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  1. Kackington

    Handyman sprayed Clorox into AC unit… how long until I can bring birds back into that room?

    Hi all! :) So I recently made my move out to LA… I miss central heating and air so much. So the wall AC unit in the living room of my 1 bedroom apartment had been smelling musty and stale, so I avoided using the unit. I finally got a guy to come help me out, and I know the only way to kill...
  2. RebeccaZM

    Kind of urgent? Resolve stain remover smell/fumes!

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping you can help me with today's blunder. So this morning I tripped as I was bringing a glass of juice upstairs to drink while I got ready, and spilled the juice toward the top of the stairs over about 3-4 steps total. I had to rush out the door to make it to an...
  3. D

    No aerosols near budgies, but what about in the same house?

    I am considering adopting a budgie. I know I cannot use any air pollutants (candles, Teflon, incense, air fresheners, etc.) around a bird. But every time I search for info, sources just say "don't use near birds." I find this unhelpful; what is considered "near" the bird? I do not live in a...
  4. Drosec

    Safe Disinfectant

    Hey everyone! I am traveling with my green cheek this weekend. This will be her fifth time on a plane so she is very used to the whole routine and is a very good bird while traveling. my concern this time is COVID. I want to wipe down/disinfect my seat and especially my tray table at the...