good home. That said, my favorite is the Lilac-crowned Amazon.

Also, if you tell us where you're located, people can perhaps suggest breeders close to you.


Meeting neighbors
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My experience with Amazons is limited- just volunteering with a rescue. But my suggestion is to always go for an adult if possible. Their personality is set so you kind of know what you're getting and you're going to by-pass that hormonal puberty stage. And, there are so many out there in need of a good home. That said, my favorite is the Lilac-crowned Amazon.

Also, if you tell us where you're located, people can perhaps suggest breeders close to you.
Thank you! I’m in Vermont


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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I owned 2 old wild caught BFA's.

I vote for the seniors. There's so many in rescues that need a good home.


Biking along the boulevard
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Meghan (she/her)
No Amazon, but acquired an adult cockatoo (apparently a hot list species, had no idea at the time) - I also suggest an adult. No weird puberty stage, and don't amazons live forever?


Biking along the boulevard
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No Amazon, but acquired an adult cockatoo (apparently a hot list species, had no idea at the time) - I also suggest an adult. No weird puberty stage, and don't amazons live forever?
What is this hot list species you all keep talking about seen it loads at min


Biking along the boulevard
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Southern VA, US
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Meghan (she/her)
What is this hot list species you all keep talking about seen it loads at min
Top rehomed species - Amazons, cockatoos, and... I forget the third. Macaws I'd assume?

As far as I've read, cockatoos are the #1 rehomed species because of the noise and occasionally the fact they're certifiably insane


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I owned 2 old wild caught BFA's.

I vote for the seniors. There's so many in rescues that need a good home.
Thanks! I’ve been looking at Petfinder too. I’ve rescued numerous animals and not against it, even have rescued off the track thoroughbreds. My main goal is to understand and arm myself with knowledge, so anyone with info around those mentioned please do share. Thanks everyone!


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So after researching I’ve found my way to this point. I have large bird experience and love how Amazons are fairly easy to read when looking for the signs. That said I’ve come to a point where I’ve found different ones available and I’m doing all I can think meet them all.

I know all birds are individuals and that’s top priority, but I have a few questions:

My list:
-Mealy(found one, but age is questionable to my eyes, but I totally can be wrong in my thoughts)

Mealies are rare now, probably because they're not flashy, like a nape or double yellowhead. I have known several and met people who shared their lives with them. The ones I've met and heard about have pleasing dispositions. They only drawback I've ever heard is that they can be LOUD. If I thought the mealie was healthy and had any kind of connection with the bird, I wouldn't hesitate.

-BFA male(yes I know they’re a hot list bird), this one is 8 months old and has a great disposition. That said I know hormones can change this. I was told this one has never done any bluffing and was told that’s a very good thing? Is that possible and is that a good thing? I’ve also heard “Chaco” type is typically nicer and honestly don’t know anyone with them other than what I read on “the golden cockatoo’s description”

This bird is a baby, so hormonal behavior should be years in the future. Amazons in general are sassy, bold, and decisive. They like you, or they don't. At this point in aviculture, the term "chaco" is a marketing term. I would say it's virtually impossible to find a true "chaco," meaning the bird is descended from parents indigenous to Paraguay, Argentina, and Bolivia. I was around when you could find true chacos. They tended to have more yellow on their heads but mainly on their alulas, bend of the wing, and primary coverts. I don't remember, and I'm not going to dig out the Stoodley Amazon book, but chacos might've been the subspecies xanthopteryx, or "yellow wing." I wouldn't want a male of the hot 3 and have lived/worked with birds since I was 15; I'm 54 now. No thank you.

-Mexican Red Head
I think these 2 make fine companions. Panamas are amazing; I spent a day with a breeder who only raised Panamas. She had 7-10 adults and a few babies when I visited. They were delightful. I'd get a hen if I were looking for an Amazon.
I have no experience with Cubans.
-BFA(Chaco type)
I already spoke to this. Nope. I like my blood in its original container. Morgan, my DYH, has bitten me 4 times in 29 years; they were all preventable and/or my fault. She's very laid back for a DYA: I lucked out. No male 'zons here, thank you. No offense to those of you that have them. I'm stating my personal preference.
I’m very excited and would love to hear thoughts from those that actually own these, not from people who have read things. Any help with breeders that are great would also be wonderful. My best experiences have been from actual breeders vs middle men. I’m open to a middle men. Handling a potential to be more than a one person bird is important, I do understand that can happen with any bird with the right socialization and I’m more than prepared to do that.

Find Carmen (maybe in Georgia?) on birdbreeders.com. I think she has 2 juvenile Panamas. I would get one in a heartbeat if I were looking. Good luck.
Thank you!


Meeting neighbors
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Thank you so very much! This is extremely, extremely helpful for me. I’ve been looking at rescues and sadly, it’s hard being in VT and then having the rescues have distance requirements. Also, many of the ones I’ve found say, “not good with kids” etc. Will keep looking and use this information you provided. Thank you!


