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food issues

  1. T

    Pictures Cockatiel trouble

    Hey everyone, I have a cockatiel who is 11 years old. Her beak only started overgrowing in December so I took her for a beak trim yesterday by a vet. He also sprayed her for mites. She hasn’t eaten properly since. She generally doesn’t like anything other than her seed mix but she occasionally...
  2. G

    32 year old CAG Dumping Food

    Hi all, my 32 year old CAG started dumping his seed/ food (same seed we’ve been feeding him for over 30 years once we figured out which one he liked). He scoops it out of his bowl, and even holds the banana chips in the seed to scoop the food out! My father lived with us and passed in January...
  3. tiki07

    Can I get my petshop budgie to eat fruits? Help.

    I've had my budgie for a few months now and she has only been eating millet ever since. I tried giving her fruits and vegetables when I first got her, but she ignored them (I did not try feeding her directly, only leaving them in the cage for her. I boiled carrots, I gave her peeled slices of...
  4. A

    My cockatiel won't eat sunflower seeds or anything hard!! How do I teach him?

    Hey, everyone. I'm a new member here so forgive me if I'm not following any conventions. So I got a cockatiel recently. He's 6 months old and haven't had his first molt yet. The seller said he's a male so I'm calling it a he. So my problem is that he cannot bite into anything that's hard...
  5. Melli

    Checking in from Maryland

    Hello! My name is Melli and I am Mama to 3 new budgies, Opal, Oz, and Oshi. Hoping to add one more to the mix soon! I SAY I rescued them... because I bought them from PetSmart... and I definitely FEEL like they were being rescued! I've never had budgies before, but I'm already in love with...