Sprinting down the street
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For one on the bluffing behavior. In my experience Amazons do not bluff no matter the species. If they say they will bite they will. Bluffing is more a macaw thing. Amazons tell you with all the clear signs to back off that is true. They will just follow thru on their threats with great enjoyment:roflmao:

Hot 3 males can be a crazy thing to deal with. I would recommend them if they have clearly chosen you but that can make them difficult for other people in the household. The other time is if you plain old love amazons in general & don’t mind working thru the crazy thats just in their blood. Kelly my amazon (YNA) chose me & I can do what I want with a pressure bite at most to say he’s done dealing my crap. But others in the house will have blood drawn & have to knock him off to get him to let go & if his wings worked better he doesn’t mind flying at people if he’s really worked up.

Panamas have always been great to work with & one of the least likely to really bite compared to other amazons. They more seemed to lean away than go straight to biting at you.

Mexican amazons never made much of an impression either way. Not bad to deal with but not my go to if I wanted to take an amazon out. I don’t remember them ever being overly aggressive.

The white fronted Amazon if you haven’t found them yet. Smaller but a riot. There is so much personality locked into them. They were always a bit of a noisy clown.

Mealy - I’ve never dealt with a pure one. Ive only seen ones crossed out.
Cuban - I don’t think one came in while I worked with the shelter birds.
I will say my go to at the shelter to take out was the Hot 3. The crazy made things interesting:lol:


Biking along the boulevard
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So after researching I’ve found my way to this point. I have large bird experience and love how Amazons are fairly easy to read when looking for the signs. That said I’ve come to a point where I’ve found different ones available and I’m doing all I can think meet them all.

I know all birds are individuals and that’s top priority, but I have a few questions:

My list:
-Mealy(found one, but age is questionable to my eyes, but I totally can be wrong in my thoughts)
The Gabriel Foundation has a mealy pair, and a mealy single who is said to like kids
they adopt out of state, but you do have to make a visit in person.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Fyi...... I met an amazon that bluffed..... he just enjoyed it!


Sprinting down the street
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Fyi...... I met an amazon that bluffed..... he just enjoyed it!
lol I’m sure there’s a few that don’t mind just watching you jump, they are psychos. I did tend to play with all the crazies like the ones that flew at you or just ground their beak in when biting for fun. So I might be biased a bit on Amazon behavior:roflmao: Whenever they did the outdoor amazon flight they sent me to get the loud crazies out there together :hilarious: I do miss the problem children sometimes.

yes thats Kelly in there wondering why he’s stuck with these psychos. I took him back to hang out when I was at the shelter & he never seemed impressed with the idea haha. I believe the one curving his neck is Buddy. He was a flier at your face. Eventually found the person he wanted to go home with if I remember right.


Rollerblading along the road
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When in doubt, get a female. Especially of the hot 3 (DYH, yellow nape and blue front). I doubt chaco has much to do with personality. It's common for people to say the prettier, larger or more desirable color or subspecies has a better personality. This isn't true. Color doesn't have much to do with temperament.
Saying that the behavior of an adult is set in stone is a little too general for my liking. Plenty of adult birds will be on their best behavior when in a new environment and then revert to their regular selves once they settle in. If you get an adult, observe its behavior around it's cage, in a room it is very familiar with. Make sure the owner can handle it well and that the bird will accept petting from the owner if that is important to you. Also, make sure you don't bring a nice male home to a household with other green birds of about the same size. Plenty of males that are overall nice birds have gone nuts with hormones when housed in the same room with a severe macaw for example or large green conure.
For amazon species that are not the hot 3, female is still best, but less important. I'd still be a little cautious about birds that fall into the yellow headed group such as yellow fronts and Panamas. Also, no amazon ever is guaranteed to be good with kids. More likely to be decent with kids would be species like lilac crowned, mexican red heads, red lored amazons, orange wings. Still no guarantees. If jumping off the cage and chasing your kids around with intent to cause harm is a deal breaker for you, maybe don't get an amazon. Especially, don't get a male.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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I will say that MC was a dna male blue front but was my bestest buddy ever. Truly adorable but independent and did like to be skritched when he wanted it. He put his head down and showed it.

He was also FAST. Hubby was just talking about how fast he could be in his cage to get to the side to scare him. In the beginning, hubby played with MC by placing a ball on top of the cage and MC would run to it to knock it off. Somewhere down the line MC decided it was fun to try to scare hubby. Hubby would walk by and wham, MC would try to hit the bars by hubby. Unless I was looking.... then it was a stop dead and what??? look from that parrot.


Biking along the boulevard
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@Clueless -Same experience here. Chico was my male flighted BFA and my heart bird. Independent, but asked me for scratches, training, and play, and what a talker! He was my Latin lover and protector so would chase my husband. My husband seemed to enjoy it in a weird Pink Panther Inspector Clouseau vs Cato way.

When I would see he was about to launch I could call out "circle" and Chico was trained so well to turn in a circle because he wanted very much to be a 'good boy' that would stop him doing anything else that he shouldn't do. I tried to train my husband to stop teasing him but no success there.

We had a split-level house plan with 7 steps, then a landing and turn to 7 more steps.. He wasn't comfortable flying up the tight turn in the staircase, but for exercise I'd let him chase my husband climbing up the carpeted stairs one by one. He was so fast doing that! I'd have to run too because upstairs was the territory for my male flighted G2 who was buddies with my husband and didn't like Chico. Geez, boys!


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Wow, ditto for my hubby!

Gosh I miss MC and his "What cha doin" yell when I walked down the hallway.